It can't be normal, or healthy, that the only thing that enters into quip's mind when he sees pictures of children is pedophilia--that pedophilia is the only thing quip's mind associates with children/pictures of children. What is it about the pictures
ok doser posted that made you immediately think of pedophilia, quip? Was it the fact that they were pictures of children? Yes or No?
Yikes! Seek help, then. Please do!
You do observe, don't you, quip, that nobody else in this thread has seconded your calling ok doser a pedophile? Yes or No?
That's right: you're the only one (so far as I can tell) who has called ok doser a pedophile.
Why do you think that is, quip?
Would you like to be called a pedophile, quip? Yes or No?
Well, forgive me, but, despite the fact that (as you affirm, here) you would like to be called a pedophile, I, for one, won't be calling you a pedophile, quip, as you like to call people who dissent from and criticize your stupidities. I leave it to irrationally-thinking/behaving clowns like you to employ anti-debate tactics like that, quip.
Would you like to be asked, "Are you a pedophile?", quip? Yes or No?
Again, forgive me, but, despite the fact that (as you affirm, here) you would like to be asked, "Are you a pedophile?", I won't be asking you that, quip, as you like to ask people who dissent from and criticize your stupidities. Again, I leave it to irrationally-thinking/behaving clowns like you to employ anti-debate tactics like that, quip.