Clearly A Drunk Can Consent

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
This is getting lots of attention from the Canadian press at the moment:

Complaints mount against judge in cab sex assault case who said 'a drunk can consent'

Taxi driver Bassam Al-Rawi arrested in 2015 after a police officer found him with intoxicated female passenger

Complaints are mounting against a Nova Scotia judge who said that "clearly a drunk can consent" as he acquitted a Halifax taxi driver of sexually assaulting an intoxicated passenger found partly naked and unconscious in the back of his cab.

Judge Gregory Lenehan found Bassam Al-Rawi, 40, not guilty Wednesday following a two-day trial in February in Halifax provincial court. The judge said some of what the court heard was "very disturbing" and "there's no question" the woman was drunk.

"This does not mean, however, that an intoxicated person cannot give consent to sexual activity. Clearly, a drunk can consent," he said.

The judge's remarks have drawn criticism, and on Thursday two legal experts called them "dangerous." One said Lenehan is delivering a message to the public that "it's open season on incapacitated women."


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lifeguard at the cement pond
Woman found partially naked

In May 2015, a police officer found a 26-year-old woman in the back of Al-Rawi's car. She was naked from the chest down, Al-Rawi had her urine-soaked underwear in his hands and test results later found her DNA on his upper lip.

The police officer said Al-Rawi's pants were halfway down his buttocks and his zipper was undone when he left the vehicle. Al-Rawi later told police that he doesn't button his pants when he drives long hours, according to a 2015 search warrant application.

The woman testified she recalls little from that night. She had been drinking at a downtown bar and doesn't remember getting into a cab.

The judge noted that intoxication tends to reduce inhibition and increase risk-taking behaviour.

"This often leads to people agreeing and to sometimes initiate sexual encounters only to regret them later when they are sober," Lenehan said. "In testimony, [the woman] could not provide any information, any details on whether she agreed to be naked in the taxi or initiated any sexual activity.

"The Crown failed to produce any evidence of lack of consent at any time."

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lifeguard at the cement pond
Elizabeth Sheehy, a member of the University of Ottawa's faculty of law who teaches sexual assault law, said there's no clearly defined legal or medical line for when "intoxication or incapacitation crosses into incapacity to consent." It makes such cases particularly difficult.

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lifeguard at the cement pond
Upset, angry and confused: Protesters call for inquiry into cabbie's acquittal



You are held accountable for any crime you commit under the influence- because we have an understanding in the law that you made a decision to be intoxicated and therefore cosign any consequences that follow.

If alcohol puts you in those situations, you ought to stop drinking :idunno:
I've done plenty of ridiculous things under the influence, you just have to be a man (or woman) and deal with it :chuckle:

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
this is already a tangled mess and will become even more so - i look at that well-intentioned (if dim-witted) young woman with the sign above and just shake my head in wonder :nono:

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond

interesting bone structure on the cute chick on the left so i zoomed it

omg :noway:

ok ok, the medusa piercing is not all that noteworthy anymore, but the ear lobe??? :freak:


ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
very characteristically french bone structure though - betcha she's a Quebecker :Shimei:

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
only in nova scotia

of course, in the maritimes, the only men you'll find are drunk men :banana:


You are held accountable for any crime you commit under the influence-

The woman was the victim of a Muslim rapist, i.e. she didn't commit any crime (this is a TOL first, ok doser and Crucible defending a Muslim).

because we have an understanding in the law that you made a decision to be intoxicated and therefore cosign any consequences that follow.

Negatory Mr. Misogynist, because a person is drunk doesn't mean that they're open season for sexual predators or armed robbers.

If alcohol puts you in those situations, you ought to stop drinking :idunno:
I've done plenty of ridiculous things under the influence, you just have to be a man (or woman) and deal with it :chuckle:

Cabbies deal with intoxicated people on a regular basis, having sex with them opens them up for accusations like this one.

Hopefully there is video footage available that will show what state of intoxication the woman was in (falling down drunk or buzzed), as it would provide good evidence in a civil trial.


In addition: If the police officers would have been doing their job, they would have taken a blood alcohol reading on the woman.


The woman was the victim of a Muslim rapist, i.e. she didn't commit any crime (this is a TOL first, ok doser and Crucible defending a Muslim).

He's a Muslim, and so it had to have been 'rape' :think:

Negatory Mr. Misogynist, because a person is drunk doesn't mean that they're open season for sexual predators or armed robbers.

Mr. Misogynist :chuckle:

Because I believe in the biblical precepts between man and woman, I am a 'misogynist'.


