Christian Kids in the Public School


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parsonjefferson said:
you belittle people whose kids are in public school, telling them that YOU love your kids more than them?

pastorkevin said:
Please show where I said this to someone. Where I said I loved my kids more than they did.

Parson, can you please post the quote where I directly said this to someone?

Convenient for PJ that he put me on ignore before answering this, and he continues to go slander me on other threads. That's ok, his hypocrisy and false accusations have been shown clearly on this thread.


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Convenient for PJ that he put me on ignore before answering this, and he continues to go slander me on other threads. That's ok, his hypocrisy and false accusations have been shown clearly on this thread.
You never directly said it no. You indirectly said it, as has been pointed out to you more than once (I think more than once anyway) on this thread.

Also, if when you say he is slandering you on other threads you mean my Iran thread, he didn't slander you there, he just said how he (and others) has you on ignore and has no desire to debate anything with you anymore. Maybe you feel that is slander.....


New member
You never directly said it no. You indirectly said it, as has been pointed out to you more than once (I think more than once anyway) on this thread.

Also, if when you say he is slandering you on other threads you mean my Iran thread, he didn't slander you there, he just said how he has you on ignore and has no desire to debate anything with you anymore. Maybe you feel that is slander.....

Kmo why do you feel the need to defend Parson Jefferson when his behavior has been roundly condemned in this thread? Just curious. The man made false accusations against myself and others and has not answered any questions as to what basis he had to make those false accusations. He flat accused me of lying, and acted hypocritically throughout the thread. If I have done him wrong, can you show me where and how? I confronted him and he didn't like to be confronted and responded repeatedly with arrogance and disdain, all the while whining that people were treating HIM with arrogance and disdain. If I were the only person to see this, then your assertions to me would be viable, but I'm not and many others have as well.

If ParsonJefferson is a Christian brother then I would be more than happy to reconcile and make things right with him, so you tell me what I have done wrong here. I have properly exposed his bad attitude towards Shadowmaid initially, and he has never apologized for behaving that way.


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kmoney said:
Also, if when you say he is slandering you on other threads you mean my Iran thread, he didn't slander you there, he just said how he (and others) has you on ignore and has no desire to debate anything with you anymore. Maybe you feel that is slander

No the slander is his repeatedly saying that "others" have me on their ignore list. That is quite funny. I only know of one other person who told me I was on his ignore list, and that person is responding to me in other threads. My style is confrontational, but I love God's Word, and I take a stand for truth.

As a professed man of God, Parson should have evaluated any type of statements someone might have made to him instead of assuming they were true. Instead he has engaged in gossip and that is wrong.

He told lies about me right here on this thread, and I'm supposed to just grin and bear it? I don't think so.


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Kmo why do you feel the need to defend Parson Jefferson when his behavior has been roundly condemned in this thread? Just curious. The man made false accusations against myself and others and has not answered any questions as to what basis he had to make those false accusations. He flat accused me of lying, and acted hypocritically throughout the thread. If I have done him wrong, can you show me where and how? I confronted him and he didn't like to be confronted and responded repeatedly with arrogance and disdain, all the while whining that people were treating HIM with arrogance and disdain. If I were the only person to see this, then your assertions to me would be viable, but I'm not and many others have as well.

If ParsonJefferson is a Christian brother then I would be more than happy to reconcile and make things right with him, so you tell me what I have done wrong here. I have properly exposed his bad attitude towards Shadowmaid initially, and he has never apologized for behaving that way.
If I have portrayed myself as justifying PJ's actions then I apologize because I don't mean to. He has said things that should not be defended. My point is that I want you to realize/acknowledge that you have said things that anyone will get offended at and you need to be more sensitive with your words. So I don't mean to defend all of PJ's actions/words in this thread, but I do completely understand why he was offended and upset to begin with.

(And I'm not really sure what the whole ShadowMaid thing is so I can't comment)


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No the slander is his repeatedly saying that "others" have me on their ignore list. That is quite funny. I only know of one other person who told me I was on his ignore list, and that person is responding to me in other threads. My style is confrontational, but I love God's Word, and I take a stand for truth.

As a professed man of God, Parson should have evaluated any type of statements someone might have made to him instead of assuming they were true. Instead he has engaged in gossip and that is wrong.

He told lies about me right here on this thread, and I'm supposed to just grin and bear it? I don't think so.
I accept that.


New member
I will say that based upon the evidence in this thread on homeschooling that ParsonJefferson has several apologies to make. I know for a fact that Shadowmaid was very offended by the things he said. I know for a fact that he should apologize to Yorzhik. And I know for a fact that he should, if the Holy Spirit is in his life, apologize to me for accusing me of making up a story in regards to what we were told by some friends of ours at dinner. If you don't know what I am talking about it might help to read the thread in order to make a right judgment.


TOL Subscriber
Considering the fact that you spew nothing but hatred on this forum, that's probably the most back-handed compliment I've heard all day.

Is it hateful to tell a homo he is a pervert?
Is it hateful to warn a man that he is destroying his children by sending them off to the God-less schools?

What would God have done to Joseph and Mary if they had sent little Jesus off to the Philistine school each day for 12 years?


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I will say that based upon the evidence in this thread on homeschooling that ParsonJefferson has several apologies to make. I know for a fact that Shadowmaid was very offended by the things he said. I know for a fact that he should apologize to Yorzhik. And I know for a fact that he should, if the Holy Spirit is in his life, apologize to me for accusing me of making up a story in regards to what we were told by some friends of ours at dinner. If you don't know what I am talking about it might help to read the thread in order to make a right judgment.
I do know about the story he accused you of lying about and also another comment he made about you that I won't repeat. You deserve an apology on both those accounts.


