Greg then suggested there was only 4 examples
6days replied "I'm not going to bother but I'm quite sure I could list several times the amount you suggest. For starters I will double you...
1. Aegyptopitithecus zeuxis
2. Dryopitithecus Africanus
3. Ramapitecus Brevirostis
4. Orrorin Tugenensis
5. Ardipithecus*
6. Australopithecus Anemensis
7. Ardipithecus Ramidus Kadabba
8. Kenyan Through Platyops
6days also said "Lets look at the first one (I) mentioned. Richard Leakey and Roger Lewin in 'Origins' called Aegyptopitithecus zeuxis the ancestor that humans share with all living apes. That's simply is a statement of faith and nothing to do with science. This 6Kg creature is simply an extinct ape. Evolutionists acknowledge that this creature is simply an ape."
In the above book mentioned start reading page 52 ...they are trying to show a progression if ape to human and they call 'zeuxis' the first ape to emerge from the old world monkey stock" . They placed this 100% tiny extinct ape in human lineage.
6days also said "Like Richard Leakey said "much of what we can say about them (homonid fossils) is pure inference, guess work."
(People of the Lake, p178)
6days also said "Also... without giving you citations, you already KNOW of numerous examples where evolutionists tried to make human fossils more apelike.....or ape fossils appear more human like.*
Example... Neandertals were portrayed as stooped over hairy beasts. Evolutionists claimed these 'beasts' were inarticulate. culture...didn't bury dead with ceremony...couldn't breed with humans....unintelligent...etc.
Science has proven all of those evolutionary claims to be false. Science has proven the humanity of Neandertals and is one more evidence for the truth of God's Word. We are all one race...all descendants of the original created humans, Adam and Eve."
Lets look at another of the few examples I listed...Ardipithecus Ramidus Kadabba. *Time magazine featured this ape on the cover of its July23,2001 issue with the headline "how apes became human". *This ape was actually just a few bones collected over the course of 5 years from
5 different locations .
Funny how from a fossilized toe, a piece of a jaw, few arm bones, clavicle, a finger and a few teeth from 5 locations...evolutionists call it a "ape-man".*
Laughable how an evolutionist can look at a toe bone ( 1 of 26 bones in a human foot) and then proclaim that the creature walked upright. (P-59)...Yet with Neandertals who are human and do walk upright, they were originally portrayed as stooped over similar posture to a knuckle dragger.
You just still don't get it. Science is a process of learning. We know that Neanderthals walked upright now thanks to the gathering of real world, tangible evidence. And you don't seem to realize that the structure of the toe absolutely tells you if an animal was an upright walker or not.
Evolutionists have a history of trying to project human like characteristics on Apes... and down playing the humanity of humans trying to make them appear more ape-like.*