Colossians is a pervert.


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Wow. So this whole Calling Colossians Out Thing is working out real well, Sozo. Hang on. Here's a pair of elevator shoes. Now you'll be able to see him coming.


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Granite said:

Wow. So this whole Calling Colossians Out Thing is working out real well, Sozo. Hang on. Here's a pair of elevator shoes. Now you'll be able to see him coming.

What's with all the short jokes, another woman mock and reject you for not measuring up to her expectations?


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A Napoleonic clown like you, with no other outlet for his anger other than a bulletin board, amuses me. I seriously get a laugh out of you stomping your foot around here and spewing profanity. You're a small, more than likely very mild individual in person who acts like a total doofus here--because it's safe. I get a genuine kick out of that.


New member
Granite said:

A Napoleonic clown like you, with no other outlet for his anger other than a bulletin board, amuses me. I seriously get a laugh out of you stomping your foot around here and spewing profanity. You're a small, more than likely very mild individual in person who acts like a total doofus here--because it's safe. I get a genuine kick out of that.

Unlike your pathetic lonely life, where the people who know you actually leave, I have friends and family who enrich my life. I suspect that your blood boils with envy, that you will never have people who care about you, and so you vent on this site at those whom you wish you could be like. You're a loser, and it's not only sad that you have nothing to offer us at TOL, but also nothing to offer when you are away from here. I'll even bet that the reason you claim you walked away from God is because your church probably rejected you too. I'd suggest you get a dog, but he'd probably bite you. :chuckle:


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Sozo said:
Unlike your pathetic lonely life, where the people who know you actually leave, I have friends and family who enrich my life. I suspect that your blood boils with envy, that you will never have people who care about you, and so you vent on this site at those whom you wish you could be like. You're a loser, and it's not only sad that you have nothing to offer us at TOL, but also nothing to offer when you are away from here. I'll even bet that the reason you claim you walked away from God is because your church probably rejected you too. I'd suggest you get a dog, but he'd probably bite you. :chuckle:

Ummm...I have many friends and a large, warm, caring family. The last thing I envy is a pompous jerk suffering from short man syndrome who seems to do nothing but curse, worship Jesus, and procreate like a rabbit.

Anything else?


New member
Granite said:
Ummm...I have many friends and a large, warm, caring family.
The local gay bar does not count, but nice try.
The last thing I envy is a pompous jerk suffering from short man syndrome.
What is "short man syndrome"? What is your obsession with my body? Is this something you learned from your "friends & family" down at the homo bar?

who seems to do nothing but curse, worship Jesus, and procreate like a rabbit
Yes, we all know I have lots of children, and we all know that you prefer that someone would have killed them in the womb, so what else is new?
Anything else?
Try not to spread AIDS among your "family and friends".


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Hall of Fame

I actually stick to facts, you gotta make stuff up. Nice going!

Sozo...Sozo. We both know I oppose abortion. You know it but choose to ignore it. That's fine. You've got a lovely family (and your wife is a saint, I am sure) and I wish no ill will on your kids. You should know better than that. Tsk-tsk!

By the way, I am not "obsessed" with your body (don't flatter yourself, champ) but now that I've found a button to push I will beat the heck out of it. Sorry, little man. Is TOL seriously the only place you have to vent?


Wow, feel the love. But in all seriousness, you guys crack me up. At least us nons can agree with eachother. You guys are hard pressed to even do that.


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Lighthouse said:
godrulz must be feeling left out.

Its my birfday. I am flying under the radar. I have disputed with Colossians and Elohyim and do not consider myself in their corner. :patrol:

Is there a picture of sozo somewhere (no jokes please)? I would like to put a human face to the man. It will make it easier to love and respect him.


Granite said:

Yes, folks, the Sozo we all know and love is back...

Yes, we do love Sozo.

Tell me, short man,

Tell you what, punk, if I ever have the pleasure of meeting you face to face, I will give you the thrashing of a lifetime. You are THE smarmiest, most arrogant poster at TOL and you take the most advantage of your anonymity. That makes you a coward.

I'm calling you out, boy.

is this the only place you've got to let out your anger?

Is this the only place you've got to be stupid or is stupidity one of lifes perpetual occurances for you?


