Canadian Govt now admits over 1,200 missing native girls, not 600


New member
The Mass Graves and government coverup of the thousands of Native children
is another aspect of the systemic racist genocide that went on
under government authority right up to 1970.

Mass Graves of Children in Canada – Documented Evidence

April 25, 2013​
In late 2011 in Brantford, Ontario, history was made with the uncovering of forensic evidence of the burial of children at the oldest Indian residential school in Canada.
Despite subsequent attempts by the Church and Crown of England and their aboriginal agents to discredit and conceal this evidence of their crimes, this first unveiling of mass graves has prompted new disclosures of genocide across Canada.
After the first evidence of a mass grave near the Anglican-run Mohawk Institute in Brantford, Ontario was unearthed between September and November, 2011, these agencies that are responsible for the deaths of children at this, Canada’s oldest “Indian residential school”, mounted an enormous sabotage campaign to stop the dig and fog the evidence. That coverup eventually involved the Archbishop of Canterbury in London, Rowan Williams, the Anglican Primate in Canada, Fred Hiltz, and Buckingham Palace.
This sabotage temporarily halted the excavation of the Mohawk Institute graves – the first independent dig ever undertaken at Canadian residential schools. But the evidence uncovered confirmed that children are indeed buried there.
This report is a recapitulation of what was discovered at the Mohawk school, and reminds the world that forensic evidence has now substantiated that the Crown of England, the Vatican and the Canadian government and churches are responsible for the death of more than 50,000 children across Canada.
This report includes original field notes from the Mohawk Institute excavations, video recordings of the dig, and evidence of the bones and bits of school uniforms that were uncovered on the former school grounds, along with other corroborating material.


In April, 2011, ten traditional elders of the Grand River Mohawk Nation issued a written invitation to Kevin Annett and the ITCCS to conduct an inquiry on their land into children who went missing at the nearby “Mush Hole”: their name for the Mohawk Institute, founded in 1832 by the Crown and Church of England, where records indicate that on average 40% of the children died until it closed in 1970. (see Exhibit No. 1, in Appendix, below)
The Mohawk invitation authorized Kevin and his team to work with specialists to survey the old residential school grounds and search for the remains of children whom eyewitnesses claim were buried east of the Mohawk Institute building, which is still intact.
The survey and excavation work on the grounds of the former school began on September 29, 2011, and continued in its first phase for two weeks, until October 11. The second phase, which included intensive excavations that yielded the aforementioned bones and clothing, spanned four days between November 21 and 24, inclusive.
The project’s core team included Kevin Annett and Lori O’Rorke with the ITCCS, four members of the Mohawk nation including two authorizing Mohawk elders, Cheryl and Bill Squire, a Ground Penetrating Radar technician, Clynt King, two consulting forensic and archaeological specialists, Kris Nahrgang of Trent University and Greg Olson with the Ontario Provincial Coroners’ Office, and a senior forensic pathologist, Dr. Donald Ortner of the Smithsonian Institute in Washington, DC.
A third and final phase of this initial project occurred during January, 2012, involving interviews with key eyewitnesses who had access to Anglican church archives.

Previous Discovery of Children’s Bones at the Mohawk Institute

Our project was initiated in part because of the discovery of children’s bones near the former Mohawk Institute / “Mush Hole” school building in 2008, and previously, in 1982.
Tara Froman, curator of the Woodland Center – a museum adjacent to the still-standing former Mohawk Institute building – reported to Kevin Annett in April, 2011 that during the reconstruction of the floor of the Woodland Center, sometime in 2008, an employee named Tom Hill found what turned out to be the forearm of an adolescent female.
This bone was analyzed by the Provincial Coroners’ Office and then “locked away” by Barb Harris, an employee of the state-funded Six Nations Confederacy.
A similar incident had occurred during the actual construction of the Woodland Center in the spring of 1982, according to Tara Froman. That construction was stopped because the complete skeleton of a small child was found immediately west of the former Mohawk Institute building.
Froman says that she was sworn to silence about that discovery, and the remains were “taken away” by the Ontario Provincial Police, possibly into “deep storage” at the Royal Ontario Museum in Toronto.

