Complete border meltdown


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
Why is the Obama administration aiding in the total meltdown of the US border? (I have my theory but I'd like to hear yours).

And how is this all going to end? Where do we go from here?

Here's a quick freshen up if you are unsure about what is going on since most major news outlets are ignoring this story.

My personal feeling is that Obama is attempting to destroy any semblance of national identity. All part of his destruction of America plan. How is going to end? not sure but, it is telling that lawmakers in the senate are complicit with this president's lawlessness, I really am stunned that our press are so absent to holding this man accountable for not executing the laws of this nation or for any other scandal his administration is involved in it seems. I'll just be glad when he is gone, Obama is absolutely the worst president in my lifetime and I thought nobody could unseat Jimmy Carter for that position.


New member
Hall of Fame
Calling it a complete meltdown might be overstating things a bit

Shipping people with rampant disease and vermin all over the US on public transportation without real background information on them, and just dropping them off on a promise that they will at some later time appear in court to see about it and not just a few but literally thousands as if they will ever show up at some court hearing just on their word?

Not to mention all the care having to be provided before hand and after by a state that doesn't even have a state income tax? Who do you think will be paying for it all?

Sounds like a meltdown to me. I dont blame that town refusing them for refusing them.


Well-known member
Shipping people with rampant disease and vermin all over the US on public transportation without real background information on them, and just dropping them off on a promise that they will at some later time appear in court to see about it and not just a few but literally thousands as if they will ever show up at some court hearing just on their word?

Not to mention all the care having to be provided before hand and after by a state that doesn't even have a state income tax? Who do you think will be paying for it all?

Sounds like a meltdown to me. I dont blame that town refusing them for refusing them.

Well, I live reeeeeal close to where this is all going on and am 1/2 of a bi-racial couple a generation removed from Mexico so I have something more than a philosophical interest in the matter. That said, I think a dispassionate review of the history of the planet for the last several centuries reveals this to be one of the best organized and bloodless incursions we have yet witnessed. Of course, it helps when both sides are actually on the same side.

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame

Revenge for what? For this.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men

Life liberty pursuit of happiness Abortion socialism welfare


New member
Hall of Fame
Well, I live reeeeeal close to where this is all going on and am 1/2 of a bi-racial couple a generation removed from Mexico so I have something more than a philosophical interest in the matter. That said, I think a dispassionate review of the history of the planet for the last several centuries reveals this to be one of the best organized and bloodless incursions we have yet witnessed.

You didn't answer the question, whose paying for it, and if you live close by you know texas has no state income tax.

What you like or don't like, doesn't pay the bills. Are you ok getting on public transportation and getting TB, scabies or lice also?


New member
We need to treat the foreigner as we treat the citizen, like the Bible says. ...Which means making them follow the law, learn our language, get jobs and contribute to American society. There is a conspiracy by the elite to turn America into a third world nation so we can be more easily controlled, just like the actual third world nations are now.


Well-known member
You didn't answer the question, whose paying for it, and if you live close by you know texas has no state income tax.

I answered what I though was the more important question ... as to yours, an income tax doesn't come anywhere near close to covering the expenses of what is being done around the world in our name by our federal government. But when the banking families that own our monitary system buy the right to write checks in the name of our unborn children what does it matter? Just write another check.

As it concerns Texas, no we don't have a state income tax because, as of now we don't need one, and that is one of the many reasons that the folks that want to get us in hand are now seeking to bankrupt us with this controlled flood of humanity. Folks who are financially solvent tend to get a bit uppity from time to time.

What you like or don't like, doesn't pay the bills. Are you ok getting on public transportation and getting TB, scabies or lice also?

I don't do public transportation but, if you're concerned about acquiring disease definitely stay away from hospitals.


New member
Hall of Fame
As it concerns Texas, no we don't have a state income tax because, as of now we don't need one, and that is one of the many reasons that the folks that want to get us in hand are now seeking to bankrupt us with this controlled flood of humanity.
Then you agree that this will bankrupt states.

I don't do public transportation but, if you're concerned about acquiring disease definitely stay away from hospitals.

I guess that means you never fly anywhere and you have children who will never ride a bus to school or be around anyone who does either or even go to school, or the movies, or anywhere someone with communicable disease is or their vermin is- which can then cause you to get sick. Oh and dont use any public restroom ever, you might get pinworms.

Being anywhere in the vicinity of someone with TB (who doesn't have their face covered while they cough), scabies and lice, among other things can cause you to get them.


Well-known member
Then you agree that this will bankrupt states.

Yes, I think that a part of the purpose of this latest effort ... but not the only one. I think Texas is the primary target because Arizona and New Mexico were essentially ceded some time ago because of their lack of private land ownership. All the Feds had to do was walk off their own land which they did some time ago. California politically capitulated some time ago but then there is that pesky Texas with it's highest in the nation rate of private land ownership and rainy day fund that allows us to thumb our nose at Uncle Sugar when he gets a bit too froward.

I guess that means you never fly anywhere and you have children who will never ride a bus to school or be around anyone who does either or even go to school, or the movies, or anywhere someone with communicable disease is or their vermin is- which can then cause you to get sick. Oh and dont use any public restroom ever, you might get pinworms.

Being anywhere in the vicinity of someone with TB (who doesn't have their face covered while they cough), scabies and lice, among other things can cause you to get them.

You made the point I was going to. Public schools, public health care facilities and public transportation are the primary disease vectors in our country. Forget about the mosquito...


