Christian Nursery Worker 'Fired' for Telling Lesbian Colleague Homosexuality is a Sin


New member
not only children

but people who like to have their mind in a ... healthy condition

it is not only children who should be protected from perversion... All those adults who do not choose to be exposed.. should be protected

(though esp children, since they cannot process things, not good at saying, "Oh, wow, this is thoroughly disgusting and despicable and I am going to blot it out of my mind"

heck, even adults cannot do that very well

(which brings us back to: adults don't want/need to be exposed to perversity either)


I don't think they should be exposed to pervert catholic priests either. But it happens.


New member
Thanks for the reply.
1. homosexuality is a perversion of God's design.
Please evidence your implicit assumptions that 1) at least one god exists, 2) This is (presumably) a version of the biblical deity, 3) It has a specific design. 4) Homosexuality fails to adhere to this.

2. those who practice homosexuality are acting contrary to God's design, ie. they are perverting God's design"
Homosexuality is not something which can be practised.
  • We would still classify an adolescent who had not yet had the opportunity to act upon their attractions, or a celibate, as heterosexual, homosexual or bisexual.
  • We would still classify a man who was raped by or who prostituted themselves to another man as heterosexual if they were exclusively attracted to women.
  • Involuntary attractions are therefore both necessary and sufficient to assign sexual orientation, while voluntary actions are neither necessary, nor sufficient to do so.

3. therefore, those who practice homosexuality are perverts
Please define what specific criteria distinguish "perverts" and how this is relevant/constitutes a bad influence.

1a. Children are easily influenced by those to whom they are exposed, especially in roles of authority
The Royal College of Psychiatrists:
"Despite almost a century of psychoanalytic and psychological speculation, there is no substantive evidence to support the suggestion that the nature of parenting or early childhood experiences have any role in the formation of a person’s fundamental heterosexual or homosexual orientation".


The Dark Knight
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No more "communicable" than "homophobia!"

In fact, Christ was far more critical of the self-righteousness and hypocracy of the chief priests and Pharisees than He ever was concerning the sins of the average person.
Unless, of course, those average people were also self-righteous.