ok doser
lifeguard at the cement pond
Oh, yes they do...
oh artie, you're in a class by yourself :chuckle:
Oh, yes they do...
Sure you do. You've lied about me being a white supremacist and advocating the killing of blacks babies to name just two.
Cthulhu is actually a fictional creation by H. P. Lovecraft but never mind...
In other words, "Cthulhu" is merely a nonsense word, and the name of no thing--just like I had just got done saying.
Nope. I don't lie about that. You're lying about me by saying I have lied about that.
I've never once heard you speak against abortion. You refuse to write "Yes!" in answer to my question as to whether abortion is always, under all circumstances, wrong, evil, and a sin against God and man. I take that as you answering "No!" You get no hedge of neutrality, here. Not an option for you. Your refusal to answer "Yes!" is you advocating the killing of black babies.
In other words, "Cthulhu" is merely a nonsense word, and the name of no thing--just like I had just got done saying.
oh artie, you're in a class by yourself :chuckle:
The sack-less hypocrites reported me. :baby:
LOL. Predictable saps...they are.
Done for the night mods....
I knew it....you're a pedophile!
Are you a pedo like doser?
Yes, you have.
Do you, Arthur Brain, oppose all abortion--all deliberate killing of black babies in utero--no matter what the motive, no matter what the circumstances--as being wholly evil, morally wrong, a sin against God and against mankind? Yes or No?
That's false, still.
Your saying it over and over again will not make it true.
Why do you continually refuse to answer this question, Arthur Brain?
Your refusal to answer it is you advocating the deliberate killing of black babies in utero.
It can't be normal, or healthy, that the only thing that enters into quip's mind when he sees pictures of children is pedophilia--that pedophilia is the only thing quip's mind associates with children/pictures of children. What is it about the pictures ok doser posted that made you immediately think of pedophilia, quip? Was it the fact that they were pictures of children?
You do observe, don't you, quip, that nobody else in this thread has seconded your calling ok doser a pedophile? Why do you think that is, quip?
Would you like to be called a pedophile, quip? Yes or No?
Would you like to be asked, "Are you a pedophile?", quip? Yes or No?
I knew it....you're a pedophile!
No need to guess....you baby-killer!
Originally posted by Rusha >>
While it shouldn’t be necessary, I would advise you to put the troublemakers on ignore. I have used that feature for years because I am unwilling to subject myself to individuals who are given free reign to troll and abuse. It’s fairly obvious who I am speaking of. They are of such low character that they refer to others as retards, pedophiles and babykillers.
Seriously, they are not worth your time.
With a few exceptions, I've given up looking for signs of "intelligent life" on TOL where none exist!
It can't be normal, or healthy, that the only thing that enters into quip's mind when he sees pictures of children is pedophilia--that pedophilia is the only thing quip's mind associates with children/pictures of children. What is it about the pictures ok doser posted that made you immediately think of pedophilia, quip? Was it the fact that they were pictures of children?
You do observe, don't you, quip, that nobody else in this thread has seconded your calling ok doser a pedophile? Why do you think that is, quip?
Would you like to be called a pedophile, quip? Yes or No?
Would you like to be asked, "Are you a pedophile?", quip? Yes or No?
With a few exceptions, I've given up looking for signs of "intelligent life" on TOL where none exist!
There are some notable exceptions but they're becoming increasingly rare and I only wish I was one of them...
Since you have nothing to say regarding what I have written in my posts, why do you feel the need to react to my posts, anyway, Arthur Brain?