Child Marriage in Europe

And lots of us read the Bible, which talks about a one world government in the end days.

Let's just say for a minute that what you suggest is true:

Isn't it inevitable according to your scriptures? Isn't it (in one way) a good thing? Doesn't that mean your Lord is coming? Why are you standing in its way? You can't stop it. It's been prophesied.

Here is the reality: people have been using that schtick to manipulate the flock for centuries. Always with the same result: false alarm.

If you want to add the "one world government" into your diet of paranoiac fantasies, fine. Leave the rest of us out of it. Don't use your overactive imagination to stifle the progress of people trying to make the world a better place.

After all, like I said before, if its prophesied, you can't stop it anyway! Leave us alone! Why don't you dig a bunker in your back yard, buy a bunch of Jim Bakker buckets-o-food, and wait until it becomes painfully obvious to everyone that your predictions aren't coming true?

One of the main issues I take with Islam is all the whack jobs trying to usher in a new "jihad". It's pure foolishness, but there's no convincing them of that. Luckily, most Christians are too sensible to be roped in to (yet another) end-of-times prediction.


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
Let's just say for a minute that what you suggest is true:

Isn't it inevitable according to your scriptures? Isn't it (in one way) a good thing? Doesn't that mean your Lord is coming? Why are you standing in its way? You can't stop it. It's been prophesied.

Here is the reality: people have been using that schtick to manipulate the flock for centuries. Always with the same result: false alarm.

If you want to add the "one world government" into your diet of paranoiac fantasies, fine. Leave the rest of us out of it. Don't use your overactive imagination to stifle the progress of people trying to make the world a better place.

After all, like I said before, if its prophesied, you can't stop it anyway! Leave us alone! Why don't you dig a bunker in your back yard, buy a bunch of Jim Bakker buckets-o-food, and wait until it becomes painfully obvious to everyone that your predictions aren't coming true?

One of the main issues I take with Islam is all the whack jobs trying to usher in a new "jihad". It's pure foolishness, but there's no convincing them of that. Luckily, most Christians are too sensible to be roped in to (yet another) end-of-times prediction.
That is some messed up logic!!!
Next you will be telling us that we should never help the poor get out of poverty because the Bible says we will always have the poor with us.
So if GOD says we will always have the poor with us, then we shouldn't try to stop it by helping anyone out of poverty.
Luckily most are too sensible to get roped in by your faulty logic.


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
Child "marriage" shouldn't happen, period.
But a government made it legal to have a 12 year old bride.
How much longer will it be before the statement you just made will be considered hate speech?

What should citizens do when their government makes laws supporting perversions, one after another, just to appease the diversity of cultures in the world?

I'm not being flippant, I'm being serious about the question.
At what point does one draw the line in the sand and say 'no more'?


Well-known member
How much longer will it be before the statement you just made will be considered hate speech?

They're close to that point now. The cops are already monitoring internet postings for "hate speech" against Mohammedans. Soon, if enough said that disagreeing with ANYTHING about Islam is hateful, there'd be new hate speech laws on the books within a week. Non-Muslim Brits would have to remain silent or risk imprisonment...but they're already facing that now. We know it, he knows it. But he'll lie about it anyway.


Well-known member
The reason the otherwise obscure Canadian academic Jordan Peterson is now famous and NYT #1 best seller is entirely Canada's fault. It is because Canada is on a fast track toward totalitarianism; parts of it have already arrived.

Peterson stood up and said something that, today, is as bold as it is unusual: while there are some things which government is justified in telling you you CAN'T say, he said government should never be able to make laws telling you what you MUST say (the whole point of Canada's sodomite pronoun laws).

But the Peterson affair is just a symptom of the problem. The real problem is, once faceless career bureaucrats get a taste of that level of power over other people's lives, they will not let it go willingly and will always seek ways to expand it.

That's why it's a small step from a government saying one religion above all others cannot be telling you that that same religion must be spoken positively of, if it's to be spoken of at all.

