Curt Schilling's Islam/Nazi tweet


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Hall of Fame
Religious figures make a habit of doing this. I even did a Google search just for you since you are unable to do one yourself. Here you go.


However, I do think it's interesting that the links are primarily about leaders within Islam and not political leaders. I did see the Arab League in that list which is a political/national organization, but beyond that? :idunno: Of course, many of the people fighting against ISIS are Muslims.


New member
His point is that no matter how much you think you are an expert in a particular field, there is always someone better than you. So never call yourself an expert and never let anyone else call you one either. If you do let your ego get the better of you. Be prepared to get egg on your face.
Ego has no place in academic debate. So, again, why are studies and papers released from academic institutions inferior? Why is academia holding us back?


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Have them [some of your Muslim friends] come forward as I'd like to ask them a few questions about their religion.

Ok then, here we go.

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Please share in detail.

"Genesis provides a unified description of Creation; the Qur’an does not. Instead, fragmented passages are scattered across many of its 114 chapters (“Sura”).

Islam believes that Jesus Christ was a prophet, not the Son of God.

According to Islam "Jesus descends and converts the world to Islam, kills the Jews, breaks crosses, declares himself a Muslim and gets married. He dies after 40-years."

Hardly. The Crusades was to stop Muslim aggression, and Islam continues to be an extremely violent religion to this day.

The Crusades: When Christendom Pushed Back

Islam's Latest Contributions to Peace

If you want to call the Trinity polytheist, that's about as close as you'll get (it's not).

You finally got one right. Quit while you're this far behind.

You've got to be kidding me. I should know that rational thought wouldn't be received by you. And using an unapologetically anti-Muslim source as your argument? Please.

I now know from your thread behavior that you're homophobic, racist, and anti-Islam. If there is a Hell, you might want to watch your step so you don't fall in


New member
Ego has no place in academic debate. So, again, why are studies and papers released from academic institutions inferior? Why is academia holding us back?

Because academia is divorced from the real world.

IMNSHO, Every teacher in academia should have to work a minimum of 10 years in a real world job and have to be successful at it prior to going back to academia.


New member
Go on, how is it divorced from the "real world"?

Because they have never had to deal with a real boss that could fire them because they have tenure... they also don't have to work for merit raises. Basically, they are coddled.

They live in their ivory towers and know very little about what is going on in the real world.


New member
Hall of Fame
Because they have never had to deal with a real boss that could fire them because they have tenure... they also don't have to work for merit raises. Basically, they are coddled.

They live in their ivory towers and know very little about what is going on in the real world.

Not every institution operates like this at all.

It's easy to mock higher education if you're insecure about your own.


New member
Because they have never had to deal with a real boss that could fire them because they have tenure... they also don't have to work for merit raises. Basically, they are coddled.

They live in their ivory towers and know very little about what is going on in the real world.
You have a drastic misunderstanding of how higher education functions. But let's assume you are right (you're not, but let's say you are for the sake of argument), what does this have to do with the information the university publishes? Why is that information invalid? Why would you dismiss it on that alone? Further, if that information is no good, where does good information come from?


New member
You have a drastic misunderstanding of how higher education functions. But let's assume you are right (you're not, but let's say you are for the sake of argument), what does this have to do with the information the university publishes? Why is that information invalid? Why would you dismiss it on that alone? Further, if that information is no good, where does good information come from?

I say it's invalid from the start until you research the people who wrote the report on the research and most importantly find out where the funding for the research came from.

Academia these days has been reduced to prostitutes for grant money and it will do whatever it has to do to keep the grant money flowing.

So you need to do your homework before relying on any study coming out of academia... most is fraudulent these days.


New member
I say it's invalid from the start until you research the people who wrote the report on the research and most importantly find out where the funding for the research came from.

Academia these days has been reduced to prostitutes for grant money and it will do whatever it has to do to keep the grant money flowing.

So you need to do your homework before relying on any study coming out of academia... most is fraudulent these days.
Can you present me with three examples from the past year of a university study being discredited because of faulty data due to corrupt financial backing?

Question still stands, since it is all invalid because you believe they are being bought out, where does good information come from?


You've got to be kidding me. I should know that rational thought wouldn't be received by you. And using an unapologetically anti-Muslim source as your argument? Please.

I encourage people to refute any information that I've provided (if Islam really is a peaceful religion, then the "anti Muslim source" should be easy to refute).

I now know from your thread behavior that you're homophobic, racist, and anti-Islam. If there is a Hell, you might want to watch your step so you don't fall in

Typical words used by secular humanists/sexual anarchists.


I encourage people to refute any information that I've provided (if Islam really is a peaceful religion, then the "anti Muslim source" should be easy to refute).

Typical words used by secular humanists/sexual anarchists.

