Catholics: Muslims are your brothers and sisters

Christian Liberty

Well-known member
Ah, yes, Jesus Gospel message was a right wing xenophobic one. Missed that.

The issue is religion, not race. The issue is faith in Christ, not country of origin. This has nothing to do with immigration issues (of which I support open borders.) This is about a son of satan trying to say that it doesn't matter what religion you believe in.


Well-known member
I do not disagree with your quote.
Faith is an opportunity to each of us for so long as we live.

That's why I always say of any unbeliever, "...lest they repent." The door of grace is open to them as long as they live. But until they do so, they are unreconciled and at enmity with God, condemned right where they stand. Anyone can BECOME a child of God, but only by coming to Him through His Son, and that only through the Gospel of the grace of God, which - I say again - Rome anathematized centuries ago.


New member
Hall of Fame
Chrysostom is wrong.

John 1:12

Romans 8:14, 16, 19

Galatians 3:26

If someone becomes a child of God only through faith in Christ, then those who have no faith in Christ cannot be God's children. The two groups cannot be siblings. They are now not only in two different families; they are now entirely different orders of creation: one still in the dead flesh of Adam, the other indwelt by the life of Christ and sealed by His Spirit.

That is correct, we become children of God through faith in Jesus Christ only.

Lazy afternoon

That's why I always say of any unbeliever, "...lest they repent." The door of grace is open to them as long as they live. But until they do so, they are unreconciled and at enmity with God, condemned right where they stand. Anyone can BECOME a child of God, but only by coming to Him through His Son, and that only through the Gospel of the grace of God, which - I say again - Rome anathematized centuries ago.

Many individuals of the RCC may well be saved, how would we know?

Many Moslems may be also.

Not necessarily the hard liners but others who are not yet confessing Christ publically.

Lets not make a blanket statement about any race or religion or country.

It does not help.



Well-known member
Many individuals of the RCC may well be saved, how would we know?

By their coming out from among the Whore that denies the Lord and has replaced Him with an ever-dying, never finished idol that they won't let off their crucifixes.

Many Moslems may be also.
Not and remain Muslims. Islam denies Christ was even cannot be a member of Christ and deny the cross.

Not necessarily the hard liners but others who are not yet confessing Christ publically.
Same answer: if they believe Christ was crucified and buried for their sin and raised for their justification, they're no longer Muslims.

Lets not make a blanket statement about any race or religion or country.
Do not tell me what to do.

It does not help.
Then prove that you know what does help: What must a person - anyone - do to be saved today? In one sentence, please answer that.


New member
Hall of Fame
Who knows? perhaps his words of conciliation will touch some Muslim Hearts for the good? Our hearts need to be reminded that God is Love.
Personally, I cannot subscribe to the idea the "Muslims" are my brothers and sisters, but, I do subscribe to the idea that all persons are my brothers and sisters. I am especially saddened by the women and children who have become refugees from war crazed countries. And I do/will contribute to help them.

What did the Ghost of Christmas Present say in the '84 adaptation...

"Are they not of the human race?"


Allah and God are the divine names for the sacred and holy. Both Islam and Christianity devised their culture in different times and in different places.

All world faiths have a respect for their brothers and sisters in other religions. All religions start out with respect and the ethical treatment of others.

But today these faiths have evolved into fundamentalism--a fear of the modern world. So it's the members that fear and hate each other.

Jesus accepted everyone and had feasts and celebrations with them.

That fact alone makes most Christians today feel threatened.

Lazy afternoon

By their coming out from among the Whore that denies the Lord and has replaced Him with an ever-dying, never finished idol that they won't let off their crucifixes.

I agree but still not all Roman Catholics believe in Roman Catholicism, same as not all communists believe in communism.

Not and remain Muslims. Islam denies Christ was even cannot be a member of Christ and deny the cross.

All Islamists do not reject Christ.

Same answer: if they believe Christ was crucified and buried for their sin and raised for their justification, they're no longer Muslims.

In effect yes, but even true believers can be Moslem in culture.

Do not tell me what to do.

