Since your posts keep showing up in a number of my friends posts I might as well take you off ignore for a bit if only to clear some fetid air.
:think: No, not really. Overblown is a hard one to take on since it's a bit like beauty. writing isn't affected, though it's effective enough at riling attention whores of all stripes, actual and wanna be bullies and/or the irrational. I'd single you out in all of that, but why quibble? Ego laden...see that one has never made much sense. I have no trouble owning that I have a healthy ego. I've never been particularly good at humble, though I admire those who are. It's a failing and there's no sense in glossing over it. Laden? No. Because the trouble has never been that I take myself too seriously, but that I struggle mightily to take many people seriously at all. What's next? Ah, buffoon. I often employ absurdity, so given your emotional investment I can understand why you move that way with it.
Likes to denigrate others? Almost never, though I will own to enjoying having a tooth or two from, say, a racist, rabid anti theist or garden variety snake. I wouldn't say denigrate though, because there's nothing unfair about it.
Often? Then all the more reason for you to find me unpalatable, eh?
I can't recall the last one you sent, but they tend to coincide more with your faux olive branch moments. Mine don't. If you make me laugh or think you get one.
Look out! You're already an assassin, anna. Who knows where that might migrate.
Something to shoot for, eh?
