Creation vs. Evolution

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New member
Dave you need to follow the history of scientific thought here.

Darwin's idea of "origin of species" was just that. That species were not fixed as Blyth had thought. Darwin even admits in his book that God might have created multiple original life forms (though he could not say what those were) at the beginning, but that from there all the biodiversity we see has been achieved.

Darwin did not have the advantage of the fossil record to make a more specific model. Since then the geochemical, paleontological, genetic, geological... evidence logically suggests a single common ancestor.

You have no idea what "equivocation" is.

Yet he equivocates all the time! It is ironic really. ;)


New member
gcthomas said:
Why can't they just say out loud that they think science is bunk
GC.. science brings us better technologies and improved medicine. Evolutionism is simply a belief about the past. Evolutionism has never produced any new technologies, nor any improvement in medicine. It could even be argued that evolutionism has at times hindered medical progress.

What is "bunk" is your belief in consensus science. Evolutionism has been the consensus far too long. It is the geocentrist science of todays world. Evolutionists think everything must revolve around their belief system, and unbelievers must be excommunicated.


New member
GC.. science brings us better technologies and improved medicine. Evolutionism is simply a belief about the past. Evolutionism has never produced any new technologies, nor any improvement in medicine. It could even be argued that evolutionism has at times hindered medical progress.

What is "bunk" is your belief in consensus science. Evolutionism has been the consensus far too long. It is the geocentrist science of todays world. Evolutionists think everything must revolve around their belief system, and unbelievers must be excommunicated.

And yet...

... there has been no falsification despite decades of attempts. Plenty of falsification opportunities, but never successful. That's why the theory is popular.


Literal lunatic
Firstly I suspect that all the cognitive dissonance has been taking its toll on you, I apologise for any part I had in that, perhaps a nice lie down somewhere dark? :think:

I'm reasonably convinced anyway that typically scientists in their own fields are clearly not idiots and know far more than lay people, including me.
Is there perhaps a global conspiracy being foisted on us by evil atheistic scientists?
Of course not, utterly impossible.
Any such huge water tight conspiracy would be well beyond the abilities of any group of human beings, including scientists, or even particularly scientists.
You tell me Spirit, YECs seem to need scientists to be either idiots or conspiratorial to fit their "model", what do you think?

I already told yuh, anyone with half a brain could of seen it.
Most modern scientists have been duped by clever conspirators.
In my book that classifies them as gullible idiots.
Or blind.

2 Corinthians 4:4 KJV
In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.


Well-known member
I already told yuh, anyone with half a brain could of seen it.
Most modern scientists have been duped by clever conspirators.
In my book that classifies them as gullible idiots.
Or blind.


Is this the guy who wrote your book?


Literal lunatic

Is this the guy who wrote your book?


Hebrews 8:10 KJV
For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, saith the Lord;

I will put my laws into their mind, and write them in their hearts: and I will be to them a God, and they shall be to me a people:


Literal lunatic
Oh, well you seem to live by the same strategy he used. Despite your false and prolific use of scripture to back your self created (humanly invented) non sense/deceptions.

Luke 6:40 KJV
The disciple is not above his master: but every one that is perfect shall be as his master.


Well-known member

After removing your misuse of scripture and misuse of God's name (again) that is what was left.

You remind me of that street preacher that Eddie Murphy plays in "A Vampire in Brooklyn" (the vampire changed into this preacher). He starts trying to convince his listeners that, since evil and good are 2 sides of a coin, therefore good = evil. You may be able to fool others like you, who graduated from higher education in the top 5% :rotfl: (I'm not sure of the pool of schools in your calculation), but your attempts at deceit do not work on me.


Literal lunatic
After removing your misuse of scripture and misuse of God's name (again) that is what was left.

Stop trying to conform Christ to yourself.

Be renewed in your mind. (completely)

When Jesus said we bring some things old and some things new, the old was not worldly wisdom.

Ask him.

John 14:14 KJV
If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it.


Well-known member
Stop trying to conform Christ to yourself.

What makes you say this? I do not agree that is what I am doing. Can you support your claim here?

Be renewed in your mind. (completely)

I am renewed. That is how I know you are full of it. Full of much feces from that animal in your avatar.

When Jesus said we bring some things old and some things new, the old was not worldly wisdom.

I listen to Jesus, not you. But I would love to hear you objective criteria which you use universally to determine "wisdom of the world" from the "wisdom of God", can you supply that? Or is this more of your solid waste from a horse?

I have asked him. And he has told me you are a viper.


It seems the problem for YECers it the huge respect science has as a result of its great success at explaining the natural world. They want that mantle of respect, but are happy to misrepresent science to do so.

Why can't they just say out loud that they think science is bunk and they trust their faith in a particular interpretation of a specific old book and be done with it? Science will never go where they want it to go or agree with what they claim it agrees with, so it just makes them look silly.

But, scientifically literate people are not the target of YEC ideas, are they? The Wedge plan was to manipulate moderate religious people in positions of power who don't understand science but can be persuaded that the charletans are as responsible and expert as real scientists.

Straw man, ad hominem arguments show ignorance or malicious intent.



New member
I already told yuh, anyone with half a brain could of seen it.
Most modern scientists have been duped by clever conspirators.
In my book that classifies them as gullible idiots.
Or blind.

2 Corinthians 4:4 KJV
In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.
I see, presumably only Young Earth Creationists have the special abilities to see past this globally maintained conspiracy of idiots, to the real "Truth™" by using the mystic powers of "literal adherence to an ancient scripture" rather than believe any evidence based peer reviewed science.
But yet these special YEC powers only seem to be required when science tends to contradict a literal Genesis for some reason?:think:


Not when they're . . . true :chuckle:.

An ad hominem and straw man argument are fallacies because they are not true or have no bearing on what is true.

One either acknowledges that his or her remarks were inappropriate and not a true picture of what some one is saying or should just leave the debate.



There are some that have the courage and honesty to do exactly that. It is those YECs I respect for that courage and honesty.

Default_Dave definitely behaves like a charlatan, with his irresponsible street preaching.

I have done lectures and debates in Washington Square Park in the middle of New York University where most people thought I was either a professor or a lawyer.

If you had been there and said the things you say here, they would have stopped you, but you would probably have never had the nerve.



New member
gcthomas said:
Why can't they just say out loud that they think science is bunk
GC.. science brings us better technologies and improved medicine. Evolutionism is simply a belief about the past. Evolutionism has never produced any new technologies, nor any improvement in medicine. It could even be argued that evolutionism has at times hindered medical progress.

What is "bunk" is your belief in consensus science. Evolutionism has been the consensus far too long. It is the geocentrist science of todays world. Evolutionists think everything must revolve around their belief system, and unbelievers must be excommunicated.


Literal lunatic
What makes you say this? I do not agree that is what I am doing. Can you support your claim here?

I am renewed. That is how I know you are full of it. Full of much feces from that animal in your avatar.

I listen to Jesus, not you. But I would love to hear you objective criteria which you use universally to determine "wisdom of the world" from the "wisdom of God", can you supply that? Or is this more of your solid waste from a horse?

I have asked him. And he has told me you are a viper.

If you had been renewed when you became a theist, you would not have became an atheist/agnostic.
Now all you have done is reverted back to theism using the same swill of evolution to bolster your own imagination.
Those of us who listen to Jesus, believe Him, and we are sure of what we have been taught.
One thing we know for shore is, is that we did not come from a microscopic cell in the water.

Genesis 2:7 KJV
And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.
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