He's a Muslim, and so it had to have been 'rape' :think:

We could talk about Sharia Law and how Islam and Muslim men in general are misogynists, but let's stick with the article that was linked:

A 2015 search warrant application mentions other situations involving Al-Rawi and female passengers.

One woman reported that Al-Rawi did not stop at her house, kept driving around the block while calling her "baby" and grabbed her hand and asked her to stay. The woman only wanted this information documented.

In another situation, a woman reported being intoxicated and getting into a cab driven by Bassam Abdullatif. Abdullatif and Al-Rawi are the same person, according to the search warrant.

Allegedly Al-Rawi took the woman up to his apartment and sexually assaulted her. The woman had limited recollection of the alleged assault.

Mr. Misogynist :chuckle:

Because I believe in the biblical precepts between man and woman, I am a 'misogynist'.

I must have missed where in the Bible it embraces out of wedlock sex in the back of a cab Crucible.


I must have missed where in the Bible it embraces out of wedlock sex in the back of a cab Crucible.

Who on this site has never had premarital sex?
I don't even know how realistic it is, in this day and age, for a couple to not have intercourse before they walk the aisle.

The Bible talks more about sex than almost any other subject- I don't understand why those as yourself come to the conclusions you do :plain:


Who on this site has never had premarital sex?

Which has nothing to do with biblical precepts. 1.a general rule intended to regulate behavior or thought:

The Bible talks more about sex than almost any other subject- I don't understand why those as yourself come to the conclusions you do :plain:

Raping an intoxicated woman in the back of your cab goes against biblical precepts.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
quick synopsis of the case:

cops come across cabbie in back of cab with passenger who is passed out drunk

cabbie is partially naked

passenger is mostly naked

cabbie says "she consented"

woman says (when she sobers up) "I don't remember anything"

apparently the charges were laid by the police without the woman's participation

so the judge was faced with deciding who was more believable, the cabbie who said he had consent, the woman who couldn't deny that or the cops who weren't there when the consent was given/not given

seems to me that he made the right call :idunno:

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond

Courts struggle to determine how drunk is too drunk to consent

After Nova Scotia acquittal sparked outrage, Canadian experts say there is no clear legal threshold for when someone becomes too intoxicated to consent to sex.

Halifax taxi driver Bassam Al-Rawi was acquitted of sexual assault because a judge ruled the woman "might well have been capable of appearing lucid but drunk" and it was possible she could have consented to sexual contact before becoming unconscious.

At 1:09 a.m. a woman got in a cab after being refused entry to a bar because she was too drunk. Eleven minutes later, a police officer found the cab parked on a Halifax street.

The woman was passed out in the back seat, naked from her breasts down, her legs propped up on the backs of the front seats.

The cab driver, Bassam Al-Rawi, had his own pants undone and was trying to hide the woman’s urine-soaked pants and underwear by shoving them between the front seat and the console.

The woman’s blood-alcohol level was found to be three times the legal limit and she had no memory of what had happened.

In a decision that has sparked protests and is now under appeal, Judge Gregory Lenehan acquitted Al-Rawi of sexual assault because, he said, the woman “might well have been capable of appearing lucid but drunk” and it was possible she could have consented to sexual contact before becoming unconscious.

Lenehan’s decision has been denounced by legal experts for ignoring strong circumstantial evidence that points to the woman being too drunk to consent to sex.

It also highlights the ongoing struggle of courts to decide where to draw the line between drunk and incapacitated.

What is clear is that being sexually assaulted while incapacitated is a real and widespread issue.

A Statistics Canada survey from 2014 found that 633,000 people self-reported being sexually assaulted that year — mostly women. Of those, 9 per cent reported they had been sexually assaulted when they were incapable of consenting because they were drugged or intoxicated.

“This is a very serious problem,” said Lise Gotell, a law professor at the University of Alberta, where she is also the chair of women’s and gender studies. “It is important then that the courts clearly articulate the threshold of incapacity with regard to intoxication. The problem is we don’t have a clearly articulated threshold; the courts have not done that yet.”

In other words, there is no clear legal line beyond which someone becomes too intoxicated to consent.

The Criminal Code states only that a person cannot consent to sex when they are “incapable.”

The result, experts say, is a legal standard for incapacity that is too hard to meet, is applied inconsistently and ignores exploitative behaviour by the accused.

“The test is whether you can understand the risks and consequences of a sexual act and have the ability to understand you can refuse,” said lawyer Angela Chaisson. “It is a really high bar. Only a minimal cognitive capacity is required to consent to sex.”

