come out of her,

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Well-known member
I'm just trying to figure out how you came to the conclusion that the church organization is all identified with Babylon of Revelation 18. Not just the conclusion that they are corrupt, but that Revelation 18:3-4 is talking about the church system.

It's one of the tenets of the Watchtower Organization.


I'm just trying to figure out how you came to the conclusion that the church organization is all identified with Babylon of Revelation 18. Not just the conclusion that they are corrupt, but that Revelation 18:3-4 is talking about the church system.

No matter what I have to say, you will not accept it.

So why bother?


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I'm just trying to figure out how you came to the conclusion that the church organization is all identified with Babylon of Revelation 18. Not just the conclusion that they are corrupt, but that Revelation 18:3-4 is talking about the church system.

Meshak doesn't talk about evidence. He/she/they is/are only on TOL to proselytize.


It's one of the tenets of the Watchtower Organization.

Nope, they don't believe all organizations are corrupt.

Do you know that JW is an organization?

They have their own corrupt teachings and practice.

they are no exception.


You started the thread, so I assumed you would want to go into more detail regardless of who accepts it. You were the one who said you can't force anyone to accept anything anyway.

I got some people to read this thread, hooping to take heed of the Truth.


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Just because you said it, people are supposed to take it as truth? Isn't that just another man-made (Meshak-made) doctrine?

Nope, I am not saying anyone should accept it.

My comments are for people who are willing to listen.

If they are not interested, it is not my problem.

I am only spreading the seeds.


New member
Not my opinion - it's fact. You have only given your opinion of who is identified with Babylon but when the bible defines who Babylon is - that God says to "come out of her" - you simply say that it's organizational churches with no justification from the same passage that you are quoting. In other words, we are supposed to believe that this passage in Revelation 18 refers to the organizational church just because you say so. Until you give support that explains how the institutional churches all fulfill verse 3, you are just giving your opinion. may be true (just as it's possible you could name anyone on this board and say that they are the antichrist and it may be true)...but so far all you've offered no evidence. No reason to believe what you have said. And since you say the organizational churches are teaching man-made doctrines, don't you think it's important to use something other than your own belief to support what you are saying? You still haven't told us how the organizational church fulfills the description of Babylon in Revelation 18:

For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth are waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies.
Rev 18:3

If it is true that the organizational churches are Babylon, how have they done all this?

As of June 15 the Canadian Supreme Court ruled in favor of Ontario and British Columbia law societies refusal to accredit graduates of Trinity Western University... for reasons that the college allegedly violates "human rights" because its covenant prohibits sexual intimacy outside of heterosexual marriage. It's a simple message: support LGBTQ rights or your graduates cannot find work.

In this context, couldn't state-licensed churches that compromise to adopt the the "LGBTQ" bandwagon in exchange for funding (etc) be a legitimate example of having committed fornication with the kings of the earth?


Revelation 18:4
And I heard another voice from heaven saying, “Come out of her, my people, lest you share in her sins, and le
st you receive of her plagues.

This warning ought to be spread to all churchgoers.

Right Divider

Body part
Revelation 18:4
And I heard another voice from heaven saying, “Come out of her, my people, lest you share in her sins, and le
st you receive of her plagues.

This warning ought to be spread to all churchgoers.
You are completely clueless as to what the Bible is saying in that book.
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