COVID-19 Data Tracking

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
An interview with Dr. Fauci.

I can't stand Trevor Noah

eta: but i'm glad I listened to Fauci - nothing I didn't know already, good to know it's going out to Noah's followers - interesting that he mentioned twice, I think that the State governments are responsible
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The might of American manufacturing is bring to bear it's full power to combat COVID-19. It's awesome to see this happen. It makes me very proud to be an American!

I just got a call today from a buddy of mine who owns a machine shop. He asked me to help him build a new emergency ventilator that can be used in a pinch where there are no other options. The design is an open source design from MIT. I said yes of course. This will give me a chance to actually help people while I am stuck at home all day.
Nobody is questioning America's manufacturing capacity but timing is everything - these kinds pf efforts should have been initiated 2 months ago even as precautionary measures - now we're getting reports that the federal government sent masks and respirators to the Chinese!

Germany has the 5th largest number of confirmed cases at 66883, but a mortality rate of only 0.8% - as compared to France's 6%, Spain's 8% and Italy's 11%!

Unlike other countries, Germany took the threat seriously and has thew capacity to conduct 500000 tests a week- they didn't squander the precious time January and February provided for those farsighted enough to make good use of it!
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ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Nobody is questioning America's manufacturing capacity ....

surely there are similar stories from Ontario - lots of manufacturing in Windsor and plenty of idled capacity in Oshawa - how about it?

... these kinds pf efforts should have been initiated 2 months ago even as precautionary measures ...

what was Justin Trudeau doing 2 months ago?

today's news from the GWN:

Coronavirus: Ontario lags behind all other provinces in COVID-19 testing

Ontario, Canada's largest province, makes up 38% of it's population.


The US Sent Tons of Medical Supplies to China Even as Senators Warned of Virus Threat Here
March 29. 2020

The United States government sent nearly 17.8 tons of donated medical supplies to China—including masks and respirators—almost three weeks after the first case of the coronavirus was reported in the state of Washington.

In a press release from the State Department dated Feb. 7, the agency announced it was prepared to spend up to $100 million to assist China as the number of COVID-19 cases and deaths continued to rise there. The day the press release went out, Trump tweeted that he spoke with China’s President Xi Jinping and that China would be “successful especially as the weather starts to warm & the virus hopefully becomes weaker and then gone.”

At the time, sending supplies overseas may have seemed like the right thing to do. But it’s worth noting that this release of vital medical supplies came two days after several senators, including Connecticut Democrat Chris Murphy, offered to allocate congressional emergency funding for preventative health measures and research to ward off the virus in the United States—and President Donald Trump turned it down. “Local health systems need supplies, training, screening staff, etc…” tweeted Murphy, “and they need it now.”
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You could never make this kind of stuff up!

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
The US Sent Tons of Medical Supplies to China Even as Senators Warned of Virus Threat Here
March 29. 2020

Sure, we've always been humanitarians, willing to help out people in need

from your link:

In a press release from the State Department dated Feb. 7, the agency announced it was prepared to spend up to $100 million to assist China as the number of COVID-19 cases and deaths continued to rise there.

How much assistance did YOUR country give China when it was struggling to contain the China Virus?


Sure, we've always been humanitarians, willing to help out people in need

from your link:

In a press release from the State Department dated Feb. 7, the agency announced it was prepared to spend up to $100 million to assist China as the number of COVID-19 cases and deaths continued to rise there.

How much assistance did YOUR country give China when it was struggling to contain the China Virus?
Apparently it would have been asking too much for this President to have connected the dots, taken the advice of his intelligence community, and taken the necessary steps to dramatically increase the production of medical protective gear and ventilators!

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
The last time I tried to defend myself ...

i didn't report you

defend yourself - answer this simple question - what nationality are you?

I say you're Canadian - it's easy enough to verify, any of the moderators can take a quick peek at your ISP

User Name

Greatest poster ever
i didn't report you

defend yourself - answer this simple question - what nationality are you?

I say you're Canadian - it's easy enough to verify, any of the moderators can take a quick peek at your ISP

What difference does it make where people are from? If he is Canadian does that mean he can't have an opinion?

The Berean

Well-known member
Ok, I wanted to give you guys an update on the engineering project. After our first meeting we decided that trying to create a machine to squeeze a Bag Valve Mask is very complicated. It's more than just having a machine squeeze the bag. That is very simple actually. But this machine would need to have a data feedback system that would get hooked into a hospital room's monitoring system. This is very involved and complex. It would require electronics and software. The engineering development would take a long time. It would basically require that we create a startup company and work on it full time.

So we decided to go on another path. We have decided to modify a CPAP device to ventilation. CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure) is a type of machine used by people with sleep apnea.

Our goal to modify a CPAP machine so it operates as a true ventilator.

I'll keep you all posted.


Ok, I wanted to give you guys an update on the engineering project. After our first meeting we decided that trying to create a machine to squeeze a Bag Valve Mask is very complicated. It's more than just having a machine squeeze the bag. That is very simple actually. But this machine would need to have a data feedback system that would get hooked into a hospital room's monitoring system. This is very involved and complex. It would require electronics and software. The engineering development would take a long time. It would basically require that we create a startup company and work on it full time.

