patrick jane

There IS a dark cloud over our nation and western civilization in general. It starts here at home, where the left is trying very hard to destroy the nation by brainwashing the youth. Schools are not the same as when I was a kid and the gays are sodomizing everything that moves. :chuckle:


New member
This was so well written. I prayed for Cruz, but I believe God suppressed the Liberal vote to give us Trump because we prayed for our nation. I pray for my nation every day. It's a burden on my heart because I love America and I love our children.

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Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
Me neither ... which is why the acceptance of a foreign enemy intervening on behalf of the guy who lost the popular vote by a couple million votes isn't acceptable.

LA County admits as high as 144% voter turnout.

In high turnout elections, 50 and 60 percent is huge. This is how evil and wicked the demoncrats are. They will lie and cheat. It is a lie because Rusha knows less people voted for that ugly dyke feminist.

To be specific, there are 144% voter registration over voter eligible adults. That is just LA County. All of California, Washington, Illinois, Oregon, etc etc, cheated when nobody was looking.


I'm thankful that even libtards are seeing the folly of their ways. The majority of Americans see right through the Fake News.


Trump's 37% public approval rate is what's making the "libtards" thankful!


LA County admits as high as 144% voter turnout.

In high turnout elections, 50 and 60 percent is huge. This is how evil and wicked the demoncrats are. They will lie and cheat. It is a lie because Rusha knows less people voted for that ugly dyke feminist.

To be specific, there are 144% voter registration over voter eligible adults. That is just LA County. All of California, Washington, Illinois, Oregon, etc etc, cheated when nobody was looking.


Steven Mnuchin, Steve Bannon and Tiffany Trump All Registered to Vote in Two States
Jan 25, 2017

Steven Mnuchin, Steve Bannon and Donald Trump's youngest daughter, Tiffany Trump, all registered to vote in two states, records show.

The news comes after the President said on Twitter Wednesday morning that he will ask for an investigation into voter fraud. "I will be asking for a major investigation into VOTER FRAUD, including those registered to vote in two states, those who are illegal and even, those registered to vote who are dead (and many for a long time). Depending on results, we will strengthen up voting procedure," the President tweeted.

Although it's not illegal to be registered to vote in multiple states, according to CNN, it is illegal to cast a ballot in more than one state.

Trump has repeatedly claimed, without specific evidence, that voter fraud lost him the popular vote to his former Democratic opponent, Hillary Clinton. However, those claims have not been supported by any confirmable facts.
Steve Bannon - the President's chief strategist and senior counselor, was registered to vote in both New York And Florida

Trump's youngest daughter, Tiffany - was registered to vote in two states — New York and Pennsylvania

Steven Mnuchin - Trump's nominee to head the Treasury department, was registered to vote in New York and California

Before "Nick M" continues with his undocumented tirade as to "how evil and wicked the demoncrats are," perhaps he should consider that Trump's daughter, chief adviser and Treasury Department nominee were all registered to vote in 2 states during the 201 Election!

Should Democrats be demanding that they are just the tip of a vast Republican conspiracy to conduct VOTER FRAUD during the 2016 Election!

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