She's not under investigation for "violations of the espionage act". Nor corruption. That's all Trump-land fantasy. Do you even really believe it yourself?
I absolutely do, in fact I have been reading about the criminal investigation into Hillary Clinton for mishandling classified information under the espionage act since the story broke well over a year ago. You keep trying to convince yourself that the FBI conducts inquiries, or probes, or whatever other byword you want to use but, make no mistake the FBI investigates criminal behavior. Re-opening this case means that your favorite felon is under federal criminal investigation yet again, that is reality not fantasy.
Want a real scandal? Next month, President-elect or not, Donald Trump goes on trial for fraud. For real fraud, where he took money from poor chumps who believed his extravagant promises and gave them him money because he told them he was going to make them rich. Well, I guess Trump found a bigger pool of suckers.
Wow, that is such a compelling case that nobody but desperate liberals are talking about. Face it, the fraud case is a civil lawsuit not a criminal matter, and if Trump is found personally liable he will have to make restitution. It amazes me how you or any other liberal can attempt to deflect & ignore the criminal element that your candidate walks in, and has always walked in. Trump is not my ideal candidate to be sure but, he sure as hell is not a felon under federal investigation for the espionage act, & corruption in the Clinton Foundation a true criminal enterprise. You are aware that there are 5 separate investigations that are ongoing involving a great portion of the Clinton Crime Family, if not, maybe you should read about it.
Yeah, sure, we completely forgot a President Bill Clinton. We forget how Dennis Hastert, a pedophile, and Newt Gingrich, a serial philanderer impeached Bill Clinton looking for a sex crime that would stand up in court, and after digging through as much dirty laundry as they could get their hypocritical hands on. And they turned up perjury. Well, they've got nothing like that on Hillary.
Last I checked Hastert went to prison (as he should have), philandering is wrong but, is not a crime, and Bill Clinton too paid a public consequence for his transgressions. Hillary has broken the law and now she should face the music, and yes, Hillary
has perjured herself (amongst much more serious felonies) before a congressional hearing, lying that she never sent or received any classified information on her server which has been proven false. She has lied publicly to your face & mine on this issue and more, you may have convinced yourself about this lying felon Rex but, you have not convinced me, nor the majority of Americans who know the woman is an evil criminal.
I'll take that flawed record over all the bluster Trump has.
You won't take a flawed record, you are taking a criminal record...knowingly which is far worse.
He thinks defeating ISIS will be easy. If he really believes that, he thinks he has magical powers. Otherwise, he's just lying to you.
It is far easier to defeat this enemy when you are willing to identify the problem and actually engage in fixing it, something the current administration hasn't the fortitude to do but, how could they? they didn't have the knowledge that their actions caused it. Now that it is a wildfire that has spread across the region they want deny the fact they set it...funny thing is you are not honest enough to admit how badly this administration, of which Hillary was a major player, hold sole responsibility for the deaths of thousands because of their misguided foreign policy, it is absolutely shameful.
Yeah, sure, blame all that on Clinton. Nevermind that it was the Bush administration that went into Iraq, and that the Bush administration also established the timetable for withdrawal. I don't believe you care a whit about any of it beyond the partisan advantage you think it grants you.
Ahhhh deflecting again...Well I agree that George Bush made a major error going into Iraq but, that does not erase the fact that the region was fairly stable when Obama took office and decided to commit one foreign policy crisis after another. These are inconvenient facts that you are dismissing attempting to redirect from the fact you are supporting a criminal for president, that is not partisan, that my friend is fact.
Oh, gee, if you keep up like this, I'm gonna win stupid-stuff-Trump-talks-about bingo. Next you should tell me how Trump opposed the war in Iraq.
Awesome what is your next retort " I know you are but what am I"? I understand that coming to grips with reality is difficult.
Maybe you could lay out his plan for defeating ISIS. He seems to think it will be easy. Oh wait, let me guess, it's a secret, right?
He did, he said he would listen to his generals... what a concept, enlisting the help of professionals instead of pushing an agenda....who would have thought.