So we decided to go on another path. We have decided to modify a CPAP device to ventilation. CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure) is a type of machine used by people with sleep apnea.

Our goal to modify a CPAP machine so it operates as a true ventilator.

I'll keep you all posted.
Such continuous positive airway pressure (Cpap) devices, which are being used extensively in hospitals in Italy and China, bridge the gap between an oxygen mask and full ventilation. UK hospitals have the apparatus but it is in short supply.

Engineers from UCL and doctors at University College London hospital (UCLH) developed the device, which is claimed to be an improvement on existing Cpap systems, with Mercedes Formula One in less than 100 hours from first meeting to first production model. The device has been approved by the UK’s Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency.

“These devices will help to save lives by ensuring that ventilators, a limited resource, are used only for the most severely ill,” said Prof Mervyn Singer, a UCLH critical care consultant who worked on the design.
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The British have just invented a valve that when attached to a compressed air supply can act like a ventilator - I suspect that it was intended to be used in conjunction with a CPAP machine?

Google it under Project Pitlane!
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ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Ok, I wanted to give you guys an update on the engineering project. After our first meeting we decided that trying to create a machine to squeeze a Bag Valve Mask is very complicated. It's more than just having a machine squeeze the bag. That is very simple actually. But this machine would need to have a data feedback system that would get hooked into a hospital room's monitoring system. This is very involved and complex. It would require electronics and software. The engineering development would take a long time. It would basically require that we create a startup company and work on it full time.

So we decided to go on another path. We have decided to modify a CPAP device to ventilation. CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure) is a type of machine used by people with sleep apnea.

Our goal to modify a CPAP machine so it operates as a true ventilator.

I'll keep you all posted.

Outstanding TB!


i didn't report you

defend yourself - answer this simple question - what nationality are you?

I say you're Canadian - it's easy enough to verify, any of the moderators can take a quick peek at your ISP
Perhaps this Forum would prefer not to set the precedent of allowing one member to arrange for "Theology Online" to release the personal information of another so that he can continue with his personal vendetta to silence him!

Those who share my political views might also be questioning as to what it takes for the Moderators of this Forum to step in and put an end to this nonstop harassment in an attempt to silence a 13 year member!

In marked contrast to others I could mention, I actually take the time to research most of my responses and try to introduce new information, rather than just posting for the sake of posting - examples Post 112, 113!

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Perhaps this Forum does want to set the precedent of allowing one member to arrange for "Theology Online" to release the personal information of another...

it's not personal info, it's readily available to any of the mods or admins

and it's a precedent that's already been set - mods and admins have inspected problematic poster's ISP's before

so that he can continue with a personal vendetta to silence them!

awww, poor baby :baby:

somebody is trying to "silence" you by questioning your bizarre motivations, your obsessive behavior regarding another nation's leader

Those who share my political views ...

as far as I can tell, your political views begin and end with "I REALLY REALLY HATE TRUMP!!!"

which is really weird considering that you're a Canadian

almost as weird as the fact that those who share your views most pronouncedly here are other foreign nationals, the brits artie and eider

and like you, they are extremely reluctant to discuss their own leaders

The Berean

Well-known member
Such continuous positive airway pressure (Cpap) devices, which are being used extensively in hospitals in Italy and China, bridge the gap between an oxygen mask and full ventilation. UK hospitals have the apparatus but it is in short supply.

Engineers from UCL and doctors at University College London hospital (UCLH) developed the device, which is claimed to be an improvement on existing Cpap systems, with Mercedes Formula One in less than 100 hours from first meeting to first production model. The device has been approved by the UK’s Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency.

“These devices will help to save lives by ensuring that ventilators, a limited resource, are used only for the most severely ill,” said Prof Mervyn Singer, a UCLH critical care consultant who worked on the design.
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The British have just invented a valve that when attached to a compressed air supply can act like a ventilator - I suspect that it was intended to be used in conjunction with a CPAP machine?

Google it under Project Pitlane!

Sweet! Thank you for sharing this. I've already passed the info to our team leader.


Sweet! Thank you for sharing this. I've already passed the info to our team leader.
I suspect that the United Kingdom market will be purchasing all of the models that this British-based consortium rolls off the assembly line tor the foreseeable future if their invention performs as advertised - this would certainly provide a more cost efficient alternate for those less severe cases, freeing up the limited number of ventilator,s to be reserved for those higher risk patients!

This would also mean that if an American-based company, such as yours, were to invent a similar product and/or enter into an agreement with this UK consortium to produce the same product, that would leave them with virtually all of North American market to themselves - at least in the short term!

For a company to turn a profit in the middle of a pandemic by producing a product, that would virtually sell itself to hospitals and governments, could be the opportunity of a lifetime - not to mention all the positive media coverage and the accolades from a grateful nation (and President) for lives saved!
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Well-known member
COVID-19 strikes my family again. This time a nephew of mine through marriage (he's the son of my wife's brother) who lives in NYC contracted COVID-19. But, thankfully, he recovered from the virus and is doing well now.

I'm glad he recovered. I'm afraid many more here will have relatives of friends who get infected before this is over.