Children Will Suffer with SSM


Well-known member
For rather sad reasons, on this site accusing somebody of being a pervert, idiot, blind, stupid or whatever is considered a legitimate argument.

In fact these type of comments are not arguments at all. Well, maybe very very poor arguments. They are just insults. Usually resorted to when the highly intelligent poster can't think of anything intelligent to say.

Or...calling a spade a spade instead of being politically correct.


Well-known member
I don't threaten. But I will not be labelled a child molester or pervert by someone like JudgeRightly who couldn't judge rightly if he tried.


Well-known member
I don't threaten. But I will not be labelled a child molester or pervert by someone like JudgeRightly who couldn't judge rightly if he tried.

You will not? You might not like what people say about you, but get used to it....especially if you support children being exploited for the sake of appeasing the ungodly beliefs of adults. It's wrong plain and simple.


New member
Same sex Marriage and its ramifications when taught in schools will rob children of their innocence, and leave them confused and often corrupted. Plenty of work for child psychologists!


Well-known member
Same sex Marriage and its ramifications when taught in schools will rob children of their innocence, and leave them confused and often corrupted. Plenty of work for child psychologists!
Rot and nonsense.

Sent from my F8331 using Tapatalk


New member
Exactly, Same Sex Marriage's rot and nonsense will harm children.
Traditional marriage and family is the recipe for raising healthy and well adjusted children to mature adulthood.


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I don't threaten. But I will not be labelled a child molester or pervert by someone like JudgeRightly who couldn't judge rightly if he tried.
*child sex advocate

If you teach children about sex, you are a child sex advocate and a pervert. If you support teaching children about sex, you are a child sex advocate and a pervert.


Well-known member
Teaching someone about sexuality in an age appropriate way is neither advocacy for "child sex" nor making the person who does it / supports it a "pervert."


Well-known member
BUlldust. It is never wrong to give information to folk at an level appropriate to their age and education.

Brainwashing, indoctrination, and acclimation: It is DESIGNED to go against a child's 'natural' inclinations to induce artificial acceptance and is part of the adverse sexual agenda to practice what they desire unmolested and preferably favorably with increase in participation.

It is sexual selfishness and egocentric concern. It does NOTHING for the underage child who thinks 'girls are icky' and 'boys are gross' until adolescents. American College of Pediatrics are doctors. Grow a brain, a heart, a conscience, and stop being gay, Ray.

Teaching someone about sexuality in an age appropriate way is neither advocacy for "child sex" nor making the person who does it / supports it a "pervert."

Incorrect. It is a perversion of child development and readiness. Not having kids of your own, you wouldn't know about that. Your advocacy and gay activity is inappropriate subject matter for developmentally unready children. It is SHOVING it down their throats. Mark 9:42 You'll stand before God, Ray.

The Horn

This is nothing but the same old tired right-wing hooey . There is not one shred of evidence that being raised by a same sex couple is in any way harmful to children as long as they are good parents, and most same sex couples are .
Will this "make kids gay ?" Well, the vast majority of gay people have been the children of heterosexual parents , and every day , children who will eventually grow up to be gay are born .
There ae young heterosexual people now who have been brought up by gay parents . This didn't turn the gay . This is why the claim that homosexuality is a "choice" is so idiotic .
If you are straight, nothing can make you gay. If you are gay, nothing can make you straight .
Does being raised by same sex couples put children at risk of being the victims of sexual abuse ? NO more than being raised by opposite sex couples, and of course, this kind of abuse is very common .
Much ado about nothing .


New member
Agreed. There is a 'Safe Schools' project in Australia. It is based on Queer Theory and originated from La Trobe University in Melbourne.

So, what you hear is true. Anyone can check it out on Google.

The Safe Schools is aimed for years 7 & 8,that is early adolescents.

From my reading it is against everything that we hold normative in sexuality and gender.


New member
This is nothing but the same old tired right-wing hooey . There is not one shred of evidence that being raised by a same sex couple is in any way harmful to children as long as they are good parents, and most same sex couples are .
Will this "make kids gay ?" Well, the vast majority of gay people have been the children of heterosexual parents , and every day , children who will eventually grow up to be gay are born .
There ae young heterosexual people now who have been brought up by gay parents . This didn't turn the gay . This is why the claim that homosexuality is a "choice" is so idiotic .
If you are straight, nothing can make you gay. If you are gay, nothing can make you straight .
Does being raised by same sex couples put children at risk of being the victims of sexual abuse ? NO more than being raised by opposite sex couples, and of course, this kind of abuse is very common .
Much ado about nothing .
Your premise that people are born gay or have a gay gene is not backed by any scientific evidence.
It is fabrication of the gay advocates to further their agendas.

The Horn

Boystan, whether there is a "gay gene" or not is irrelevant, because we don;t know exactly why some people are gay . The notion that homosexuality is a "choice" is what is unscientific . Why would people "choose " to be gay in a world which is so hostile to them ? Does this make any sense ?
Lots of gay people in America have grown up in extremely conservative Christian families where they have been told that homosexuality is an "abomination ". And even if homosexuality were a choice, it's no business of others . What they do in private is their business and their business alone .
People who are hostile to gays and prejudiced against them have chose to be bigoted . Or they have been brainwashed to be bigots .


New member
If there are any unbiased objective supporters of SSM who honestly want to know the truth then I recommend they read:

'Stealing From A Child, The Injustice of Marriage Equality' by David van Gend
2016 Connor Court Publishing


Well-known member
Your premise that people are born gay or have a gay gene is not backed by any scientific evidence.
It is fabrication of the gay advocates to further their agendas.

So you've missed the 1-3% of people in EVERY human generation who are born gay?