Compassion will make America great again!


Donald Trump has no compassion for anyone . He is a narcissistic sociopath with an ego and libido of monstrous size - he cares only about himself, his power, wealth, influence, publicity and ability to womanize to his heart's content.
This is why he is so dangerous to America and the world . He has hoodwinked millions of Americans into believing that he will "make America great again", create millions of jobs, improve the economy, keep America safe from Muslims and Hispanics etc. But he will be the most clueless president in US history .
All his promises are nothing but empty rhetoric . And if you think Trump is a Christian, boy are you wrong ! He pretends to be one to win votes from religious conservatives and the powerful Christian organizations they support .
We have just elected a totally amoral and ruthless demagogue with absolutely no morals scruples , ethics or principles. He is out for number one. He has said anything to anyone to win support and votes, and now we are stuck with the worst person ever to become president. I fear for America !

You are the most brainwashed, extreme leftist I've ever conversed with.

You're an inverted aCW :chuckle:


Donald Trump has no compassion for anyone . He is a narcissistic sociopath with an ego and libido of monstrous size - he cares only about himself, his power, wealth, influence, publicity and ability to womanize to his heart's content.

Welcome to :greedy: BiffTopia. :5020: Pr 8:36, Ex 20:14



New member
Hall of Fame
Donald Trump has no compassion for anyone .

Trump Feeds Officers Who Are Working The Chicago Protests

Trump Feeds Officers Who Are Working The Chicago Protests

Another class act by new President-Elect Donald Trump. This time he’s feeding the officers who are forced to babysit protesters.

In a recent tweet by Twitter user and police officer @ChiTownCheese, he shows us the amazing spread that President-Elect Trump had provided in Trump Tower for the police officers working the Chicago Anti-Trump protests.

The spread @realDonaldTrump is providing officers at #TrumpProtest in #Chicago #ThankYou

— Darren (@ChiTownCheese) November 12, 2016

Not working #Chicago #Trumpprotest tonight but friends telling me @TrumpTower providing place to eat for officers working. Pretty #Standup

— Darren (@ChiTownCheese) November 12, 2016

This isn’t the first time this week that Trump has reached out to show his support of law enforcement. The day after being elected, he called Sgt. Paul Tuozollo’s wife to offer his condolences.

“I’m very sorry I cannot be there with you today. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family during this difficult time,”

Sgt. Paul Tuozzolo of the NYPD died after being shot by a violent suspect in the Bronx earlier this month.

Earlier this year, Trump spoke out against the false narrative that Black Lives Matter has been pushing:

The narrative that has been pushed aggressively for years now by our current Administration, and pushed by my opponent Hillary Clinton, is a false one. The problem in our poorest communities is not that there are too many police, the problem is that there are not enough police.

While Hillary Clinton constantly accused Americas officers of systematic racism, Trump supported American Police 100%.

The Horn

Grosnick, a number of distinguished American psychiatrists and psychologists have analyzed Trump's personality , and they have called him a narcissistic sociopath . I didn't make this stuff up. You can google this yourself easily .


New member
Donald Trump has no compassion for anyone . He is a narcissistic sociopath with an ego and libido of monstrous size - he cares only about himself, his power, wealth, influence, publicity and ability to womanize to his heart's content.
This is why he is so dangerous to America and the world . He has hoodwinked millions of Americans into believing that he will "make America great again", create millions of jobs, improve the economy, keep America safe from Muslims and Hispanics etc. But he will be the most clueless president in US history .
All his promises are nothing but empty rhetoric . And if you think Trump is a Christian, boy are you wrong ! He pretends to be one to win votes from religious conservatives and the powerful Christian organizations they support .
We have just elected a totally amoral and ruthless demagogue with absolutely no morals scruples , ethics or principles. He is out for number one. He has said anything to anyone to win support and votes, and now we are stuck with the worst person ever to become president. I fear for America !

Apparantly, you did your homework on the man.

You'll note that none of his supporters appear to know his life-long history of corruption, etc.

But, they have brought the obvious on themselves.

How biligerant they become when ever anything objective is said about their false idol; is not going to change that.

Same old, same old.

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New member
Grosnick, a number of distinguished American psychiatrists and psychologists have analyzed Trump's personality , and they have called him a narcissistic sociopath . I didn't make this stuff up. You can google this yourself easily .

Yep; you did your research :thumb:

Ever hear of Cialdini's Commitment Consistency Principle?