The Mush Hole Dig: Phase One (September 29-October 11, 2011)

Phase One of the project involved interviews with Mush Hole survivors and the commencing of Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) surveys on the grounds of the former school. The GPR operation was overseen by Clynt King, a technician employed by the local Six Nations Confederacy, a non-traditional state-funded organization.
A group of six survivors of the Mush Hole were gathered and interviewed for clues to the location of possible graves of children at or near the school building. Based on this information, the GPR survey began on the grounds immediately east of the building, on hilly and uneven terrain where school survivor Geronimo Henry reported seeing children buried in in the early 1950′s.
Sure enough, the GPR surveys immediately detected what GPR technician Clynt King referred to as “massive soil dislocation and abnormal disturbances” in the area east of and adjacent to the Mush Hole building. (see Exhibits No. 2 and No.3)
According to King, on the second day of the GPR survey, (September 30, 2011),
“It appears from the radar that at least ten to fifteen feet of soil has been displaced and covered over the original terrain east and southeast of the school building. This is definitely a subsurface anomaly, meaning it’s earth that was dumped there.”
Survivor Geronimo Henry (b. 1936) corroborated on the same day,
“None of that mound was there when I was in the Mush Hole (note: 1944-1953). It was all flat then. This has all been piled up, right where I saw them digging one night and burying a small kid.”
Significantly, in the same general area, Geronimo Henry also claims he saw fellow Mush Hole students being placed in an underground cistern as punishment. Henry states,
“Some of those kids went down in there and never came out again. I remember that happened to a girl who was only nine or ten.”
The cement cistern referred to by Geronimo Henry is about ten feet by sixteen feet in size, and stands immediately south of the main school building’s east (girls’) wing. The cistern’s concrete lid seal is broken, making the underground chamber accessible.
Members of the ITCCS team explored the underground cistern chamber on October 5, 2011 and discovered small, apparently animal bones that were scattered throughout the muddy floor of the concrete interior, along with chairs and other garbage. The team returned that night with a driller and bored into the underground wall facing the school building, finding much loose and displaced soil and a drainage pipe running from the school.
Random children’s graffiti was also detected on the walls, confirming that children had been in the cistern.
On the outside of the school building, opposite from the cistern on the north wall of the school, the top of an archway was also discovered. This archway was almost entirely covered by uneven, compacted soil which survivors Geronimo Henry and Roberta Hill claim had not been there in the 1950′s. It appears that the archway is the top of a buried doorway leading from a lower sub-basement area that has been concealed by soil deposits.
The existence of this sub-basement area is significant, in that other school survivors describe being taken as children for punishment to a chamber “under the basement”. This sub-basement chamber contained rings and shackles on the walls where one survivor who desires anonymity states that she saw children being confined in the year 1959 or 1960.
A cousin of Mohawk elder Yvonne Hill stated on October 6, 2011 that a sealed underground tunnel runs from the same sub-basement chamber through the school’s furnace room to a former Greenhouse on the grounds of the Woodland Cultural Center, and “that’s where they buried the kids who died”.
(Note: the same spot at the Woodland Center is where skeletal remains of children were unearthed and then concealed in 1982 and 2008, see above).