That is NOT something impossible to imagine happening in modern Europe. Canada has already reached that point re: homosexuality, and yet, homosexuals are not a dire existential threat to Canada. But Mohammedans are indeed an existential threat to much of Europe. So once again I insist that it'll be within a decade (if current trends continue; there is growing resistance to account for in a few countries) that some European nations will become de facto Muslim nations by virtue of not only what you cannot say but, eventually, what you must say about Islam.


Well-known member
Let's just say for a minute that what you suggest is true:

Isn't it inevitable according to your scriptures? Isn't it (in one way) a good thing? Doesn't that mean your Lord is coming? Why are you standing in its way? You can't stop it. It's been prophesied.

Here is the reality: people have been using that schtick to manipulate the flock for centuries. Always with the same result: false alarm.

If you want to add the "one world government" into your diet of paranoiac fantasies, fine. Leave the rest of us out of it. Don't use your overactive imagination to stifle the progress of people trying to make the world a better place.

After all, like I said before, if its prophesied, you can't stop it anyway! Leave us alone! Why don't you dig a bunker in your back yard, buy a bunch of Jim Bakker buckets-o-food, and wait until it becomes painfully obvious to everyone that your predictions aren't coming true?

One of the main issues I take with Islam is all the whack jobs trying to usher in a new "jihad". It's pure foolishness, but there's no convincing them of that. Luckily, most Christians are too sensible to be roped in to (yet another) end-of-times prediction.

One brief mention of what scripture says and I get this?

"Why are you standing in the way...." :rolleyes:
One brief mention of what scripture says and I get this?

"Why are you standing in the way...." :rolleyes:

I was reading through the thread and saw the one world government thing mentioned a few times. It seemed to be an emerging theme to which a response seemed appropriate. I could have responded to any of the comments above yours. I guess you won the lottery. Looking back, my response would have been more appropriately aimed at someone else.
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Well-known member
I was reading through the thread and saw the one world government thing mentioned a few times. It seemed to be an emerging theme to which a response seemed appropriate. I could have responded to any of the comments above yours. I guess you won the lottery. Looking back, my response would have been more appropriately aimed at someone else.

Fair enough....since I agree with them. :chuckle:
Woe unto those who call good "evil" and evil "good." A few right here on this thread.

"Stop judging, that you may not be judged. For as you judge, so will you be judged, and the measure with which you measure will be measured out to you." Matthew 7:1-2

It seems like you are comfortable with labeling others as evil, musterion, when you know little to nothing about them. Would it be fair if God treated you like that? Would it be fair and just if God judged you to be evil without first looking at who you are and what you had done? Correct me if I'm wrong, but (according to your beliefs) God inspects you to your very core. God finds out who you truly are before judging you. Be careful throwing around words like "evil." It might turn out that you don't get to be the judge of such things.


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
"Stop judging, that you may not be judged. For as you judge, so will you be judged, and the measure with which you measure will be measured out to you." Matthew 7:1-2

It seems like you are comfortable with labeling others as evil, musterion, when you know little to nothing about them. Would it be fair if God treated you like that? Would it be fair and just if God judged you to be evil without first looking at who you are and what you had done? Correct me if I'm wrong, but (according to your beliefs) God inspects you to your very core. God finds out who you truly are before judging you. Be careful throwing around words like "evil." It might turn out that you don't get to be the judge of such things.
You do find the irony in this, don't you?
Start off by saying not to not judge, and then immediately follow with a judgement of Musty.
Where did I judge anyone? It looks like I asked a bunch of questions.

I'm not trying to troll you, musterion. You've not really engaged me in conversation. You've done little more than hurl insults at me since my intro thread. When have I insulted you?

I really was trying to make a point about judgement of others in my last post. If what I said was incorrect, explain why and/or how.


New member
Or North Carolina (14 is marriageable there).

Marrying First cousins?

Laws regarding first-cousin marriage in the United States
Blue is legal. Light blue, legal with exceptions.

Bible Belt, it seems.

No where is it illegal in the US to marry children. Stay on topic.