You're dealing with its' victims - in both Clinton's and Trump's supporters.

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New member

The writer of that piece clearly does not know the difference between a balanced self and other esteem...and the imbalance that is narcissism, or self-esteem at the expense of esteem for others.

That writer's is the same incompetence as confusing arrogance (relies on the the unhealthy codependent subservience of others) with strength (believes in a healthy interdependence with others).

Sort of like the difference between a strong person, and an overbearing one.

The wisdom between all extremes is not found in the extreme black or its other extreme - white - but in that shade of gray between extremes that all extremes end up to the left or right of.

The intolerance of objectivity I see in many on these threads many foolishly delude themselves is out of their objectivity is nothing more than their long since self-induced blindness to each their extreme of black or white.

Trump played them like a fiddle through that.

There is no reasoning with such.


New member
From watching him on TV?

It's referred to as Behavioral Modeling through the recurrent (repetitive) behavioral patterns of a thing.

It is the very core of all science.

We all use it.

Only haphazardly - because we're not consciously aware of its' principles and thus, of when we are properly applying them and when we are not.

Once recognized and practiced, they become automatic.

Of course, talk of such things to someone not only unaware of such things, but with no real curiosity about them, and the result is much like what the Apostle Paul said to the Corinthians not only about where he was coming, but about their ignorance in where they could only misconclude he was coming from, in their willful...ignorance.

Where he ended with saying...

1 Corinthians 2:14 But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned. 2:15 But he that is spiritual judgeth all things, yet he himself is judged of no man. 2:16 For who hath known the mind of the Lord, that he may instruct him? But we have the mind of Christ.

Though he could read them; they were clueless in reading him.

Because where he was looking at things from was from within the mind of Christ on things that the Spirit had revealed to his spirit.

In contrast, they were looking at things from where the natural man looks at things from, and as a result, concludes such things foolishness.

1 Corinthians 3:1 And I, brethren, could not speak unto you as unto spiritual, but as unto carnal, even as unto babes in Christ.

When you think on it, he was going by their recurrent patterns of behavior as looked at by him through the mind of Christ on things.

As when the Lord had noted that a tree is known by its' fruit.

All sciences are a Behavioral Science - the study of the connection between this thing and that over there, that together and repeatedly...begin to reveal a pattern that opens a window to the mind of another, to the person trained in such its inner life; to what is going on inside that is resulting in its' external result.

As in the phrase "a pattern of corruption."

After a while, it is not too difficult to discern when someone is lying, or what have you.

Because it is just a matter of learning what to look for and then building a model of it right there on the spot each time, from the person's own patterns even as the person manifests said patterns.

Try that with your grandchildren sometime :)


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
It's referred to as Behavioral Modeling through the recurrent (repetitive) behavioral patterns of a thing.
I know.
So Trump wasn't an actual observed patient of his, he just got all his info from watching Trump on TV.

One can interpret "patterns" in just about anyone to conclude just about anything you want to say about them.


New member
I know.
So Trump wasn't an actual observed patient of his, he just got all his info from watching Trump on TV.

One can interpret "patterns" in just about anyone to conclude just about anything you want to say about them.

No, Tam. It does not work that way.

You are commenting on this from what you don't know about it.

It is not a matter of interpreting patterns at first.

Rather, of identifying them (sort of like right division), categorizing them into different patterns, testing their accuracy before concluding on them, and only then applying them.

Would you like an example you can try out?

That you might - test the things that differ?


New member
Obsession. By Danoh

You remain...the fool.

That has been your recurrent pattern :chuckle:

Try to learn something new for once - break your recurrent pattern of misreading another's recurrent patterns who you well know is one sharp individual.

Not for my sake; I could care less about that.

But for yours.



Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
No, Tam. It does not work that way.
Yes it does.
Two people can observe the same thing and come away with different conclusions.

You are commenting on this from what you don't know about it.
It's not hard to understand.

It is not a matter of interpreting patterns at first.
Yes it is.
What's the use of gathering patterns if you are not going to make a conclusion about those patterns?

Rather, of identifying them (sort of like right division), categorizing them into different patterns, testing their accuracy before concluding on them, and only then applying them.
One can find some patterns of Trump that show him not to be a narcissist, and some that do.
One can find some patterns of Trump being sexist and some of Trump not being sexist.

Would you like an example you can try out?
You can play TV and internet analysis if you want to.
No matter who does, there are going to be differences of opinion.