ECT Comments from an ex-charismatic preacher

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
I would not even want to be around, to see some of these people stand before the Lord and account for what they've made of the Holy Spirit, and of the faith of Christ. I believe the charlatans are mainly atheists, turning a buck off religion, and what a rude awakening they're going to be in for!

These "types" of guys/Gals have the ability to mesmerize their audience with their Charisma.
Those who are attracted to signs and wonders would be bored stiff with a run of the mill sermon. They NEED excitement to go along with it.

And that's not spirituality. Spirituality involves an awareness of the things of God, the mind of God, you'll notice the Lord and the apostles very deliberate and rational, the deepest things at a depth of knowledge of the mind and program of God, and tied to the love of things beyond the boundaries of self and pleasure of self. Again, there are no Pentecostal hoedowns in a first century church service of the Bible. Quite the opposite, the admonition to shutup and listen of the rank and file congregation, be orderly, do all things in order. There is no occasion where you can take the words of the Lord or the apostles and attach them to some figure, prancing around a stage, shouting and babbling, to the roar of the crowd. There is no such church in scripture, and, what do you know, only a cult, running around telling everybody they're the true church, doing these things they claim are the Holy Spirit, that they have a Holy Spirit exclusive, manifest like nothing authentic recorded in scripture. There's nothing even credible about any of it, just another modern and aberrant departure from the faith of the Bible. I really don't know what sort of idiot would tell other believers, with a straight face, the Holy Spirit only operates within their walls, as if their Jesus is a bigger Jesus, their God a bigger God, this claim of being God's favorite creatures laughable, in a sad way.

Totton Linnet

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Silver Subscriber
I would not even want to be around, to see some of these people stand before the Lord and account for what they've made of the Holy Spirit, and of the faith of Christ. I believe the charlatans are mainly atheists, turning a buck off religion, and what a rude awakening they're going to be in for!

While YOU will be glorying in all the souls God has saved through your testimony

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
And that's not spirituality. Spirituality involves an awareness of the things of God, the mind of God, you'll notice the Lord and the apostles very deliberate and rational, the deepest things at a depth of knowledge of the mind and program of God, and tied to the love of things beyond the boundaries of self and pleasure of self. Again, there are no Pentecostal hoedowns in a first century church service of the Bible. Quite the opposite, the admonition to shutup and listen of the rank and file congregation, be orderly, do all things in order. There is no occasion where you can take the words of the Lord or the apostles and attach them to some figure, prancing around a stage, shouting and babbling, to the roar of the crowd. There is no such church in scripture, and, what do you know, only a cult, running around telling everybody they're the true church, doing these things they claim are the Holy Spirit, that they have a Holy Spirit exclusive, manifest like nothing authentic recorded in scripture. There's nothing even credible about any of it, just another modern and aberrant departure from the faith of the Bible. I really don't know what sort of idiot would tell other believers, with a straight face, the Holy Spirit only operates within their walls, as if their Jesus is a bigger Jesus, their God a bigger God, this claim of being God's favorite creatures laughable, in a sad way.


Totton Linnet

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Silver Subscriber
Fancy attending the same church year after weary year, never seeing anyone get saved

We says our prayers and sings our hymns and we listens to some boring sermon .... that's what we do
Only the Pentecostals are saving souls in significant numbers

Oh really?

1. You're assuming everybody writhing on the floor in paroxysms, everybody drooling and barking at the end of a dog leash, or babbling, or anybody who got smacked by Benny Hinn is actually saved, any more than they're actually healed. Pretty big assumption. No, not pretty big, let's make that a huge assumption, a near astronomical assumption.

2. Historical, Protestant Christian missions well outnumber Pentecostal, Baptists, alone, almost twice the missions.

3. The Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses far exceed Pentecostals in missionary work, I think exceed everybody, rope more of the unsuspecting than Pentecostals could dream, and they're also cults.

There are authentic and fake salvation experiences, true and false doctrines, cults spreading most rapidly of all. By your argument, Islam would be the true religion, since it's growing like wildfire. Anybody who goes to some "service" to participate in an emotional hoedown, to holy bark, laugh or babble, isn't necessarily even understanding of the gospel or a repentant Christian, at all. It's like everybody getting down with a Christian heavy metal band isn't necessarily saved: like babbling, convulsing to the rhythm isn't evidence of any salvation experience, is evidence of nothing, could even more readily be somebody under demonic control.

You overestimate the extent of Pentecostal missions, this just propaganda, even Mormons and other cults having far greater bragging rights, unless, of course, you should be associated with them. Speaking of cult status, if you're a good little Pentecostal, let's talk about how only those who babble are saved by your doctrine, how you believe water baptism necessary for salvation, baptism only in the name of Jesus Christ valid, baptism in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost invalid, and let's talk about your Modalism that denies the preexistent God, Jesus Christ. Let's talk about your false prophets like John Scheppe. Let's talk about what earns Pentecostalism definitive, lying cult status, with doctrines of demons that contradict scripture. Let's talk about the crawly stuff under the rock and rot in the roots, what's whispered between you guys, like Adventists actually call others Sunday devils they, in public, wouldn't dare reveal what they really believe, of those not members of their cult.

Again, please don't go around copping to numbers as bragging rights, as the truth is that there are a whole lot more people deceived in this world than saved. The world chases cults and every sort of fake religion, the world chasing after your cult not a recommendation, if you stop to think about the straight and narrow way few find of scripture, think about some of your claims for two seconds that there is evidence of salvation in numbers, before posting what are just embarrassing arguments you, in fact, shoot yourself in the foot with. Tell me the world loves your religion, well, I'm here to tell you that's a huge red flag. That there are stadiums full of idiots, watching the Benny Hinn Religions Gone Wild and Money Grubbing Revue sort of makes the salvation in numbers argument plain dumb, doesn't it?