Well-known member
godrulz said:
Its my birfday. I am flying under the radar.
Happy birthday.
godrulz said:
I have disputed with Colossians and Elohyim and do not consider myself in their corner. :patrol:
Well, if you're not in my corner, you're not in God's corner. Poster Colossians is not in my corner.

Why do you think I am not a Christian, godrulz? Please tell me.

godrulz said:
Is there a picture of sozo somewhere (no jokes please)? I would like to put a human face to the man. It will make it easier to love and respect him.
Are you still a preferrer of people, godrulz? Can't God clense you from that unrighteousness?


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elohiym said:
Happy birthday.
Well, if you're not in my corner, you're not in God's corner. Poster Colossians is not in my corner.

Why do you think I am not a Christian, godrulz? Please tell me.

Are you still a preferrer of people, godrulz? Can't God clense you from that unrighteousness?

Did I say you are not a Christian? I am not in your corner on some doctrinal ideas. I cannot remember your views. If you deny the Deity of Christ and His resurrection, I would not consider you a Christian. Who do you say Jesus is again? I think you reject the Trinity, but do you affirm that Jesus Christ is Almighty God, uncreated Creator, in the flesh (Jn. 1:1, 14)? Is there one true God or many gods? Is He equal with the Father by nature, but distinct as to person?


New member
sad day

sad day

:( Sozo is a Gosip and a false accuser
he or she is more interested in winning arguments than in doing what is noble.
his or her effort to smear Collosians is based on anger for disagreements in another post,
but has no real value against the charachter of Colossians.

I hope there is a better way for us to disagree with honor.
but to start a thread merely for the sake of harming anothers charachter?
this to me sounds similar to taking the brethren to public court over our disagreements.


Well-known member
godrulz said:
Did I say you are not a Christian? I am not in your corner on some doctrinal ideas. I cannot remember your views. If you deny the Deity of Christ and His resurrection, I would not consider you a Christian. Who do you say Jesus is again? I think you reject the Trinity, but do you affirm that Jesus Christ is Almighty God, uncreated Creator, in the flesh (Jn. 1:1, 14)? Is there one true God or many gods? Is He equal with the Father by nature, but distinct as to person?
No. Not again, godrulz. I've been subjected to your inquisition before, and I'm not playing.

I will say this, I don't limit God to a trinty, or to quantify Him anymore than he quantifies Himself. I beleve Jesus is the son of God, and that he was crucified for the transgressions under the first covenant, so that we who are called could receive the promise of an eternal inheritance. After three days, he was raised from the dead by God, and because he lives, we live. God's Holy Spirit indwells every person born of God, and the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are ONE.

Good enough?


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It pains me to see Granite and BillyBob, two men that I respect, at such odds over Sozo.
As far as internet anonimity, I'll fight any man who've I called out here in person.
As far as Jesus, I'd hang with him, I don't think he's the Son of God anymore than any of us are.
But he was willing to push his his point all the way and I respect that.
Had I lived in his time and known him I can see me hanging with him.
But as far as alot of people who claim to know him now, I'd say they're mostly punks who he'd beat down at first sight for bein punks in general and for bein idiots on his tab specificly.


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elohiym said:
No. Not again, godrulz. I've been subjected to your inquisition before, and I'm not playing.

I will say this, I don't limit God to a trinty, or to quantify Him anymore than he quantifies Himself. I beleve Jesus is the son of God, and that he was crucified for the transgressions under the first covenant, so that we who are called could receive the promise of an eternal inheritance. After three days, he was raised from the dead by God, and because he lives, we live. God's Holy Spirit indwells every person born of God, and the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are ONE.

Good enough?

Mormons and JWs and other false groups believe that Jesus is the Son of God. Modalists/Sabellians believe the 3 are one.

Is the Holy Spirit personal or impersonal?

Is Jesus Almighty God? A lesser god? A mere man? An angel? We are sons of God.

Apart from the Trinity, Jesus is the crux of the matter. I cannot remember clearly who you say Jesus is (Son of God can be interpreted differently by different religions). I even started a thread many moons ago, because I could not understand your Christology.

Pending further information or recall...I remain confused as to your beliefs... :juggle: