Cruz to announce Fiorina as running mate


Hall of Fame

Men are better than women at everything, it's a natural and proven fact.

Thanks once again for confusing your delusions with facts ... and for verifying my statement:

Rusha said:
You only like the outcome of a woman not holding the position of the second in command because she is ... GASP ... a woman.


Thanks once again for confusing your delusions with facts ... and for verifying my statement:


Can you name one thing that women, collectively, are better at than men?

I seem to recall stumping y'all with that :chuckle:

is all you had to say. As was expected. I can see why you don't like Trump, who pretty much said the same exact thing. And to think all those women supporting him nonetheless :plain:


Hall of Fame
Can you name one thing that women, collectively, are better at than men?

Considering you have been posting the same misogynistic nonsense for years, why would I or anyone else waste their time with your selective listening and reasoning *skills*?

Apparently you have forgotten your prior rants and whines about women always winning in family court. We all get that you do not like it when women have opportunities or hold positions of power, however, you have only yourself to blame. Your "speeches" are motivational. :)


Considering you have been posting the same misogynistic nonsense for years

Do you have a stasis tank? If so, you've been spending too much time in it :rolleyes:

why would I or anyone else waste their time with your selective listening and reasoning *skills*?

For whatever reason you've been doing just that, I suppose.

Apparently you have forgotten your prior rants and whines about women always winning in family court. We all get that you do not like it when women have opportunities or hold positions of power, however, you have only yourself to blame. Your "speeches" are motivational. :)

Women are better at manipulating others for their own gain.

Thanks for clearing up the obvious.
Now, liberal men are to blame. I motivate men to see this for what it is, while another man somewhere right now is losing their home and kids because of the rotten luck of being a working husband in feminized society.

And women aren't given 'opportunities'.
They are just 'given'.
You see, it's the difference between 'equity' and 'forced equality'- men among each other live in 'equity'. You all can't hack it, and embrace the latter while calling it the other.
That's the problem.


Hall of Fame
I motivate men to see this for what it is, while another man somewhere right now is losing their home and kids because of the rotten luck of being a working husband in feminized society..

Right. On. Cue. You keep verifying my statement:

Rusha said:
Not for the same reason. You only like the outcome of a woman not holding the position of the second in command because she is ... GASP ... a woman. I don't like THAT particular woman ...

In the case of Palin, I didn't like her. ... she is one of the main reasons McCain lost. In the case of Fiorina, I don't dislike her. She is certainly an upgrade as compared to Palin. IF she were to be Cruz's running mate, his motivation would be the same as McCain's. He would be picking her in hopes of attracting women voters. It won't work ... even though she is more qualified than Palin ...


In the case of Palin, I didn't like her. ... she is one of the main reasons McCain lost.

McCain lost because he was another Bush.

In the case of Fiorina, I don't dislike her. She is certainly an upgrade as compared to Palin.

And this is exhibit A of why men are better than women at making informed decisions on leadership.

A CEO of a computer company.
I mean, really.. and y'all are going to hate on Trump :plain:


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
carly is a good choice
-I would rather listen to her
-you need a woman to attack another woman
-no one does it better than carly


No ... he lost primarily *because* of Palin and because *of Bush*. Thank you, once again, for giving me the opportunity to correct you. :)


It was because he was another Bush.

Obama didn't win by a landslide due to Palin, they won by a landslide because the Right has been cursed ever since 9/11 and the only way it can redeem itself is by dropping people like Carly and Ted.

Which they will, when Trump is President. Cruz will be better as VP, only if that must be the case, and Carly will do great right back at HP :wave:


Hall of Fame
carly is a good choice
-I would rather listen to her
-you need a woman to attack another woman
-no one does it better than carly

With the exception of "need a woman to attack another woman", I would agree with you. I like Carly as well, however, she isn't running for president and Cruz's motives for picking her will be seen as manipulative.



Oh look! Before feminized society, when men were men and women were women :)



You don't rant about women nearly enough. Perhaps you can start a *separate* thread about it ... instead of trolling this one.

Uh, you're the one that started it, retard :plain:

You should go make a thread with a list of things men aren't better than women at. Prove this 'equality', and why it should be burdened unto men.
Don't worry, I will wait until the Earth opens and the trumpets boom :rolleyes:


Hall of Fame
Because you can't.

Can't WHAT? What on earth are you babbling on about now? I am not going to waste my time *proving* your unsubstantiated, little opinion is wrong. That would the equivalent of asking Stevie Wonder to choose the color I should paint my house.

You want men to live in pretend land.

:chuckle: Not hardly. Actual men have no need to live in your *pretend land*. They do not see women as threatening ... or as the enemy.

It's unfortunate that Carly being a possible running mate with Cruz gets you this worked up.


I am not going to waste my time *proving* your unsubstantiated, little opinion is wrong.

Say it three times in the mirror, and Lena Dunham will pop out and make it go away :idunno:

. They do not see women as threatening ... or as the enemy.

I don't see women as an 'enemy'. I see them as 'abysmally oblivious'.

It's unfortunate that Carly being a possible running mate with Cruz gets you this worked up.

I don't really care about Carly, you're just making things up now, as per usual. If she were a man, she'd be back at HP headquarters playing solitaire. Women get into places all the time less qualified because of 'equality'- Don't like that 'unsubstantiated claim'? Sue me.
But don't spread this falsehood that I'm 'worked up'- I'm barely paying attention to you, you all are time killers today.


No ... once is enough. Your *endorsement* is an extra confirmation. :)

It would actually be in women's best interest if they didn't support Carly. All Cruz is doing is getting someone on board who has a sharp tongue to slander Trump- but because of your dumb feminism, you don't actually see things the way they are. You think she's 'cut out' for the job.

It's Teddie's last shenanigan.