2 Timothy 4

1 I charge thee therefore before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom;
2 Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine.
3 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;
4 And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Oh really?

1. You're assuming everybody writhing on the floor in paroxysms, everybody drooling and barking at the end of a dog leash, or babbling, or anybody who got smacked by Benny Hinn is actually saved, any more than they're actually healed. Pretty big assumption. No, not pretty big, let's make that a huge assumption, a near astronomical assumption.

2. Historical, Protestant Christian missions well outnumber Pentecostal, Baptists, alone, almost twice the missions.

3. The Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses far exceed Pentecostals in missionary work, I think exceed everybody, rope more of the unsuspecting than Pentecostals could dream, and they're also cults.

There are authentic and fake salvation experiences, true and false doctrines, cults spreading most rapidly of all. By your argument, Islam would be the true religion, since it's growing like wildfire. Anybody who goes to some "service" to participate in an emotional hoedown, to holy bark, laugh or babble, isn't necessarily even understanding of the gospel or a repentant Christian, at all. It's like everybody getting down with a Christian heavy metal band isn't necessarily saved: like babbling, convulsing to the rhythm isn't evidence of any salvation experience, is evidence of nothing, could even more readily be somebody under demonic control.

You overestimate the extent of Pentecostal missions, this just propaganda, even Mormons and other cults having far greater bragging rights, unless, of course, you should be associated with them. Speaking of cult status, if you're a good little Pentecostal, let's talk about how only those who babble are saved by your doctrine, how you believe water baptism necessary for salvation, baptism only in the name of Jesus Christ valid, baptism in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost invalid, and let's talk about your Modalism that denies the preexistent God, Jesus Christ. Let's talk about your false prophets like John Scheppe. Let's talk about what earns Pentecostalism definitive, lying cult status, with doctrines of demons that contradict scripture. Let's talk about the crawly stuff under the rock and rot in the roots, what's whispered between you guys, like Adventists actually call others Sunday devils they, in public, wouldn't dare reveal what they really believe, of those not members of their cult.

Again, please don't go around copping to numbers as bragging rights, as the truth is that there are a whole lot more people deceived in this world than saved. The world chases cults and every sort of fake religion, the world chasing after your cult not a recommendation, if you stop to think about the straight and narrow way few find of scripture, think about some of your claims for two seconds that there is evidence of salvation in numbers, before posting what are just embarrassing arguments you, in fact, shoot yourself in the foot with. Tell me the world loves your religion, well, I'm here to tell you that's a huge red flag. That there are stadiums full of idiots, watching the Benny Hinn Religions Gone Wild and Money Grubbing Revue sort of makes the salvation in numbers argument plain dumb, doesn't it?

2 Timothy 4

1 I charge thee therefore before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom;
2 Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine.
3 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;
4 And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.


Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Once again, you can check out the "horrific" heretical absurdities that have been perpetuated by the Pentecostal/Charismatics since the early 90s. You'll see:

1) People howling like wolves and other animals.
2) People acting drunk and falling/stumbling all over.
3) People claiming that they've visited Heaven. One guy
claimed he went to Heaven by Cablecar.
4) People claiming gold and Gems falling from the ceiling.
5) People claiming the dead being raised. One of these
so-called Pentecostal Preachers told people to bring their
dead relatives (in their coffins) and place them in front
of their TV and pick up the deads one's hand and place it on
the TV screen and they would be raised from the dead, right
out of the coffin.
6) Benny Hinn supposedly had Christ standing on Hinn's stage and
people were instructed to try and walk to Christ and they would fall
to the floor before getting to the spot where an invisible Jesus is
7) Benny Hinn waves his coat in the air and several people fall down
at the same time.
8) None of the "supposed" healings at these "shows" are ever verified
in any way.
9) Kenneth Copeland stated that Adam could fly like a bird and with just a thought,
Adam could be on the Moon.
10) These Pentecostals also claim to be "little gods."
11) People shaking their heads back and forth wildly.

There's a lot more that you'll see on You-Tube. It's very disturbing.

These Pentecostal/Charismatics want to have people believe this is all coming
from the Holy Spirit. It's a lie.


Active member
Once again, you can check out the "horrific" heretical absurdities that have been perpetuated by the Pentecostal/Charismatics since the early 90s.
Surely, you and others, can understand that ...
what men/women say and do has nothing to do with spiritual and Scriptural Truth!

Truth stands forever ... regardless of how men/women handle it.
This also applies to disastrous false "doctrines of (Satan and) men",
such as: OSAS and the pre-trib rapture.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Surely, you and others, can understand that ...
what men/women say and do has nothing to do with spiritual and Scriptural Truth!

Truth stands forever ... regardless of how men/women handle it.
This also applies to disastrous false "doctrines of (Satan and) men",
such as: OSAS and the pre-trib rapture.

So, you believe one can be "saved" at breakfast and "unsaved" by dinner time huh? Is that one of your daily rituals?

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Pre-tribe belief is the least of your problems Zack. You need to become a member of the Body of Christ or await God's judgment seat where you will be judged by your WORKS.


Well-known member
Touch not God's anointed or the charismatics will use their super special "angel language" hotline to tell on you.

Cross Reference

New member
If you all were "in Christ" you would be fearful when touching anything that you have no first hand knowledge by personal revelation but rather follow the admonishion of Zack B and judge yourselves lest when you find that your leaders have led you down the wrong path you might still find room for repentance.