Children Will Suffer with SSM


New member
'If you are straight, nothing can make you gay. If you are gay, nothing can make you straight'
If its not a choice, if its not a gene, if its not your background and if its not the hostile environment
then what is it?

Your argument would also apply to paedophiles!

So bigots hold a view or views irrespective of reasons.

It appears that you are bigoted in support of gays,

"People who are hostile to gays and prejudiced against them have chose to be bigoted . Or they have been brainwashed to be bigots ."


Well-known member
Linking homosexuality and paedophilia is ignorant. One does not predicate another and even though both populations are indeed born that way, homosexuals seek adult relationships with others who can consent while paedophiles do not.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
I don't threaten. But I will not be labelled a child molester or pervert by someone like JudgeRightly who couldn't judge rightly if he tried.

Alright, you are not a pervert. Then, again, if you find the hard edge rebuking style some members communicate, maybe you are not TOL material? :idunno: You seem very upset over the way some communicate here.


New member
This is nothing but the same old tired right-wing hooey . There is not one shred of evidence that being raised by a same sex couple is in any way harmful to children as long as they are good parents, and most same sex couples are .
Will this "make kids gay ?" Well, the vast majority of gay people have been the children of heterosexual parents , and every day , children who will eventually grow up to be gay are born .
There ae young heterosexual people now who have been brought up by gay parents . This didn't turn the gay . This is why the claim that homosexuality is a "choice" is so idiotic .
If you are straight, nothing can make you gay. If you are gay, nothing can make you straight .
Does being raised by same sex couples put children at risk of being the victims of sexual abuse ? NO more than being raised by opposite sex couples, and of course, this kind of abuse is very common .
Much ado about nothing .

Proverbs 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.
