Child Marriage in Europe

The Barbarian

(Barbarian notes that in some states, it's legal for perverts to marry a 14-year-old girl)

We see the left make lame excuses for Muslim perverts, again.

It's not Muslims. Anyone in that state, according to law.

The Muslim pervert married a 12 year old girl.

I'm concerned that any perverts are marrying children. You seem to care only if the pervert is a Muslim.

The Barbarian

How are you on unrestricted, virtually borderless mass immigration of those who have no intention of assimilating and becoming remotely European, but want to see Islam rule every nation they enter?

That's how it was in this country for about half of our history. The part in which the United States grew from a small confederation of colonies to a world power. You're wrong, though, about "no intention of assimilating." Most immigrants come here with the idea of taking part in the American Dream. It's why they come here.

And it turns out that their children are far more assimilated than the parents are:

What effect does the current immigration system have on integration?

MR. Richard Alba (RA): I think what the report documents is really the power of the integration processes in American society. The really big headline is that despite the difference in the sources—the national sources of immigration today as compared to 100 years ago— immigrants and their descendants on the whole are integrating into American society at a pace that is consistent with our historical experience, and I think that holds for the people who are coming today.

In fact, the number of Asians coming is now higher than in the past, and we know that the Asian groups are integrating very rapidly into American society. I don't think that there's any reason to see the present day immigration situation as different from what it's been over the last half-century.


Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
(Barbarian notes that in some states, it's legal for perverts to marry a 14-year-old girl)

It's not Muslims. Anyone in that state, according to law.

I'm concerned that any perverts are marrying children. You seem to care only if the pervert is a Muslim.

First of all, I'm very sorry to see you back, however, I hope you had a nice vacation, I know, we did. I think you're looking at Tam's opinion, in a somewhat 'myopic/short-sighted' way. I'm certain, if you were to ask her about this issue, she would include, anyone that marries a child as basically, being a 'pervert.' I realize you're ONLY limited to a far-left liberal way of looking at things, therefore, I take that into consideration. You LOVE to jump to conclusions about others, that's just how you roll.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
But you now have governments saying it is not wrong and make it legal so Muslim child molesters won't be offended by their debauchery.
Now what do you do???

What do THEY do next? They simply forge ahead with their agenda and goals. Their mantra being; "Good is evil and evil is good."

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Less afraid of it than you are, it would seem.

No intention of assimilating? They'll assimilate. And if they don't, their kids will. And even if their kids don't assimilate 100%... we are a culturally pluralistic society. This is America. Remember that what makes us great is that we are a free society. What makes us great is that we allow people to live their lives the way they want, so long as it causes no harm to others. Our greatness does not depend on us being a culturally homogenous sea of WASPs.

I'll bet it won't take you very long to get yourself banned, right away? Just a hunch?

The Barbarian

First of all, I'm very sorry to see you back,

While that's a plus, it's not why I'm here.

I think you're looking at Tam's opinion, in a somewhat 'myopic/short-sighted' way. I'm certain, if you were to ask her about this issue, she would include, anyone that marries a child as basically, being a 'pervert.'

I notice she seemed rather offended when I reminded her that marrying children is a legal custom in certain states in our nation. Selective outrage. So apparently not.


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
First of all, I'm very sorry to see you back, however, I hope you had a nice vacation, I know, we did. I think you're looking at Tam's opinion, in a somewhat 'myopic/short-sighted' way. I'm certain, if you were to ask her about this issue, she would include, anyone that marries a child as basically, being a 'pervert.'
Yep, a man in his 40's that has sex with a 12 year old girl is a pervert.
Hear of it happening a lot with Muslims, even in this day and time.
When you have a pervert prophet, you get pervert followers.

The Barbarian

I notice the court in Sweden made an allowance because the 14-year old girl seemed mature. I notice also that the states in the U.S. that allow girls that young to marry, do not specify maturity.

So yes, a problem right here in our country, not just Sweden.

The Barbarian

How does Judaism traditionally look at this?

The attainment of the age of majority, however, did not of itself render one an adult; the prescribed age and the symptoms of puberty together were necessary to establish the majority of a person. If there were no signs of puberty at the age of majority (i.e., at the beginning of the thirteenth year in a female and at the beginning of the fourteenth in a male) the person retained the status of a minor until the age of twenty.

So at age 12, for a normal girl.
Have you been on TOL before, under another name?

No. I haven't. If you have something to say, why don't you say it? If you think I'm a sock of some other person who has posted on TOL, why don't you report me to the mods? Why don't you put your money where your mouth is?

I want to ask you something though: If it turns out that I am not a sock of whoever you think I am, can I expect an apology from you? Or are you just a morally dubious somebody who throws out accusations but won't admit when he's wrong? This is the only account I have started on TOL. I am exactly who I say I am. Who are you?

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
But a government made it legal to have a 12 year old bride.
How much longer will it be before the statement you just made will be considered hate speech?

Well, a judge did and he should be kicked out of his job, not least for his moronic "reasoning". I doubt there's any danger of railing against child marriage being considered 'hate speech' anytime soon.

What should citizens do when their government makes laws supporting perversions, one after another, just to appease the diversity of cultures in the world?

Depends what they are. Anything to do with children being manipulated, abused etc should be fought at all costs as with any subjugation of people due to prejudices born of ignorance and extremism etc.

I'm not being flippant, I'm being serious about the question.
At what point does one draw the line in the sand and say 'no more'?

People did that when women were oppressed to the point of the suffragette movement so the question's relative. You think adultery and homosexuality should be crimes. Most people don't. Most people do, however, consider any abuse of children to count as such.

They're close to that point now. The cops are already monitoring internet postings for "hate speech" against Mohammedans. Soon, if enough said that disagreeing with ANYTHING about Islam is hateful, there'd be new hate speech laws on the books within a week. Non-Muslim Brits would have to remain silent or risk imprisonment...but they're already facing that now. We know it, he knows it. But he'll lie about it anyway.

I don't need to lie about anything as unlike you, I happen to live in Britain, am not a conspiracy crank and don't get my "news" from any wingnut site that happens to say what I want to hear. There's no reasoning with you so I'm not gonna bother. Believe whatever bat crazy stuff you wanna Musty.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I notice the court in Sweden made an allowance because the 14-year old girl seemed mature. I notice also that the states in the U.S. that allow girls that young to marry, do not specify maturity.

So yes, a problem right here in our country, not just Sweden.

So where's the outrage over these states that effectively sanctify child marriage?