CoverGirl Announces First Male Makeup-Wearing ‘CoverBoy’ Model


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
I see that CoverGirl has dropped Ellen the Degenerate as it's spokesthing, perhaps this sexually confused boy will replace her?

Maybe you can organize a boycott of CoverGirl makeup?

Or, maybe just go on with your life and let people wear what they want to wear.

That 41 percent suicide rate among transgender people is more than 25 times the rate of the general population, which is 1.6 percent. And among trans people ages 18-44, the suicide attempt rate was 45 percent.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
Maybe you can organize a boycott of CoverGirl makeup?
Or, maybe just go on with your life and let people wear what they want to wear.

Good old Anna. It's nobody's business if people dance their way merrily to Hell, quite the opposite of Jesus' message to spread the Gospel and make disciples. If Anna saw an Alcoholic drinking herself to death she'd say, "just go on with your life and let people do what they want to do", that is, if she were consistent. After all, if you let people with one disorder alone to do as they please you must do the same with all other disorders, lest you be a hypocrite.

Anna's motto is abort the babies, and the ones that survive let them skip down the path to Hell, and don't you dare say a thing because its none of your bee's wax.

.......That 41 percent suicide rate among transgender people is more than 25 times the rate of the general population, which is 1.6 percent. And among trans people ages 18-44, the suicide attempt rate was 45 percent.

Culture of death: Anna's world. Hillary's world.


New member
CoverGirl has been featuring lesbian Ellen de Generis for a while now so as disgusting as this is, it really comes as no shock. Sadly, as debased as CoverGirl is, they are only doing this because marketing studies have shown that people will buy it, so the real culprit here is the immoral population of this nation.

Surprise surprise, MrDonkey attacks the messenger, but does not care a whit about the disgusting nature of the topic. So typical of a leftwing moron.

Freaks, and apparently MrDonkey

and once again CC demonstrates that he doesn't have the basic mental skills to get what is being said. What is disgusting is judging and attacking someone based solely on how they look. Something God specifically said was wrong.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
and once again CC demonstrates that he doesn't have the basic mental skills to get what is being said.......
LOL. You're such a lowlife. You defend perversion, that's the bottom line you worm.

........What is disgusting is judging and attacking someone based solely on how they look. Something God specifically said was wrong.
Thanks for once again lying and perverting God's Word. If I see a rapist raping, am I not allowed to judge that action as evil? Of course I am. If I see a thief stealing, am I not allowed to judge that action as evil? Of course I am.

And if I see a homoseual engaging in perverting activities, this too I can judge as an evil act. God will judge for heaven and hell, but humans are to judge what they see and decide if it is right or wrong.

Go back yo your barn MrDonkey, along with the other jackasses.


New member
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
I see that CoverGirl has dropped Ellen the Degenerate as it's spokesthing, perhaps this sexually confused boy will replace her?

That 41 percent suicide rate among transgender people is more than 25 times the rate of the general population, which is 1.6 percent. And among trans people ages 18-44, the suicide attempt rate was 45 percent.

Brave of you to bring up Paul McHugh considering how he got caught lying about these very statistics.

He attributes these numbers to "Long-Term Follow-Up of Transsexual Persons Undergoing Sex Reassignment Surgery: Cohort Study in Sweden by Cecilia Dhejne, et al. Sadly that study shows the exact opposite of what McHugh and you are claiming.


Brave of you to bring up Paul McHugh considering how he got caught lying about these very statistics.

He attributes these numbers to "Long-Term Follow-Up of Transsexual Persons Undergoing Sex Reassignment Surgery: Cohort Study in Sweden by Cecilia Dhejne, et al. Sadly that study shows the exact opposite of what McHugh and you are claiming.

Shall we add the Williams Institute and the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention to the LIARS! LIARS! LIARS! list?

The most recent, comprehensive data on suicide attempts*was gathered by The Williams Institute, in collaboration with the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. Its*report,*Suicide Attempts Among*Transgender and Gender*Non-Conforming Adults, analyzed responses from*6,456 self-identified*transgender and gender non-conforming adults (18+) who took part in the*U.S. National Transgender Discrimination Survey. The results are staggering.

Beyond the overall number of suicide attempts, the rates are consistently high from respondents ages 18 to 65, when*they begin to recede. Trans men are the most impacted, with 46 percent reporting an attempt in their lifetime. Trans women are close behind at 42 percent, and female-assigned*cross-dressers report rates of 44 percent.

Why don't you admit what the real problem is: Those darn Christians who want to help sexually and gender confused people out of their deathstyle. What should be done with people like me MrDante?


ACW is obsessed with Trump and jailing gays. He's a psychopath

Trump does have a huge LGBTQ backing; it the Libertarian faction of the Republican Party that is responsible for that.

Christians are being jailed and losing their livelihood because of these "gays" you talk about.

Donald Trump will do absolutely nothing to protect them. Heck, you even acknowledged yourself that Mike Pence sold out Christians when he backed off Indiana's religious liberty bill.


New member
Hall of Fame
and once again CC demonstrates that he doesn't have the basic mental skills to get what is being said. What is disgusting is judging and attacking someone based solely on how they look. Something God specifically said was wrong.

Chapter and verse please? Also make sure you post what it says about effeminate and homosexual men.


New member
Hall of Fame
John 7:24

Appearance there, has nothing to do with a persons physical appearance.

Lets look at context.

John 7:23-24 23 If a man receives circumcision on the Sabbath, so that the law of Moses should not be broken, are you angry with Me because I made a man completely well on the Sabbath? 24 Do not judge according to appearance, but judge with righteous judgment.”

Try again.