Creation vs. Evolution

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New member
Of course. People can do what they want and believe what they want. It's their mind to do with as they wish. I have no issue with that as long as they don't try to indoctrinate my grand kids, else there will be hell to pay....... :)
In other words, leave the religion at the door of the science classroom. Hear that ladyboy noguru? :)


Well-known member
In other words, leave the religion at the door of the science classroom. Hear that ladyboy noguru? :)


That is exactly what I have been saying you moron. Where have I said any different. You are the one claiming I am not consistent because I am a Christian who accepts the evidence for evolution. Do you even think about the things you say?

You are quite humorous. Thanks for the lesson and the laugh.


New member

That is exactly what I have been saying you moron. Where have I said any different. You are the one claiming I am not consistent because I am a Christian who accepts the evidence for evolution. Do you even think about the things you say?

You are quite humorous. Thanks for the lesson and the laugh.
You're an idiot who thinks the bible can be explained using the scientific process. Now suck it up.



Well-known member
You're an idiot who thinks the bible can be explained using the scientific process. Now suck it up.


Posting pictures of pacifiers does nothing to compensate for your own short comings. Neither does calling my mom a pig. A pig is still a better animal than you.


Well-known member
And the science lab, which noguru agrees with.

Delusionray is too dense to understand reality accurately. He still thinks he is right. :chuckle:

This really is a good comedy show. I think his schtick is all an act to get attention. Similar to the way a child misbehaves in class to get attention.


New member
Posting pictures of pacifiers does nothing to compensate for your own short comings. Neither does calling my mom a pig. A pig is still a better animal than you.
Here's a cookie to go with your whine:


Keep up the ad-hom in the rep comments :chuckle: Pigs of your class are usually kettled. Please do us a favour and use the pacifier.


Well-known member
Here's a cookie to go with your whine:


Keep up the ad-hom in the rep comments :chuckle: Pigs of your class are usually kettled. Please do us a favour and use the pacifier.

Your attempts at humor are sophomoric. But it is humorous that you even try.

Do you realize that your neg reps to me actually increase my rep points, because you are in the red? :chuckle:


Eclectic Theosophist
your friendly neighborhood synthesist......

your friendly neighborhood synthesist......

Some people like to synthesize all aspects of what they have learned into a seemingly cohesive universal paradigm. I don't see anything wrong with that effort in itself. Though such an effort can be managed very poorly. :chuckle:

The 'key' is 'management-skills' and 'coordination' ;)



New member
Your attempts at humor are sophomoric. But it is humorous that you even try.

Do you realize that your neg reps to me actually increase my rep points, because you are in the red? :chuckle:
I hope you're enjoying the comments too, free of charge and there's plenty where that came from :)


Well-known member
I hope you're enjoying the comments too, free of charge and there's plenty where that came from :)


Excellent! I look forward to more of your style of comedy. Of course I could just go talk to my 5 year old nephew for that as well.


Well-known member
This is why I wrote what I did noguru.

God's Best,


Right I understand that. I stand by my opinion on that matter. You do not instill any confidence in me about your ability to understand simple ideas. Therefore I have no confidence that you can teach even the simplest idea. To be a good teacher one must first learn to be good student. You are trying to run, and you have not even learned to walk yet.

This has nothing to do with God. This is all about your incompetence.


New member

Excellent! I look forward to more of your style of comedy. Of course I could just go talk to my 5 year old nephew for that as well.
lol if your life is a blueprint for your 5 year old nephew, his future looks rather bleak. I do have an idea though, you can give him your pacifier when you do the world a favour and finally kick the bucket :) He might make better use of it.


Dear noguru,

You are a great laugh to me indeed. You don't know what I've been through or what I've learned, or who I've taught. I graduated with honors and was almost *** laud except I didn't want it that bad. I am a good writer too. Why don't you read a Free copy of my book and learn about me before you belittle me instead?

BTW, I gave Illusionray some good rep pts. I hope he believes in Jesus, or they will be the last ones I give him.




New member
BTW, I gave Illusionray some good rep pts. I hope he believes in Jesus, or they will be the last ones I give him.
Cheers for that but I'm still disappointed I went from 4 red bars to 1, I'm as controversial as ever before. Happy birthday Micheal.

PS you can't reason with noguru. Here's the resident flame-thrower. He isn't wearing fire-resistant clothing so he burns when you throw it back ;) just a tip.


Well-known member
Cheers for that but I'm still disappointed I went from 4 red bars to 1, I'm as controversial as ever before. Happy birthday Micheal.

PS you can't reason with noguru. Here's the resident flame-thrower. He isn't wearing fire-resistant clothing so he burns when you throw it back ;) just a tip.

You would not know reason if it jumped up and bit you in the arse. :chuckle:


Well-known member
Dear noguru,

You are a great laugh to me indeed. You don't know what I've been through or what I've learned, or who I've taught. I graduated with honors and was almost *** laud except I didn't want it that bad. I am a good writer too. Why don't you read a Free copy of my book and learn about me before you belittle me instead?

BTW, I gave Illusionray some good rep pts. I hope he believes in Jesus, or they will be the last ones I give him.



Michael sorry to break the horrible truth to you, but the proof is in the pudding. Judging from what you have contributed here your book would be best used as toilet paper.



You've never even read the book to be judging it so harshly. And you haven't heard all that I've written at this TOL website. Only what I've shared on this thread. There's tons about me you don't even know. Speak after you've made an 'informed' decision.

Don't play word games and toss back ill sentences. Read my book. Go to my website address in the signature line below:
Once there, left mouse-click on 'Book Copy', then click on 'SKU-text', then the Title page of my book will come up. You can read it by using your up and down cursor arrow keys. It's a short book (88 pages) and I've been told that it's an interesting read. Please look up the scriptural references when mentioned in my book to fully understand them. Thanks. The book is FREE online, and also free at the downtown Phoenix Public Library where it's been a number of years. Also both Presidents of the U.S. and Israel have a copy of it. I said this exact info in another of my posts, so bear with me. Many others have loved my book, so like I said, read before you speak.

In God's Love,



Well-known member

You've never even read the book to be judging it so harshly. And you haven't heard all that I've written at this TOL website. Only what I've shared on this thread. There's tons about me you don't even know. Speak after you've made an 'informed' decision.

Don't play word games and toss back ill sentences. Read my book. I've mentioned to Ben Masada on how to get a FREE read of it. Many others have loved my book, so like I said, read before you speak.

In God's Love,


I've already explained myself to you several times Michael. Your track record here does not bode well for your attempts to promote your book. Again you seem to lack even the most basic understanding of reality.
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