You do not want Christ to tell you what not to do.

Then prove that you know what does help: What must a person - anyone - do to be saved today? In one sentence, please answer that.

Act 16:30 And brought them out, and said, Sirs, what must I do to be saved?
Act 16:31 And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house.

You do not think a Roman Catholic or Muslim can do that and remain a Roman Catholic or Muslim.

It is best that you encourage people to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ than slam all Muslims and their culture.

The love of Christ can spead through the hearts of Muslims and then the Lord will show them what is good and what is bad.

but your idea is that you show them how bad they are, and you lose them all.

You do not think Christ can be received by a Muslim until they turn away from Islam.

You have it back to front.

Light exposes darkness.

Exposing darkness does not shine any light.

Eph 5:12 For it is a shame even to speak of those things which are done of them in secret.
Eph 5:13 But all things that are reproved are made manifest by the light: for whatsoever doth make manifest is light.
Eph 5:14 Wherefore he saith, Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light.
Eph 5:15 See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise,

Did you not know that all false prophets are experts on telling others how evil they are?

but to do good they know nothing of it.

Mat 10:16 Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves.


Lazy afternoon

Allah and God are the divine names for the sacred and holy. Both Islam and Christianity devised their culture in different times and in different places.

That is a lie.

All world faiths have a respect for their brothers and sisters in other religions. All religions start out with respect and the ethical treatment of others.

another great lie.

But today these faiths have evolved into fundamentalism--a fear of the modern world. So it's the members that fear and hate each other.

a lot of rubbish.

Jesus accepted everyone and had feasts and celebrations with them.


Jesus would not have attended their demon worship.

That fact alone makes most Christians today feel threatened.

How would you know, when you are not a Christian.

If you were a Christian then you would know that the Moslem god is not Holy.



That is a lie.

another great lie.

a lot of rubbish.


Jesus would not have attended their demon worship.

How would you know, when you are not a Christian.

If you were a Christian then you would know that the Moslem god is not Holy.

Your immature name-calling and judgementalism are one of the main reasons of my personal mission: trying to set up fundamentalists on blind dates with Jesus.

Many Jews and Romans of Jesus's time probably felt that Jesus was worshiping with the Devil all his life. And he was also branded as an atheist among his own religious peers. Eating with the destitute and the dirty homeless sinners was a profound breach of ancient religions, social and political etiquette.

We moderns have little idea of the supreme cultural importance of purity and social rules that had to be followed in every meal.

Jesus was a party animal and celebrated life in the midst of those who society called "evil."

Your reply is a familiar dodge to me.


If you were a Christian then you would know that the Moslem god is not Holy.

I see God in Jesus of Nazareth. I was born in America and did not grow up with the culture of Islam. I worked in the Middle East for a short time, but I was and remain a Christian.

It is just an accident of birth that I was born into a Judeo-Christian country. I feel lucky to not have succumbed to the prehistoric tribalism of many fundamentalist Christians and Muslims.

My Jesus demands I treat others with an open-hearted compassion, respect and fairness. So I have no quarrel with different faiths because I am secure in my own.


But you embrace the Roman doctrine of a literal sacrifice of the inward Spirit that Jesus represented, you can't get past Matt 11:11, or Galatians 4:24-28, these two are also found in 1Cor 15:45.

Those that spout the grace dogma have the least grace in their own hearts, been there done that!



Well-known member
Never heard of it.

Obviously you have, seeing you think Jesus was a literal man who died to pay for you're sins, which is a Roman dogma forced on the populace since the third century.

Plus the fact Jesus even mentioned John was the best born of a woman, which makes Jesus born of the spirit within us. The motif of two Fathers, Mothers and siblings in scripture has escape you.


Well-known member
Obviously you have, seeing you think Jesus was a literal man who died to pay for you're sins, which is a Roman dogma forced on the populace since the third century.

Let's see if I believe what you assume I believe:

1. What exactly do you mean by "a literal man"? What does "literal" mean here?

2. What exactly do you mean by "died to pay for you're [sic] sins, which is a Roman dogma"