Another one! Let's see, you've called me asinine, naive, stupid, an idiot and now moron.
You deserve some real truth from me for that. Just a little.
If the shoe fits!
I'm retired and have never been to a political rally in my life.
You're useless with your guesses.
I wasn't a guess and you missed the point - probably intentionally.
Nazism was (and still is..... read
User Name 's post to you) extremely far right,
No, it flatly is not. It is a totalitarian form of government with a collectivist political policy and a planned social structure and economy. It has nothing to do with the hallmarks of the right which is individual determination and responsibility and a free economy (capitalism). Hitler and Mussolini both hated everything about what the right stands for.
but in my opinion you are so extreme as to be beyond even that, which is possibly why you see Nazism to your left. You would be a joke if you weren't so shockingly extreme.
Shockingly extreme?
In what way?
Do you mean that I believe the government should stay the hell our of your life except to protect your rights from those who would violate them (e.g. criminals and foreign enemies)?
Do you mean that I believe you have the right and sole responsibility to live your life the way you see fit?
Do you mean that I believe that God is real and that you and I both will stand before Him to give an account for not only our beliefs but the actions those beliefs led too?
Do you mean that I believe stealing is a crime and that the government has no right to play Robin Hood and take, by force, the money that I have earned in order to give it to somone who did not earn it?
Do you mean that I believe that the government has no right to tell me what goods and services that I must offer and the price I'm allowed to charge for it?
Do you mean that I believe that criminals should meat a punishment that fits the crime that they've committed?
For which of these am I too radical for you? Which of these would the Nazi's have NOT put me to death for?
Taken to extremes such as I perceive in you, 'right' is a level of careless liberalism which reaches all the way to some kind of psycho anarchy.
You howl and wail about having to obey community rules like a bawling spoiled brat.
"The community", what ever that undefinable blob of meaninglessness is, has no right to my life precisely because it cannot be defined except in terms that makes someone else's "need" a claim check on my life.
Clearly not, Clete....... as I read your nasty mouthed comments towards myself and your shrieking 'liar' at other members I truly do wonder what kind of Christian you might be. ......just sayin'....
There nothing nasty about my mouth and I did not shriek. It was a quite dispassionate statement of fact. You morons on this website seem to constantly forget that the posts you quote are right there with the accusations you're making. The dingbat quoted my response to his question and then blithely claims that I didn't respond to the question which anyone who reads can see that I did. It's definitely a form of psychosis.
Good..... you actually got something nearly right. Hitler was a mass murderer......... over 13 million concentration camp murders plus millions of innocent German people.
That's right and the only people who have him beat (and there's plenty of them) are people who think, in political terms, like Obama, Hillary, Pelosi, Cortes and you.
But that raises a question. Why do you think that Hitler left the Vatican Estate and Catholics alone when he held such power over all of them?
He wan't your kind of Christian, Clete, whatever that is, but he obviously felt that he still held to some kind of Christianity.
You're just so amazingly stupid. I can only thank God that we do not have a direct democracy where people who's minds do not work and who believe slobber mouthed stupidity like what you've just said here don't have the power such a system would afford them. People who think like me wouldn't last a week under any system that even slightly resembled Nazi style Fascism. We would all leave or be killed trying to leave. It is only our absence form society that permits such systems to exist in the first place.