Compassion will make America great again!

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
It is compassionate to tell people they are going to hell. I know the terror of the Lord.


New member
You guys should actually listen to it instead of just writing a comment not knowing anything.

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New member
Sure you don't have to do anything to make a comment. But when you don't do anything and then comment you make yourself look ignorant and foolish.

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Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
I listened to it.

Basically says the country needs to stop trying to destroy the other party and just do what America needs done.
Don't use the system for revenge, so to speak.
He criticizes the protesters as being childish spoiled brats whose parents never told them "No" and let them throw tantrums.
And therefore they never really grew up where they could act like an adult in any situation.
And that the protests were causing more harm than good.

He also blames the establishment for NOT dealing with these protesters by arresting the ones causing damage to property and to other human beings.
They should get a dose of reality and not be allowed to act like spoiled children in the shopping mall throwing a tantrum while the parent does nothing and all the other customers are wanting to slap the child!!!!
Do to them what their parents should have done, and give them a dose of adulthood reality.

He a slow talker and repeats himself a lot, so it's kinda boring to sit through.


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
Where was this wonderful sentiment of unification...eight years ago?
Not sure that can even happen anymore.

This election has stirred up some deep seeded resentments of both sides.
There is now a great divide between left and right on a level that has not been at the forefront before.
The pendulum is cutting deeper on both sides as to the direction they want this country to be on.
The "middle ground", so to speak, is not as much an option as it once seemed to be, as the "middle ground" is no longer acceptable to either side.

Maybe it's high time this division was made so apparent instead of constantly being swept under the carpet as if it was not there.

The Horn

Donald Trump has no compassion for anyone . He is a narcissistic sociopath with an ego and libido of monstrous size - he cares only about himself, his power, wealth, influence, publicity and ability to womanize to his heart's content.
This is why he is so dangerous to America and the world . He has hoodwinked millions of Americans into believing that he will "make America great again", create millions of jobs, improve the economy, keep America safe from Muslims and Hispanics etc. But he will be the most clueless president in US history .
All his promises are nothing but empty rhetoric . And if you think Trump is a Christian, boy are you wrong ! He pretends to be one to win votes from religious conservatives and the powerful Christian organizations they support .
We have just elected a totally amoral and ruthless demagogue with absolutely no morals scruples , ethics or principles. He is out for number one. He has said anything to anyone to win support and votes, and now we are stuck with the worst person ever to become president. I fear for America !

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Donald Trump has no compassion for anyone . He is a narcissistic sociopath with an ego and libido of monstrous size - he cares only about himself, his power, wealth, influence, publicity and ability to womanize to his heart's content.
This is why he is so dangerous to America and the world . He has hoodwinked millions of Americans into believing that he will "make America great again", create millions of jobs, improve the economy, keep America safe from Muslims and Hispanics etc. But he will be the most clueless president in US history .
All his promises are nothing but empty rhetoric . And if you think Trump is a Christian, boy are you wrong ! He pretends to be one to win votes from religious conservatives and the powerful Christian organizations they support .
We have just elected a totally amoral and ruthless demagogue with absolutely no morals scruples , ethics or principles. He is out for number one. He has said anything to anyone to win support and votes, and now we are stuck with the worst person ever to become president. I fear for America !

Are you a "Psychiatrist/Psychologist?" My best bet is, you're an "Armchair Therapist." In other words, "A Pseudo-Psychiatrist." Is that the shoe you fit into? I'll bet it is. You're trying to sound smarter than you aren't. I respect that about you. I assume you're feeling rather proud of yourself? Good for you. You really enjoy "Tooting your own HORN, don't ya?


Expecting compassion from Trump and his goons is like expecting compassion from a crocodile .

This croc shoes compassion (Pr 22:6). :idunno: Now we have to insult crocodiles? :nono: Pr 8:36, Ex 20:14
