Creation vs. Evolution

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Well-known member
Thank you for your explanation of "entropy".


Yes, but will you now incorporate this more accurate explanation into your understanding of nature? Or will you just ignore it, and continue with the same misinformation you have been proliferating in the past.


New member
An eternal super-natural is the cause of a temporal-natural would be logical.

I don't presume to know that there is not a supernatural but it is also why I don't presuppose there is, or that a supernatural must be the only cause, while there is not a scrap of evidence to suggest that any natural thing doesn't have a natural cause.


New member
Entropy effects cell information, moron.


What definition of information are you using, Dave?

You still seem to be conflating information with organisation, meaning and other stuff. How is your information measured?

Do you mean thermodynamic entropy or information entropy?



Well-known member
I saw it.

More armchair fantasizing.

Already been covered.


If by covered you mean by imaginary cloth, then I agree.

You are a moron. You don't cover anything, except maybe your shoes in horse dung.

How you doing today, you stupid cowpoke?


Literal lunatic
That is a fictional quote. The real one is here:

"This present window of opportunity which during a truly peaceful and interdependent world order might be built will not be open for too long.Already there are powerful forces at work that threaten to destroy all of our hopes and efforts "

The video is here.

I noticed there was no transcript of the 1994 speech showing he didnt say it.
Instead they showed a 1995 speech where he had toned it down.

Try and debunk the 1991 speech in Germany to the media gurus.

There were two quotes in my post.

What a half baked attempt at subterfuge that was, you also are out of yer league.:crackup:


Well-known member
I noticed there was no transcript of the 1994 speech showing he didnt say it.
Instead they showed a 1995 speech where he had toned it down.

Try and debunk the 1991 speech in Germany to the media gurus.

There were two quotes in my post.

What a half baked attempt at subterfuge that was, you also are out of yer league.:crackup:


Yes, you are definitely bush league. You are an armchair Monday morning quarterback who does not have the intestinal fortitude to admit when he is wrong.


Literal lunatic
You are so whacked that you are arguing about your fantasy. You haven't the slightest clue what you are talking about in regard to reality. Just slapping a label on yourself that "I follow God" does not make it so.

If you do not want to follow the "god" of this world, first you actually have to understand what this world is. Otherwise you will believe what any idiot might tell you.

Yeah, you wished I believed you, and not only that you wish I would quit exposing yer half baked fantasies.:rotfl:


Well-known member
Yeah, you wished I believed you, and not only that you wish I would quit exposing yer half baked fantasies.:rotfl:


Yeah, go ahead and expose away. The more you post, the more you demonstrate what a complete moron you are. I welcome your absurd comments. The truth comes shinning through, my friend.

I certainly have no expectations/or wishes for you to believe me. You can continue in your own self delusion. I have no control over you, nor would I want it.

That which is whispered in the dark, will eventually be shouted from the rooftops.


Literal lunatic
Originally Posted by noguru
I have experienced this with horticulture work in the past. I can clone some plants to about 3 or 4 times (cloning generations). After that the DNA loses its integrity, and I am forced to start with seeds again.

Trying to figger out eternal life, by cloning. lol

Only God can create eternal life from one seed, and clone it.

And that seed is Christ.

Deuteronomy 5:9 KJV
Thou shalt not bow down thyself unto them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me,


Well-known member
Trying to figger out eternal life, by cloning. lol

Only God can create eternal life from one seed, and clone it.

And that seed is Christ.

Again you demonstrate your lack of insight. My comments had nothing to do with "eternal life". But I certainly know that you have no clue about eternal life. Since you do not understand what is currently right in front of your face. Why would I expect you to understand something exponentially more complex?

You are right that only God has absolute knowledge. You on the other hand have deceived yourself, therefore you have absolutely no knowledge. You are a waste of human flesh. But you can always change that if that were sincerely your desire.
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New member
Try and debunk the 1991 speech in Germany to the media gurus.

When you provide a source for the "quote" I will look at debunking it. The language is intriguing, don't you think, for a native English speaker?

"Auto-determination" sounds like a French word, so I'd expect your source would be a French one, translated into English. This would make it likely that the quote is a parody or satire piece, and not a genuine quote from Rockefeller.

What IS the source? Do you usually believe unattributed quotes?


Well-known member
When you provide a source for the "quote" I will look at debunking it. The language is intriguing, don't you think, for a native English speaker?

"Auto-determination" sounds like a French word, so I'd expect your source would be a French one, translated into English. This would make it likely that the quote is a parody or satire piece, and not a genuine quote from Rockefeller.

What IS the source? Do you usually believe unattributed quotes?

He is a moron. He does not know what he believes.

He only knows that he does not believe what is right in front of his face. This means that he believes nothing.


Perhaps as a potential of the universe. But in order for it to be manifest in the physical, it must, well, become manifest in the physical.

The evidence we have from genetics and historical evidence from breeding populations suggests that it is. Despite your unsubstantiated protests.

That was Lamarckian evolution. We have covered this many times Dave, yet you continue to resurrect this misrepresentation of the modern synthesis. You need to learn to be more precise in these matters and differentiate the various ideas and nuances of science.

The evidence we have suggests that mutation rates can be increased by environmental factors. Again as I have explained the rate (quantity) of genetic variation is not random, though the characteristics (quality) of these genetic variations do seem to be random.

Various factors. You might want to consult a geneticist if you are sincerely interested. One of my good friends is a world renowned geneticist (PHD). I can ask him if he would help you get a better understanding of the details of this.

Again there are various factors involved. Would you like a detailed breakdown? Would it help your understanding? Would you let it?

Yes, everything seems to have a cause. Even things that seem "random" have a cause. But the vast amount of variables and/or unknowns makes an accurate prediction highly unlikely if not impossible, so we label it "random".

Are you trying to insert your "scientific" idea of original sin here (which is from your interpretation of Genesis)?

Cell death is the result of entropy.

Anyone who argues otherwise is an idiot or is afraid of the obvious.

The material universe and everything in it cannot originate itself.

The material universe cannot evolve.



New member
Cell death is the result of entropy.

Anyone who argues otherwise is an idiot or is afraid of the obvious.

The material universe and everything in it cannot originate itself.

The material universe cannot evolve.

Cells die and are replaced because they have a function to carry out and most will be destroyed as a result of doing that function, that isn't entropy.
Car tyres wear out, not because of entropy but because they give up their tread to the road surface as part of their function, and are replaced in due course.


Cells die and are replaced because they have a function to carry out and most will be destroyed as a result of doing that function, that isn't entropy.
Car tyres wear out, not because of entropy but because they give up their tread to the road surface as part of their function, and are replaced in due course.

Cells can replicate only for so long, the function of the cell is the reason for the entropy, regardless how you try to redefine or explain it, the deterioration, break down, etc., of a cell or it's function is entropy. If not then what would you call it?



Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Cell death is the result of entropy.
Anyone who argues otherwise is an idiot or is afraid of the obvious.
The material universe and everything in it cannot originate itself.
The material universe cannot evolve.

Evolutionists have to believe in something so they will suspend all disbelief to accommodate something -- anything -- that does not involve the biblical account.


New member
Cells can replicate only for so long, the function of the cell is the reason for the entropy, regardless how you try to redefine or explain it, the deterioration, break down, etc., of a cell or it's function is entropy. If not then what would you call it?

I don't disagree with most of this but imo the body is a machine that just wears out far more from use rather than entropy.
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