I'm not saying Islam doesn't have warts. Just that all major religions do. Christians have committed their fair share of murder. Ever heard of the Spanish Inquisition? What about the thousands of innocent Jewish people that both Muslims and Christians slaughtered during the Crusades just because they were bored?

I think most objective people would say that Pope Urban II is the cause of the First Crusade, which obviously caused all of them that occurred after. The Muslims were equally horrific during the Crusades imo, but they didn't start it


I'm not saying Islam doesn't have warts. Just that all major religions do. Christians have committed their fair share of murder. Ever heard of the Spanish Inquisition? What about the thousands of innocent Jewish people that both Muslims and Christians slaughtered during the Crusades just because they were bored?

I think most objective people would say that Pope Urban II is the cause of the First Crusade, which obviously caused all of them that occurred after. The Muslims were equally horrific during the Crusades imo, but they didn't start it

Christianity is a religion of love (it preaches repentance of sin and redemption). Islam teaches to kill all of those that don't accept Islam.

Quite the difference between the two.


Christianity is a religion of love (it preaches repentance of sin and redemption). Islam teaches to kill all of those that don't accept Islam.

Quite the difference between the two.

Actually, the Quran is very similar to the Bible's OT in that you'll find God commanding his followers to murder unbelievers in one book, and in the next you will find God telling his followers to be loving and accepting of their neighbors, as well as permitting them to worship as they like. How non-believers are treated always depends on the agenda of a given person in power, and can always be justified with a holy book


Actually, the Quran is very similar to the Bible's OT in that you'll find God commanding his followers to murder unbelievers in one book, and in the next you will find God telling his followers to be loving and accepting of their neighbors, as well as permitting them to worship as they like. How non-believers are treated always depends on the agenda of a given person in power, and can always be justified with a holy book

This is my favorite website when it comes to showing the major differences between Islam and Christianity.

If you still refuse to see the huge differences between the two, get a new seeing eye dog.


This is my favorite website when it comes to showing the major differences between Islam and Christianity.

If you still refuse to see the huge differences between the two, get a new seeing eye dog.

Of course there are differences. There are significant differences between Catholics and Protestants, but they're still both Christians. There are big differences between Sunnis and Shiites, but they're still Muslims.

It's the same kind of thing when you compare the religions of Christianity and Islam, just to a lesser extent. The two are still remarkably similar. Just because they differ on details doesn't change that


New member
Can you present me with three examples from the past year of a university study being discredited because of faulty data due to corrupt financial backing?

Question still stands, since it is all invalid because you believe they are being bought out, where does good information come from?

Global warming temperature fiddling... especially the bogus data in the study that tried to show the decline in polar bear population (in this case, scientists never conducted a census of one of the polar bear populations and pulled a number out of their rear, and then when an actual census was done, the population was not what they thought it was and reported it as a decline.

The entire vaccine responsible for Autism studies.. all of them were fraudulent.

Eggs are good for you, then they are bad, then they are good again.

Aspartame is good for you, then bad, and now good again.

All studies that are based on statistics and not by repeatable scientific methods are subject to fraud... and usually are.


New member
Global warming temperature fiddling... especially the bogus data in the study that tried to show the decline in polar bear population (in this case, scientists never conducted a census of one of the polar bear populations and pulled a number out of their rear, and then when an actual census was done, the population was not what they thought it was and reported it as a decline.

The entire vaccine responsible for Autism studies.. all of them were fraudulent.

Eggs are good for you, then they are bad, then they are good again.

Aspartame is good for you, then bad, and now good again.

All studies that are based on statistics and not by repeatable scientific methods are subject to fraud... and usually are.

And then there was "di-ethelstilbesterol" and "thalidamide" and a few other drugs touted by experts as therapeutic which turned out to be erroneous.


New member
Global warming temperature fiddling... especially the bogus data in the study that tried to show the decline in polar bear population (in this case, scientists never conducted a census of one of the polar bear populations and pulled a number out of their rear, and then when an actual census was done, the population was not what they thought it was and reported it as a decline.

The entire vaccine responsible for Autism studies.. all of them were fraudulent.

Eggs are good for you, then they are bad, then they are good again.

Aspartame is good for you, then bad, and now good again.

All studies that are based on statistics and not by repeatable scientific methods are subject to fraud... and usually are.
They are not subject to fraud, they are subject to new and changing data and experiments. They are not infallible when it comes to the scientific theory. No one is claiming they are perfect, but for the moment, based on all collective data that we have access to, academic reports are accurate and good places to start in regards to whatever topic you are looking for. I will grant you that the entire autism vaccine thing was a huge flop.

You still haven't answered my question, if academic articles, studies, and surveys are all to be dismissed on principle, where do we go for accurate information?