Could God forgive without crucifixion?


New member
Majority of the scriptures you quoted is Old Testament. Which doesn't concern me.

And if we understand the term "New Testament" as "The New Covenant", spoken of in the Bible, then it doesn't concern me, either, as it was for Israel alone, too.

I was never promised Kingdom of Heaven.

And I am not under law, I am under grace.

If those are truly your beliefs, then you cannot be under grace.


New member
It is what the Bible says. I gave you enough scriptures.

I'd say you gave me some verses taken out of context.

Majority of them came from Gospels where Jesus spoke to Jews alone.

And how come Jesus said "Kingdom of God is at hand" and 2000 years later people still pray "Thy Kingdom come?"


Eclectic Theosophist
I'd say you gave me some verses taken out of context.

Majority of them came from Gospels where Jesus spoke to Jews alone.

And how come Jesus said "Kingdom of God is at hand" and 2000 years later people still pray "Thy Kingdom come?"

I gather you recognize the kingdom of heaven being an 'inward spiritual realization or condition', the reign of God within the heart, mind and soul? Jesus did say the kingdom was in your midst, within you, among you, seems its an all-pervading consciousness of God. If the Spirit of God indwells you, wouldn't you say the kingdom is within you?

Jesus didn't seem to hold to a material kingdom or earthly one being established as men conceive it or would organize it. He said his kingdom was not of this world. It therefore seems that it is a universal brotherhood among men, who recognize God as their Father, and live by the ethical-law of the kingdom, being love.

Ben Masada

New member
Yes, most definitely! All God requires to set things right with the Lord so that our sins from scarlet red become as white as snow is to repent, to obey and to return to the obedience of God's Law. (Isaiah 1:18,19)
that's all.

Ben Masada

New member
Yes, most definitely! All that is required to set things right with the Lord so that our sins, from scarlet red become as white as snow is to repent and to return to the obedience of God's Law. That's all.


New member
I gather you recognize the kingdom of heaven being an 'inward spiritual realization or condition', the reign of God within the heart, mind and soul? Jesus did say the kingdom was in your midst, within you, among you, seems its an all-pervading consciousness of God. If the Spirit of God indwells you, wouldn't you say the kingdom is within you?

What if Kingdom had two meanings, literal and figurative? This is not uncommon in the Bible.

Jesus didn't seem to hold to a material kingdom or earthly one being established as men conceive it or would organize it. He said his kingdom was not of this world. It therefore seems that it is a universal brotherhood among men, who recognize God as their Father, and live by the ethical-law of the kingdom, being love.

Ok, can you please tell me how you understand these words from Matthew 8:

I say to you that many will come from the east and the west, and will take their places at the feast with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob in the kingdom of heaven.
But the subjects of the kingdom will be thrown outside, into the darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth."

It looks literal to me!

(I know most Christians see it as heaven/hell thing, no matter how ridiculous that may sound, but I believed it for many years, too, so I don't laugh at anyone :) )


New member
Yes, most definitely! All that is required to set things right with the Lord so that our sins, from scarlet red become as white as snow is to repent and to return to the obedience of God's Law. That's all.

Oh, I didn't know that we had Orthodox Jews here!

God's Truth

New member
I'd say you gave me some verses taken out of context.
No, not just because you say so.

If you want to debate, then you will have to do more than just deny the truth.

Majority of them came from Gospels where Jesus spoke to Jews alone.

Jesus' words are life for everyone, not Jews alone.

And how come Jesus said "Kingdom of God is at hand" and 2000 years later people still pray "Thy Kingdom come?"

Because the Holy Spirit had not yet been given to all believers.


TOL Subscriber
Yes, most definitely! All that is required to set things right with the Lord so that our sins, from scarlet red become as white as snow is to repent and to return to the obedience of God's Law. That's all.
Rather: Romans 3:21-22 KJV. Trust the Lord believing 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 KJV. That's all (Colossians 2:13 KJV).


New member
No, not just because you say so.

If you want to debate, then you will have to do more than just deny the truth.

Jesus' words are life for everyone, not Jews alone.

Jesus Himself said He was sent only to the Jews... not even all Jews, just the ones from the house of Israel (Matthew 15:24). He was preaching law to the Jews. He didn't preach about the death/resurrection Gospel until the very last of His days. And He never taught the Gospel of Grace that Paul taught.

If someone's theology directed at Christians is mostly based on Gospel, it must be taken out of context.

It's the same as if you tried to make theology based on Psalms or Pentateuch.

The direct addressees of almost entire Bible are Jews, whether we like it or not. And that included Gospels.


New member
And He never taught the Gospel of Grace that Paul taught.

Jesus offered the Jews the kingdom of God, doesn't that include salvation by grace?

What verse are you referring to where Jesus said salvation (being born again) is by our works?

Or are you just making up stuff?