County Clerk Resigns Instead of Issuing Gay Marriage Licenses


Active member
Fact, actually. No matter what a court says, murder and stealing will always be wrong. This is clear evidence that there is a higher standard.

Because of the implications.

You're outlawing stuff because of how people feel? :AMR:

Except it is real.

That people argue is not evidence.

Your "less misery" is also founded on your demand that you be allowed to murder unborn children.

So you're just going to ignore the evidence and demand that everyone abide by your standards?

The law does not operate according to what people want.

It does not take a theocrat to install evil.

Your "misery" and "happiness" standard is bunk.

There is no such thing as a gay marriage. Marriage is the lifelong, monogamous union between a man and a woman with the aim being to build a family.

This right has been available to everyone the whole time. Pretending that we are denying any rights is completely untrue.

If you ignore the misery and suffering of others (which you are clearly doing), they'll kill you and risk death if they have to in order to stop you and the suffering you wish to impose. Your type of society inevitably leads to the wrong kind of theocrat gaining power who will declare your "standard" to be blasphemy and chop off your head.

Have fun living in such a society. The rest of us prefer to live in peace and freedom under a clearly provable standard called the human condition and not in the nightmare society you envision under your "facts". Your "facts" are nothing more than a delusion that produces the worst kind of societies with high body counts and high suicide rates to escape the misery.

The bottom line: do you prefer to live in a constant state of war with everyone declaring their own "higher standard" based on "facts" and "evidence" and attempting to impose it on others and killing each other to settle the dispute, or do you prefer a society that allows people to live by their own standard without the ability to impose it on others so long as it doesn't infringe on the life, liberty or property of others?

If such a society is so desirable, why do you not move to it? Uganda is much closer to a Christian theocracy with a prevalent kill the gays mentality that should suit your depraved mindset quite well.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
If you ignore the misery and suffering of others (which you are clearly doing)...
If it's so clear, you should be able to show what I said that led you to this nonsense conclusion.

Meanwhile, no matter what a court says, stealing and murder will always be wrong, clear evidence that there is a higher authority in play.


Blessed beyond measure
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Hall of Fame determine which opinion becomes the law of the land.

Do you hear yourself? "Which opinion" becomes the law of the land.

Can you say, "hypocrite?"


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Do you hear yourself? "Which opinion" becomes the law of the land.

Can you say, "hypocrite?"

The opinions Tinny likes are the ones that result in trillions of dollars in debt, millions of people on welfare and thousands of babies murdered every day.


Active member
Do you hear yourself? "Which opinion" becomes the law of the land.

Can you say, "hypocrite?"

The heck you babbling on about? You've never heard the term legal opinion before?

I sure as heck am not going to accept YOUR opinion as the law of the land, and few others will either. At least we won't go down without a bloody fight first if you try to impose it on the rest of us.


Active member
The opinions Tinny likes are the ones that result in trillions of dollars in debt, millions of people on welfare and thousands of babies murdered every day.

And your opinions lead to societal instability as you engage in mass judicial killings, sparking wars and riots if you are lucky. If you are unlucky, you get either a Saudi Arabian or Iranian type society.

I'll take first world democratic liberal countries over your hell on earth any day.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
And your opinions lead to societal instability as you engage in mass judicial killings, sparking wars and riots if you are lucky. If you are unlucky, you get either a Saudi Arabian or Iranian type society.

I'll take first world democratic liberal countries over your hell on earth any day.


My ideas have not been implemented.

Yours, however, have been and we can read the results in the headlines.


Active member

My ideas have not been implemented.

Theocratic ideas have been implemented at various times throughout history. Each one was just as confident as you, and each one ended up horrifically.

At the end of the day, your "absolute standard" is just your opinion.

Human opinion is all there is, all there ever was, and all there ever will be.

Those who are unable to accept that fact attempt to latch onto something else and call it "absolute".

Yours, however, have been and we can read the results in the headlines.

And the data shows that modern first world liberal democratic countries are the best societies to live ever in the entire history of the human species and they only continue to get better and better.


New member
Hall of Fame
The fewer fundamentalist Christians working in government, the better.

Yeah, exactly. She's being paid with tax dollars, refused to abide by the law, and resigned. Good riddance. Glad she's not in the way anymore.


New member
Hall of Fame
You could probably be a Christian and issue homos with licenses that say they are married, but it'd be a pretty difficult sell.

These clerks and judges, do not need to be quitting, they need to refuse and let them be fired instead, then they can file a lawsuit over religious discrimination. Accommodations are given to all kinds of religions in the workplace under the law.

Quitting gives them what they want, dont give it to them, fight for your constitutional rights.


New member
These clerks and judges, do not need to be quitting, they need to refuse and let them be fired instead, then they can file a lawsuit over religious discrimination. Accommodations are given to all kinds of religions in the workplace under the law.

Quitting gives them what they want, dont give it to them, fight for your constitutional rights.

Fighting for their constitutional rights is exactly what gays and lesbians have been doing for decades


New member
Hall of Fame
Not being able to bully an entire minority with impunity anymore has really infuriated you people.:crackup:

The so called "bullied" are now bullying others, how nice, they dont practice what they preach - isnt that what a hypocrite is?


New member
Hall of Fame
The so called "bullied" are now bullying others, how nice, they dont practice what they preach - isnt that what a hypocrite is?


So the best you can do is kvetch that you're finally on the receiving end of what you've been dishing. When you guys don't even bother with denying how rotten you are the discussion's over.


New member
Hall of Fame

So the best you can do is kvetch that you're finally on the receiving end of what you've been dishing. When you guys don't even bother with denying how rotten you are the discussion's over.

What gay have i bullied? I support their refusing me service, i am not a hypocrite.

Do tell what "*I* have dished.

Dan Emanuel

Active member
It would be wonderful if they're was a story where somebody because of moral conviction decided to resign and wasn't allowed to, and instead was forced against there will to issue marriage certificate's to S.S. couple's.

But thats not whats happening here. I wonder why. Maybe because America is still a free country, in spite of many Christian's mistaking and confusing Church policy for and with public policy. Nobody is, nor can, force the Church to recognize S.S. marriage contract's as valid marriage's. Theirs the government, which is based on right's, among which is the right to have government help us enforce contract's that we enter into; and theirs the Church. This is the freest time period in the history of our faith, where we are left alone by all form's of government, to do and say and believe and teach as we see fit. They'res no fundamental immorality involved in helping the government to enforce voluntary legal contract's between un-coerced people.



New member
Hall of Fame
It would be wonderful if they're was a story where somebody because of moral conviction decided to resign and wasn't allowed to, and instead was forced against there will to issue marriage certificate's to S.S. couple's.

But thats not whats happening here. I wonder why. Maybe because America is still a free country, in spite of many Christian's mistaking and confusing Church policy for and with public policy. Nobody is, nor can, force the Church to recognize S.S. marriage contract's as valid marriage's. Theirs the government, which is based on right's, among which is the right to have government help us enforce contract's that we enter into; and theirs the Church. This is the freest time period in the history of our faith, where we are left alone by all form's of government, to do and say and believe and teach as we see fit. They'res no fundamental immorality involved in helping the government to enforce voluntary legal contract's between un-coerced people.


For a lot of your brethren that's no where near good enough. They want control over others, not freedom to exercise their faith. Huge difference.

Jose Fly

New member
The so called "bullied" are now bullying others, how nice, they dont practice what they preach - isnt that what a hypocrite is?

No doubt....these gays are now walking into businesses and expecting to be treated like everyone else, and going to government buildings and expecting to get marriage licenses like everyone else.

The nerve!!! :angrymob: