Child Marriage in Europe

Gary K

New member
It seems a few European countries are now rolling over and allowing their Muslim male immigrants to marry children who are related to them. What follows is a short blurb from a longer article on this.

This first story recently took place in Sweden, but child marriage is a problem in Europe as mass migration alters the face of Europe.
A 14-year-old child bride from Syria arrived in Sweden and became pregnant with her husband, who is also her cousin. He married her when she was 12 years of age.
A Progressive Swedish court approved of her marriage, because she appears “mature,.” That wasn’t the only reason, they considered the couples’ religion and culture.
If they were head hunters, would the Swedish court accept that?
Social Services took the case to the judicial system because the marriage is outrageous but the judge said it’s a different culture and it’s their religion.
In addition, the girl, according to court, is precocious for her age and matured early, so the court does not see anything wrong.

[sarcasm] No islamification of Europe going on is there? Nah, couldn't be. That's impossible. AB and company deny it so it can't be true. [/sarcasm]

One other comment: This was not a "Progessive court". It was a Marxist court.


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Hall of Fame
Pedophiles will convert to Islam in droves and move to Europe.

As the foolish people of the world chant "Live and let live. Let 'em rip!"
I'm a leftist, and I can't stand Islam... or child marriage... or the court that allowed this to happen to that young girl.

I believe in freedom of religion, so if somebody wants to practice Islam, fine. But children shouldn't be treated like chattel out of undue respect toward barbaric and outdated religious customs.

The Barbarian

Pedophiles will convert to Islam in droves and move to Europe.

Or North Carolina (14 is marriageable there).

Marrying First cousins?

Laws regarding first-cousin marriage in the United States
Blue is legal. Light blue, legal with exceptions.

As the foolish people of the world chant "Live and let live. Let 'em rip!"

Bible Belt, it seems.

The Barbarian

I believe in freedom of religion, so if somebody wants to practice Islam, fine. But children shouldn't be treated like chattel out of undue respect toward barbaric and outdated religious customs.

Precisely so. One's beliefs are not a matter for government to be concerned over, so long as one does not try to force those beliefs on others.


Well-known member
I'm a leftist, and I can't stand Islam... or child marriage... or the court that allowed this to happen to that young girl.

I believe in freedom of religion, so if somebody wants to practice Islam, fine. But children shouldn't be treated like chattel out of undue respect toward barbaric and outdated religious customs.

How are you on unrestricted, virtually borderless mass immigration of those who have no intention of assimilating and becoming remotely European, but want to see Islam rule every nation they enter?
How are you on unrestricted, virtually borderless mass immigration of those who have no intention of assimilating and becoming remotely European, but want to see Islam rule every nation they enter?

Less afraid of it than you are, it would seem.

No intention of assimilating? They'll assimilate. And if they don't, their kids will. And even if their kids don't assimilate 100%... we are a culturally pluralistic society. This is America. Remember that what makes us great is that we are a free society. What makes us great is that we allow people to live their lives the way they want, so long as it causes no harm to others. Our greatness does not depend on us being a culturally homogenous sea of WASPs.


Well-known member
Less afraid of it than you are, it would seem.

No intention of assimilating? They'll assimilate. And if they don't, their kids will. And even if their kids don't assimilate 100%... we are a culturally pluralistic society. This is America. Remember that what makes us great is that we are a free society. What makes us great is that we allow people to live their lives the way they want, so long as it causes no harm to others. Our greatness does not depend on us being a culturally homogenous sea of WASPs.

You are a fool or a liar.


Hall of Fame
I'm a leftist, and I can't stand Islam... or child marriage... or the court that allowed this to happen to that young girl.

I believe in freedom of religion, so if somebody wants to practice Islam, fine. But children shouldn't be treated like chattel out of undue respect toward barbaric and outdated religious customs.

Agreed and well said. Everyone should be entitled to hold their religious beliefs ... as long as those beliefs do not translate into actions which hurt others, primarily children. Child marriage is always wrong.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Less afraid of it than you are, it would seem.

No intention of assimilating? They'll assimilate. And if they don't, their kids will. And even if their kids don't assimilate 100%... we are a culturally pluralistic society. This is America. Remember that what makes us great is that we are a free society. What makes us great is that we allow people to live their lives the way they want, so long as it causes no harm to others. Our greatness does not depend on us being a culturally homogenous sea of WASPs.

I'm from the UK but similar sentiments here. I've lived in one of the most multicultural cities in Britain and it's only cranks and crackpots that see terrorism in everyone wearing a turban and the like. What's even more ironic is when evangelicals who use a case such as this have no problem with someone like Phil "Duck dynasty" Robertson extolling the pursuit of girls as young as fifteen...

Child "marriage" shouldn't happen, period.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
One world government, one world economy, one world religion. One global order. It's their goal, even though they would never believe it's been foretold.

Who's this "their"? Most people, believe it or not, just try to go about their everyday lives dude.