The courts have found “mere drunkenness does not equate to incapacity, nor is imprudent decision-making, loss of inhibitions or self-control,” she said. Or, as another court decision put it: “a drunken consent is still a valid consent.”

She continued: “We have cases where someone is quite literally falling down drunk or vomiting and that, in and of itself, is not enough.”

It’s also not enough to show that the person is making poor or risky decisions and is vulnerable to exploitation.

In one recent Ontario case, a woman who was too drunk to dress herself and was “zigzagging” was found capable of consenting in part because the court found she was able to understand a concerned caution from a friend and chose to ignore it.

Part of the challenge is that complainants often have no memory of what happened and may not be able to establish their level of intoxication. It may be that the only person who could do so is the accused — who does not have to testify.

Having no memory of what happened — an alcohol-induced blackout — also doesn’t automatically mean someone was incapable of consenting, courts have found. While blackouts are more common at higher blood-alcohol levels, it remains unclear why they happen and they can involve a variety of factors, such as how rapidly someone was drinking, their tolerance for alcohol and their genetics.

And during blackouts, people can appear functioning, have conversations, make decisions. They may not appear sober, but they may also not appear incapacitated.

Expert evidence from a toxicologist is common in incapacity cases, but that too may not shed much light on whether the complainant could consent at a certain blood-alcohol level because of how differently alcohol can affect people. Courts have repeatedly heard that visible signs of intoxication such as stumbling and vomiting don’t necessarily mean someone is unable to make decisions.

Gotell said one possible change to the law could be “a provision where instead of focusing on consent where a complainant is not able to provide any evidence about how she was thinking or feeling, perhaps we should have a legal standard that permits the Crown to prove coercion by the accused and focus on his predatory behaviour … It is a widespread problem and we do have to figure out a way to allow for the legal recognition of exploitation in these types of cases.”

This could also take into account the power dynamic that may occur in these cases: for instance, if the accused is a position of responsibility, like a taxi driver, or in a position of authority, like a police officer.

University of Ottawa law professor Elizabeth Sheehy said that in the Al-Rawi case, the Nova Scotia Court of Appeal has a chance to bring some clarity to the law.

“Right now it’s like a predator’s paradise,” Sheehy said.

She stressed the importance of including women’s voices in any legal reform.

Many of the notions about capacity and consent “have been developed by male judges and argued by defence lawyers who are men, and women haven’t had much input into the development of these ideas,” she said.

It remains important to ensure judges are not making decisions based on stereotypes about uninhibited “party girls,” ideas that women cry rape when they regret having sex or that women who get drunk are at fault for putting themselves in a vulnerable position.

After reviewing a number of cases, Janine Benedet, a law professor at the University of British Columbia, found a troubling difference between those in which the complainant was drugged and others in which the complainant voluntarily got drunk.

The courts tended to apply a lower standard in cases of involuntary intoxication than when someone was voluntarily intoxicated. In the latter cases, the threshold is near-unconsciousness, Benedet found in her 2010 paper, called “The Sexual Assault of Intoxicated Women.” (The Supreme Court of Canada ruled only in 2011 that a person cannot consent when they are unconscious).

“Judicial education and ensuring that judges base their reasoning on logic, not stereotypes, would help,” said Dalhousie University law professor Elaine Craig.

Diversity on the bench might also make a difference — female judges remain under-represented at both the provincial and superior court levels where sexual assault trials are heard.

Gotell noted that the laws around consent have changed a lot over the past 25 years, but there are still older, male judges with a tendency to overidentify with the accused.

“(They) look at situations and remember times when those situations would not have been considered criminal and remember being engaged in situations like these,” she said.


ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
UPDATE: Bassam Al-Rawi has been found, and served

March 13, 2017 By Jennifer Henderson 1 Comment
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Bassam Al-Rawi on a Halifax Transit bus. Photo: Instagram/ @HalifaxNoise

UPDATE (Tuesday): Yesterday, the Examiner reported that over a week of trying, police had not been able to locate taxi driver Bassam Al-Rawi to serve documents notifying him his case could be brought before the Court of Appeal. There had been multiple, but unconfirmed reports that Al-Rawi had left the country.

However, Chris Hansen of the Nova Scotia Public Prosecution Service confirms taxi driver Bassam Al-Rawi has been located in Halifax and served by Halifax Police today, notifying him his acquittal on a charge of sexual assault is being appealed.

There are now no legal barriers standing in the way of an appeal of the Judge Lenehan verdict.