TOL Subscriber
The good parson has accused me of being hateful a few times now and then he neg reps me with this comment;

"Spreadin' the hatred around."

People who tell others not to hate but then do it are called hypocrites. Jesus did not care much for hypocrites.:cry:


New member
I do know about the story he accused you of lying about and also another comment he made about you that I won't repeat. You deserve an apology on both those accounts.

I agree, but I think the things he said in regards to Shadowmaid were even more contemptible. She is just a young girl, and the man should be ashamed of himself.


New member
The good parson has accused me of being hateful a few times now and then he neg reps me with this comment;

"Spreadin' the hatred around."

People who tell others not to hate but then do it are called hypocrites. Jesus did not care much for hypocrites.:cry:

Don't sweat it brother. Anyone who reads this thread will know he's behaved like a hypocrite.

The Barbarian

Barbarian notes that no one seems to be able to show that public schools "hate God."

Beyond the mountain of anecdotal evidence

Anecdotes aren't evedence. They are just stories people tell. Maybe true, maybe not. Facts count, not imagination.

that ought to be enough to make one look deeper, the policy is that public school as a government endeavor is legitimate.

Yep. At least if you're an American. The founders thought so. They even set aside federal resources to make sure public education was available to students. (Northwest Ordinances)

Public education often involves the following:

1. compulsory student attendance (until a certain age or standard is achieved);
2. certification of teachers and curricula, either by the government or by a teachers' organization;
3. testing and standards provided by government.

Um, so which of these do you think means public schools hate God? Show your reasoning for that conclusion.

Of these, the last 2 insure that the government approved view is taught, and the first one assures that the government view will be taught.

That's why we have local school boards; it makes the schools responsible to the community.

So the next question is, what is the government view?

On what? Public education? Ever since this country was founded, people have considered it important. Not surprisingly, the people they elect generally agree. Go figure.

I'll ask what you think it is first.

Still don't see anything about "hating God." Are you going to be showing us the evidence any time soon?


Blessed beyond measure
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ParsonJefferson, you should just be big enough to step up to the plate and admit where you've crossed the line. Even if you feel that Yorzhik was out of place in saying what he did, you have to admit that what he said compared to what you said about his daughter doesn't compare.

Shadowmaid is a very sweet and kind young lady who has been around here for a long time and it's not to easy for some of the members here to just sit back and not say anything when it comes to what you suggested concerning her, let alone her own dad.

Trust me when I say that had somebody said something like that about your daughter, I'm sure it would rile up many TOL members the same way even though we don't know her like we've had the priviledge of knowing Shadowmaid. Surely you can understand this.


New member
Sorry if I'm walking on trodden ground The Barbarian

Here are some non-Christian quotes from leading educators and humanists that not only prove the government tries to completely usurp all parental authority while the children are being indoctrinated with a secular-humanistic worldview, but that the Public Schools Teach Socialism:

In 1936, the National Education Association stated its position, from which they have never wavered; “We stand for socializing the individual.”

“The major problem of education in our times arises out of the fact that we live in a period of fundamental social change. In the new democracy [we were a Republic] education must share in the responsibility of giving purpose and direction to social change. The major function of the school is the social orientation of the individual . Education must operate according to a well-formulated social policy.” - The NEA, Policy For American Education

Socializing is to socialism as community is to communism

Quotes from Humanists:

“Education is a social process. Education is growth. Education is, not a preparation for life; education is life itself.”

“You can't make socialists out of individualists. Children who know how to think for themselves spoil the harmony of the collective society which is coming, where everyone is interdependent.” - John Dewey, signer of the Humanist Manifesto, 1933
Dewey wants children to think for themselves, do you not?
"Education is thus a most powerful ally of humanism, and every American school is a school of humanism. What can a theistic Sunday school's meeting for an hour once a week and teaching only a fraction of the children do to stem the tide of the five-day program of humanistic teaching?" - Charles F. Potter, Humanism: A New Religion, 1930
Well if all they're getting is a an hour of religion once a week, they wouldn't be religious then, according to most Christians on this forums standards

Your quotes were as disjointed as they were unconvincing.

DXPose, you continue to fill me with a mixture of sadness and anger. Sending a kid to a public school will not incur the wrath of God. You think that thousands of parents incapable of anything but sending kids to public school will incur the wrath of God because of it (I posted earlier that the national income average was around 31,000 while for home schoolers it is over 50,000). I am thankful that He is more loving than you.

Why do you continue to think that parents don't have a big enough influence on their kids to overcome whatever they may encounter in school? Why do you also think that kids themselves aren't able to overcome whatever negative influences they encounter in public school? You are making the PS system out to be all-pervasive, while conscious decisions of kids themselves, as well as good parenting you belittle.

If you are really that dense and can't see the obvious, then you are a lost cause! :loser:
Humanism is the epitome of hating God - don't you know anything? Let me guess, you went to public school.

This post could make some think that loving God comes with a hatred of your fellow man. Please stop your judgemental attitude, which will be well in line with verses that you posted earlier in this thread. Your mocking does no one any good, and it is sad to see a fellow Christian engage in such derisive, dismissive and useless behavior.


New member
ParsonJefferson, you should just be big enough to step up to the plate and admit where you've crossed the line. Even if you feel that Yorzhik was out of place in saying what he did, you have to admit that what he said compared to what you said about his daughter doesn't compare.

Shadowmaid is a very sweet and kind young lady who has been around here for a long time and it's not to easy for some of the members here to just sit back and not say anything when it comes to what you suggested concerning her, let alone her own dad.

Trust me when I say that had somebody said something like that about your daughter, I'm sure it would rile up many TOL members the same way even though we don't know her like we've had the priviledge of knowing Shadowmaid. Surely you can understand this.

Amen! Well said Poly! :up: