Complete border meltdown


New member
I don't have much opinion on immigration beyond supporting it. Here, we have several authentic Mexican cuisine restaurants, hand done car washes and many custom car shops. They're all great and manned by some hard working folks that probably aren't legal but they might be. I have no way of knowing but I also don't care.

Just make it easier for these awesome folks to immigrate and send the military to the border to wipe out the cartels.


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Hall of Fame
Nobody wants to stop immigration.

You do realize that right?

Sure, we welcome the doctors and engineers and programers who filled out their paper work and waited for the nod, I can't imagine why we wouldn't.

Not exactly the huddled masses though.

Alot of these kids are straight up orphans or are coming here to join their parents because the cartel back home beheaded their last aunt and uncle and there's no place to stay anymore.


Hall of Fame
hmm,I keep reading this and re-reading,I suppose there's no way to change your opinion of this race of people. I suppose in history many races have been looked at as nasty people by others. In the years prior to ww2 different races were looked at in the same manner,by the end of the war the final solution was in place. Do you think it would be better to put them in camps and shave all of their hair off,delouse them,burn their clothes ect.,,,what do you suggest?

This has nothing to do with race and everything to do with responsibility. Can you give a reason why immigrants should not be expected to abide by the laws of our country IF they wish to be allowed in or even remain here?


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Except that the more illegal immigrants we get the more people are getting what they want by taking it from other people.

That's the fault of our welfare system, not the immigrants.
The illegals pay into systems that they can't get anything out of, they want to work and work hard.
Let's just let them.


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I read that, currently, 47% of Americans are on the dole. Now we add 50,000 children who are carrying parasites and disease, who have been sexually abused, have no skills or education and attempt to provide care for them.
What kind of parents would do this?

What kind of people would send them back?!


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The people that went by the Statue of Liberty went to Ellis Island, got in line and filled out their paperwork. And they paid their taxes.

They would love to stand in line and fill out their paperwork and if they had cards they could pay their taxes.
Sign em up!


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Shipping people with rampant disease and vermin all over the US on public transportation without real background information on them, and just dropping them off on a promise that they will at some later time appear in court to see about it and not just a few but literally thousands as if they will ever show up at some court hearing just on their word?

Not to mention all the care having to be provided before hand and after by a state that doesn't even have a state income tax? Who do you think will be paying for it all?

Sounds like a meltdown to me. I dont blame that town refusing them for refusing them.

The Federal Dept. of Health and Human Services has to take children within 72 hours of getting picked up by Border Patrol.
The Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act, which was signed into law and reauthorized several times during President George W. Bush's administration set guidelines on how to best handle unaccompanied immigrant children.
In 2008, the Department of Health and Human Services was authorized to take over the care of kids, which includes helping meet their health and legal needs, no later than 72 hours after being picked up by the Border Patrol.


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"I think Texas is the primary target because Arizona and New Mexico were essentially ceded some time ago because of their lack of private land ownership. All the Feds had to do was walk off their own land which they did some time ago. California politically capitulated some time ago but then there is that pesky Texas with it's highest in the nation rate of private land ownership and rainy day fund that allows us to thumb our nose at Uncle Sugar when he gets a bit too froward."

Yes, and even though a huge percentage of Texans now live in the six or so larger cities, and Texas has a recent history of immigrants coming in from many other states, even California, there is always that history lurking in our memories, especially those born and raised in Texas. And now Texas not only has size but is the second most populated state.

Some people who went through the U.S. public education system after it got taken over by Transformational Marxism beginning in the fifties but really getting going in the late sixties, don't even know that Texas was an independent country, and there were English and French embassies in Austin.

So, when Texas begins to act like an independent country and tries to seal its southern border, that reminds us of our history.

Yes, Texas' history is unique in more ways than one and will probably continue to be. In many ways it is not so much a state as a state of mind. Our resources are such that we absorbed half of Louisiana without batting an eye after Catrina and now that we find ourselves in the midst of two of the biggest oil and gas booms we have seen (and that is saying something) I think we can handle Central America should we choose to. Shall we choose to ... will we continue to tolerate D.C.? I think those are open questions worth asking. In any event, I think we are likely on our way to being the most populous state in the Nation.
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New member
What kind of people would send them back?!

I don't approve of sending them back but have you heard the analogy of swamping the boat and everyone drowns?

Now you answer my question, what kind of parents would send their children off to an unknown fate?

Nathon Detroit

Alot of these kids are straight up orphans or are coming here to join their parents because the cartel back home beheaded their last aunt and uncle and there's no place to stay anymore.
Uh... there might be some of that going on but seriously.... it's a flood of children and adults from Mexico, Honduras, Guatemala, China, and a variety of other countries pouring across the border.


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I don't approve of sending them back but have you heard the analogy of swamping the boat and everyone drowns?
We defeated the Nazis, the Japanese, sent men to the Moon, brought democracy to Iraq and Afghanistan, legalized pot, elected a black man President and remade Footloose.
I think we can handle delousing and deworming some kids.
Now you answer my question, what kind of parents would send their children off to an unknown fate?
Dead ones.
Or ones that are already here and can't leave because then they'd all have to cross again and maybe not make it?
I don't judge the children by their parents either way.


New member
We defeated the Nazis, the Japanese, sent men to the Moon, brought democracy to Iraq and Afghanistan, legalized pot, elected a black man President and remade Footloose.
I think we can handle delousing and deworming some kids.

Dead ones.
Or ones that are already here and can't leave because then they'd all have to cross again and maybe not make it?
I don't judge the children by their parents either way.

We haven't succeeded in bringing Democracy anywhere!
Delousing and deworming isn't the problem. How can thousands and thousands of children without parents be properly socialized and educated? What kind of citizens are they likely to become?
We have a huge Somali contingent in Minnesota. They are fertile fields to recruit terrorists to be trained back in Somali then come back here blend in and commit acts of terrorism. There have been innumerable incidents of gangs of Somali men assaulting single white men and handicapped men and stating that they hate white people and hate America. And while many of them work many more collect our very generous welfare assistance with
aggressive entitlement attitudes.
How many people are unemployed here already? And how many small businesses are going under due to excessive regulations and taxation and red tape? Where are jobs to come from for these children who will be taken carry of by the government which tends to breed an entitlement mentality?
Legal immigrants work.
Illegal immigrants also work.
Children without parents must be cared for by the state. The state is not a good parent.


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Uh... there might be some of that going on but seriously.... it's a flood of children and adults from Mexico, Honduras, Guatemala, China, and a variety of other countries pouring across the border.

You said China.
They have forced abortion in China.
I don't have a problem at all with people fleeing China coming here.
Do you?

Nathon Detroit

You said China.
They have forced abortion in China.
I don't have a problem at all with people fleeing China coming here.
Do you?
No, I don't have a problem with people trying to escape the government in China. I also can understand why you might want to escape Mexico.

I get all that.

But... I don't know of many countries that don't have some type of border control. Heck, that's what makes a country a country.

Therefore, while I feel sorry for folks that might want to escape whatever situation they are in that doesn't mean I think we should tear down our borders and throw away the sovereignty of this country just because I feel bad for the folks that wish they were here, instead of there.

I'm good friends with the Chinese folks at my local liquor store and they escaped from China.... and entered the US legally applying for and eventually gaining citizenship. If they can do it legally.... why can't other folks do it legally?

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
They would love to stand in line and fill out their paperwork and if they had cards they could pay their taxes.
Sign em up!

Don't sneak across the Rio Grande. Visit the consular section of the local US Embassy and request residency. My wife's grand parents waited legally 7 years after WWII. The USA said yes before Australia.