come out of her,

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Did you know that back then, when the Bible talks about idolatry, that there were pagans/heathen who were sacrificing to their idols? They wouldn't just possess statues of 'gods,' they would literally slaughter animals and burn bread and incense all to worship their deities. Idolatry wasn't just praying to false gods, it was offering sacrifices to them.

It does not matter what kind of idolatry they were. God wants us to have pure heart to follow Him.

Because nobody has a direct line to Jesus,

Yes, we do, by His word written in the gospel of Matthew, Mark, Luke, John and the Revelation.

So we have no excuse of following man-made doctrines or gospel.


Well-known member
that's your opinion which you are entitled to have them.

good day.

Not my opinion - it's fact. You have only given your opinion of who is identified with Babylon but when the bible defines who Babylon is - that God says to "come out of her" - you simply say that it's organizational churches with no justification from the same passage that you are quoting. In other words, we are supposed to believe that this passage in Revelation 18 refers to the organizational church just because you say so. Until you give support that explains how the institutional churches all fulfill verse 3, you are just giving your opinion. may be true (just as it's possible you could name anyone on this board and say that they are the antichrist and it may be true)...but so far all you've offered no evidence. No reason to believe what you have said. And since you say the organizational churches are teaching man-made doctrines, don't you think it's important to use something other than your own belief to support what you are saying? You still haven't told us how the organizational church fulfills the description of Babylon in Revelation 18:

For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth are waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies.
Rev 18:3

If it is true that the organizational churches are Babylon, how have they done all this?


Well-known member
There will always be the tares among the wheat. That is why it is important to study the Word. I see a lot of people go to church but few are interested in studying the word.

I believe this should be stated as: There will always be some wheat among the tares. Cain fills the pews; Abel is the outcast from the pew. Cain studies the word to have the power of religion (trusting his own understanding of the word) but does not care to (or cannot) have the Spirit, within.


Well-known member
By following the same spirit as kings and governments for self aggrandizement...thru politics, religious or otherwise.

That's a bit vague. By that I mean the verse says specifically that Babylon commits religious fornication with the kings of the earth. It seems to indicate a relationship - not just a similarity. The only thing that seems overtly sinful in your proposal is self-aggrandizement. Pride. That is absolutely a problem in many churches but I would think we would see that assessment more directly indicated. The connection between this Babylon and the kings of the earth seems to be primary. For example, having non-profit status as certified by the government. That's an interaction between the church and a "king of the earth". One could make the case that this constitutes fornication since it is essentially playing the political game by the government's rules. But just saying "following the same spirit" seems to me to be too vague and open to multitude applications.

That said, at least you offered some reason. I'd say thank you, but this isn't my thread.


Well-known member
It is obvious you will not accept it, no matter what I have to say.

All professed Christians ought to know that man-made churches are all corrupt.

I won't accept it unless there is some good justification for it.

Even if all churches are corrupt, that doesn't make them Babylon. Babylon - in this passage - has a specific meaning and just calling them all Babylon may make you feel better (because you don't like them) but it doesn't mean they are fulfillment of this prophecy. To claim that they are (if they aren't) is at least careless and at worst very dangerous.


Were you trying to force someone to accept your view that the organized churches are Babylon? I'm not saying there aren't people who agree with you, but what saith the scripture?

No, I never force anyone to accept my conviction of all denominational churches are corrupt.

I am convicted to spread this truth.

why do you ask?


Well-known member

No, I never force anyone to accept my conviction of all denominational churches are corrupt.

I am convicted to spread this truth.

why do you ask?

I'm just trying to figure out how you came to the conclusion that the church organization is all identified with Babylon of Revelation 18. Not just the conclusion that they are corrupt, but that Revelation 18:3-4 is talking about the church system.
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