First it was 1 in 5, then it was 23%, then it was 28%, and now it is 40%.
Why do the numbers keep changing
Why can't you cite any authority, demonstrate your math, or understand that numbers change relative to time, region, and particular examination, as in the difference between the homeless and the poor, or the homeless and the chronically homeless.
You all have utterly refused to acknowledge the factors I have brought up which shows the misleading nature of those statistics
What factors? I've heard you say they existed. By all means bring up specifics. I'll wait while that doesn't happen.
Here's Cruc waving the vague "factors" flag:
Again, you're taking an annual report that fails to take into account a myriad of factors- right down to the transitional period of temporarily receiving shelter- women make up a vestige of the chronically homeless, have 41 times the amount of gender specific shelters than men.
That was also Cruc not noting that the chronically homeless are sliver of the homeless, who then constitute a relatively small number of the poor. Those are the unqualified rabbit holes he has to run down to appear to make a point about gender. And even then his numbers are distorted, because they don't do the denigrating job he means for them to do if he uses them honestly.
The fact is that it shouldn't even matter anyway if it's one and five or one in twenty- the one's suffering the most and who make up the body of hard poverty are men
Hard poverty? I think what we're witnessing is you using other people's work to look for some sliver of a thing you can rest your gender bias on, but here's the problem: most of the poor, broken down by gender, remain women. Sadly, women with children, another segment of the poor.
And yet you all have your heads up feminism's rear and giving people like me flack for pointing out the supreme conflict of interest.
I'm giving you flack for running a dishonest game, routinely declaring the sort of spittle flecked invective that frames your misogynistic world view. I also give you flack on abortion and race, where you're on the wrong moral and ethical side. So...
That's the bottom line, nothing else further needs to be examined to conclude that you suffer from old fashioned STOCKHOLM SYNDROME.
Ah, your unqualified go-to card, get out of argument nonsense.