Patron Saint of SMACK
Hall of Fame
Calling it a complete meltdown might be overstating things a bit but, our Government has been complicitous in the drug trade for centuries and the cartels advertizing in Central America to encourage flooding our border is likely part and parcel of a controlled elimination of America's Southern border to implement the goals of trilateralism. As far as the political ramifications go, even Hispanics are figuring out that the promise of free goodies is a hollow one and are voting Republican in ever greater numbers. However, this recent influx won't have a clue. Inevitably the race card will be played, the question is, will enough people fall for the bait or will we address the real problem?

Most will fall for it :(


Well-known member
Then you agree that this will bankrupt states.

I guess that means you never fly anywhere and you have children who will never ride a bus to school or be around anyone who does either or even go to school, or the movies, or anywhere someone with communicable disease is or their vermin is- which can then cause you to get sick. Oh and dont use any public restroom ever, you might get pinworms.

Being anywhere in the vicinity of someone with TB (who doesn't have their face covered while they cough), scabies and lice, among other things can cause you to get them.

hmm,I keep reading this and re-reading,I suppose there's no way to change your opinion of this race of people. I suppose in history many races have been looked at as nasty people by others. In the years prior to ww2 different races were looked at in the same manner,by the end of the war the final solution was in place. Do you think it would be better to put them in camps and shave all of their hair off,delouse them,burn their clothes ect.,,,what do you suggest?


Well-known member
hmm,I keep reading this and re-reading,I suppose there's no way to change your opinion of this race of people. I suppose in history many races have been looked at as nasty people by others. In the years prior to ww2 different races were looked at in the same manner,by the end of the war the final solution was in place. Do you think it would be better to put them in camps and shave all of their hair off,delouse them,burn their clothes ect.,,,what do you suggest?

I don't think she was referring to race as much as circumstance ... but, then again, I should likely let her speak for herself.


New member
Hall of Fame
hmm,I keep reading this and re-reading,I suppose there's no way to change your opinion of this race of people. I suppose in history many races have been looked at as nasty people by others. In the years prior to ww2 different races were looked at in the same manner,by the end of the war the final solution was in place. Do you think it would be better to put them in camps and shave all of their hair off,delouse them,burn their clothes ect.,,,what do you suggest?

Maybe you still need to keep reading, since i havent said one word about the race of anyone here - read this post of mine from earlier in the thread also till you understand it:

No, liberals like to lie and claim we don't want any, just because we want them to do it legally.

Just like if you don't offer certain kinds of birth control, it means you are stopping people from getting any access to it.

Its just false alarmist extreme propaganda that the weak minded lemmings believe.

I fully support someone wanting to come here to have a better life so long as they do it legally and become productive taxpaying citizens.

If you still dont understand what i said, i can blow that phrase there up for you, will that help?

Better yet, post the part of anything ive said here, that has anything at all to do with race.


Well-known member
hmm,I keep reading this and re-reading,I suppose there's no way to change your opinion of this race of people. I suppose in history many races have been looked at as nasty people by others. In the years prior to ww2 different races were looked at in the same manner,by the end of the war the final solution was in place. Do you think it would be better to put them in camps and shave all of their hair off,delouse them,burn their clothes ect.,,,what do you suggest?

As I was saying, Delmar ... the race card. All you need is one or two well placed provocateurs and presto ... instant conflict. Only it's a little bit of a tough sell here at TOL given most with any time here have been "tried in the fire" as it were.

BTW WHITEstone, the treatment you describe is that offered most inductees to our big city jails as a routine matter. Do you think they are victims of racial prejudice or disease control?


I hate the fact that it was Reagan’s naive amnesty, without the guarantee of border security and deportation going forward, that set the stage for this ramped up invasion by desperate people with the same hope.

The corruption and violence in Mexico, Central and South America, is fueled by America’s annual $100 billion drug habit. We have contributed to a situation that is so intolerable mothers are sending their children off on the treacherous journey in hope of a future.​

But let’s look at the bright side of it; we are being overrun by very hard working, predominantly good, family oriented Christian people.


New member
I hate the fact that it was Reagan’s naive amnesty, without the guarantee of border security and deportation going forward, that set the stage for this ramped up invasion by desperate people with the same hope.

The corruption and violence in Mexico, Central and South America, is fueled by America’s annual $100 billion drug habit. We have contributed to a situation that is so intolerable mothers are sending their children off on the treacherous journey in hope of a future.​

But let’s look at the bright side of it; we are being overrun by very hard working, predominantly good, family oriented Christian people.
I am all for helping people. We must be aware of the risks. Our laws ought to be obeyed.


New member
"I think Texas is the primary target because Arizona and New Mexico were essentially ceded some time ago because of their lack of private land ownership. All the Feds had to do was walk off their own land which they did some time ago. California politically capitulated some time ago but then there is that pesky Texas with it's highest in the nation rate of private land ownership and rainy day fund that allows us to thumb our nose at Uncle Sugar when he gets a bit too froward."

Yes, and even though a huge percentage of Texans now live in the six or so larger cities, and Texas has a recent history of immigrants coming in from many other states, even California, there is always that history lurking in our memories, especially those born and raised in Texas. And now Texas not only has size but is the second most populated state.

Some people who went through the U.S. public education system after it got taken over by Transformational Marxism beginning in the fifties but really getting going in the late sixties, don't even know that Texas was an independent country, and there were English and French embassies in Austin.

So, when Texas begins to act like an independent country and tries to seal its southern border, that reminds us of our history.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Did we right that or was it the French?

An American righted it

Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.
"Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she
With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"