Christian Ministers to Use 'Magic Mushrooms' for 'Religious Experience' for A Study


Well-known member
Those comments were said to someone else to begin with, not you, so why did you take no notice of his nasty unwarranted comments to me? Why do you say nothing about him calling people idiots when the Master says that such a one is in danger of hell-fire? Thanks for revealing to everyone that it really is not me who is all puffed up with pride. If you misapplied the scripture, and did not know that you did so, well, now you know. But I do remember you being there on several occasions: apparently your memory is failing you badly, so perhaps you ought to listen to what EW has been saying to you on the previous page also, dear sparky, lol.

Well, I'll admit I'm old and I'm tired, and I've had a long day. I had five grandkids over ranging in age from 5 months to 14 years....a horse drug in for riding and 90 degree heat. I was tried with defending a friend here on the forum while chewing out another. That I start finding humor in some of these posts has nothing to do with my occasional use of pot....or chewing tobacco. I'm sorry if I wasn't taking you guys seriously enough.

By the way, calling someone a fool or an idiot does not doom one to hell fire. Our Lord's entire point there in Matt. 5 was that all men are guilty under the law. Even the smallest infraction makes one guilty of all. Which is why we are to come to Him for mercy and Grace.


First time I tried it, I think I turned green.
Swallowing chew spit happens accidentally for novices, it's actually easy to miss because the spit itself tastes mild. Swallowing dip spit is a lot more apparent, and you can feel it going down your throat unlike chew spit, which again, is milder and therefore less noticable. But it takes swallowing more chew spit than dip spit to turn your stomach, so it kind of evens out I think. :)

Eagles Wings

New member
You do realize that many pain relievers are made for plants, don't you? It's true because God gave us plants for a reason....medicinal is one of them.

Please don't patronize me.

It is unwise for you to assume a lack of knowledge in this area.

In fact, why not try White Willow Bark for pain?

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Those comments were said to someone else to begin with, not you, so why did you take no notice of his nasty unwarranted comments to me? Why do you say nothing about him calling people idiots when the Master says that such a one is in danger of hell-fire?
What an idiot.


Well-known member
What an idiot.

What? you do not believe the Testimony of the Master? (Matthew 5:22)? Again, not surprising, but I do remember also how you had some fear about doing what you do; for it used to be that you would preface your evil speaking by noting that you only said such things to "user names", or "user accounts", and not actually to the people you were directing your evil speaking toward. What has changed since a couple of months ago? You no longer see the need to do that anymore? Was it just too cumbersome writing out that disclaimer every time you call someone an idiot? Perhaps the closer you get to the End, the more the love waxes cold, O mighty one. :chuckle:


Well-known member
You wouldn't want to smoke it in front of him. Just like you wouldn't want to drink alcohol in front of an alcoholic.

That is true. I guess at the time people ate more communally than any of us do today so it was a much bigger concern. Should you give up whatever because someone on the internet hears you enjoy something they don't approve? You answer to your own Master so I'm not even trying to make that argument. I respect the opinion of people who still have a problem with it, as I do, but I won't go about imposing that on anyone the way I would have back in my old IFB days. I was just pointing out the immediate context of the passage - deactivated food rules and the overriding principal of charity.


Well-known member
I was never much of a drinker but I'm down to an average 1 beer every three weeks, maybe, and it usually goes unfinished. Losing my taste for it for some reason. I also vape occasionally, bare minimum nicotine. As far as "dubious bodily intake," that's about it. But I would be fellowship from my old church for even that.


Well-known member
Swallowing chew spit happens accidentally for novices, it's actually easy to miss because the spit itself tastes mild. Swallowing dip spit is a lot more apparent, and you can feel it going down your throat unlike chew spit, which again, is milder and therefore less noticable. But it takes swallowing more chew spit than dip spit to turn your stomach, so it kind of evens out I think. :)



Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
I was never much of a drinker but I'm down to an average 1 beer every three weeks, maybe, and it usually goes unfinished. Losing my taste for it for some reason. I also vape occasionally, bare minimum nicotine. As far as "dubious bodily intake," that's about it. But I would be fellowship from my old church for even that.
I can remember a time when some folks thought have a deck of cards in your house was of the devil.
There is probably some that still do.


What? you do not believe the Testimony of the Master? (Matthew 5:22)?
I don't believe you. I do believe the Church's teachers, the Church that He built upon St. Peter, and the Church's teachers that Peter and all the Apostles put into place, the college of bishops; of which the Apostles were the first among equals; and among the Apostles, Peter was the first among equals, which is why we believe that the successor of Peter is the supreme pastor of the Church that Jesus Christ Himself built upon Peter. We know which teachers are the true teachers, because they are the ones in communion with the successor of Peter. And we know the true teachings, because the Catechism of the Catholic Church is addressed primarily to the college of bishops; all of whom together form the Church's magisterium, the official teaching office of the one Church that Jesus Christ Himself built upon Peter.
Again, not surprising, but I do remember also how you had some fear about doing what you do; for it used to be that you would preface your evil speaking by noting that you only said such things to "user names", or "user accounts", and not actually to the people you were directing your evil speaking toward. What has changed since a couple of months ago? You no longer see the need to do that anymore? Was it just too cumbersome writing out that disclaimer every time you call someone an idiot?
I don't know. Idiot.
Perhaps the closer you get to the End, the more the love waxes cold, O mighty one. :chuckle:
Yeah, probably that. :plain: