Nope. I just set out the plain fact and note that wherever you dredged yours it was either errant or unqualified in a way that would make it a) meaningful and b) something other than a misleading distortion.You simply presume too much from statistics is all.
Statistics don't take into account anything other than numbers
Rather, it's rare among the poor to be homeless, though half a million is a significant number. Among those that unfortunate, you see roughly six men for every four women. Not five percent.That is not something 'anecdotal', it is rare to see a woman homeless period
It isn't correct and I've cited to authority, which you apparently can't handle.- the 1 and 20 figure (5%) is correct, deal with it.
Whazzit? Seriously, that's a convoluted mess of a sentence. Try it again in bits.It's not much more women than men to suppose it's due to anything of them being women.
It's only an either/or with you and your mindset. There's nothing inherently dismissive (in relation to men and problems facing them) about addressing women's problems or defending flawed and misinformed attacks upon them.The fact that you all demonstrably care more about, and do more about, the women
I call some people misogynistic for evidencing it. And I point out the particular in the why.while calling other people misogynists for pointing it out
I suspect it's a defense mechanism to protect the irrationality at the core of your enough for me to *drumroll* not care.
I don't think your complaint is real, to begin with, so your solution isn't really either. You decide others are trying to appear holy because you can then dismiss them out of hand, but you don't establish the fact (a common problem with much of what you appear to believe). You need a rational approach to the subject that your bias doesn't appear to invite.Why should I care about a society that quacks morals but kicks according to what makes itself appear holy?
Sexist? Settle on a term. You're rhetoric is misogynistic. Your hostility toward women is as palpable as it remains factually without much support. You appear to confuse an anecdote and personal bruising with the world and how it is or works. Investing yourself in a solid education, into a development of serious critical, analytical skills could rid you of much of that, along with the anger that fuels it. But that's up to you.I think you're all equally absurd, so unless you're a woman than guess what? I'm not 'sexist'
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