The furnace room’s connection to the alleged underground tunnel may be related to the common practice in Indian residential schools of incinerating the bodies of children and newborns who had died or been killed on the premises.
The GPR survey of the Mush Hole grounds encompassed in total four grid areas to the north and northeast of the building. The total size of the surveyed grids was 400 square meters.
On Day 6 of the GPR survey (October 4), Dale Bomberry, head of Operations for the non-traditional, government-funded Six Nations Confederacy, suddenly denied further use of the GPR equipment to the ITCCS team. Clynt King was ordered by Bomberry to cease his activities and all of the data from the GPR survey was seized by Bomberry.
On Day 8 (October 6), Six Nations Confederacy chief Bill Montour was called to Ottawa for “consultations” with the government.
The same day, threats of physical violence were issued against Kevin Annett by three employees of the Confederacy – Tom Powless, Sean Toulouse and a cousin of Dale Bomberry. That evening, the underground cistern was opened and explored by unknown persons.
On Day 9 (October 7), members of the Men’s Fire, a Mohawk security force working closely with the ITCCS team, discovered many boxes of residential school files in the basement immediately above the apparent sub-basement chamber described above. Within minutes, the Men’s Fire members were stopped by Confederacy staff and photographed on video camera.
The same day, Chief Montour announced that no further support for the Mush Hole inquiry would be offered by the Confederacy, despite Montour having endorsed the survey and dig two days earlier (see Exhibit No. 4, Tekawennake Newspaper October 5, 2011, p. 2).
Consequently, this first phase of the inquiry was suspended on October 11 to allow the sponsoring Mohawk elders and the ITCCS team the chance to assess events and plan how to continue in the face of growing sabotage and resistance by government-funded “chief and council”.

Leona Moses
On December 2, 2011, Kevin Annett and elder Cheryl Squire were invited by Mohawk resident and former Anglican Church researcher Leona Moses to her home in Oshweken. Moses had contacted Cheryl Squire the day before on her own initiative. She stated to both Kevin and Cheryl as they entered her home,
“I want the truth to get out to the world. The church has been sitting on it for way too long”.
These facts were shared by Leona Moses with Kevin and Cheryl over the next several hours:
1. While employed during 1998 by the Huron Diocese of the Anglican Church of Canada to examine their archives and records from that church’s Mohawk Institute “Mush Hole” school in Brantford, Leona Moses (LM) found documents that showed that children were dying continually at the school over many years, and the church and government knew of these deaths and did nothing to stop or even investigate them.
2. These records were part of a designated “G 12 collection” held in the Huron College archives in London, Ontario under the authority of then-Huron Diocese Bishop Bruce Howe. The records have now been sealed from public access under present Bishop Bob Bennett.
3. LM personally read documents describing the regular practice of denying food and medical aid to children in the Mush Hole, of keeping parents ignorant of their sickened condition, and of temporarily improving food at the school only during official visits by government medical inspectors. These documents had been copied and sent to the Indian Affairs department in Ottawa.
4. After inquiring with Indian Affairs in Ottawa in 1998, LM was told by a department lawyer, “G 12 is closed to the public and can never be discussed”. LM then asked her co-researcher Wendy Fletcher (WF / recently retired head of the Vancouver Shool of Theology) to help her access the records, and was told by WF,
“There are over 30,000 documents in the Diocese archives that are sealed, and lots of them could bring down the church”.
5. LM saw one “particularly damning document” in the archives that she called “a smoking gun”: an “official looking thing, signed and sealed” (LM) dated from the year 1870. It was a formal agreement between the New England Company that established the Mush Hole, the Crown of England/Anglican Church, and non-Mohawk chiefs of the state-run Six Nations Confederacy. The agreement transferred authority over the Mush Hole school to the Confederacy, providing that the school targeted Mohawks for incarceration and extermination. The Confederacy chiefs agreed to cooperate in this plan.

6. LM saw this genocidal document only once, ” and then it went missing, Wendy says into the G 12 collection”. The regular Diocese archivist was then fired. LM was told after that, that to continue working, she would have to agree to being placed under a voluntary gag order or what then-Bishop Bruce Howe called an “oath of silence” for ten years. LM refused and resigned. WF agreed to be gagged by such an order, and served as the Diocese’s “official researcher” after that.
7. Bishop Bruce Howe extended this “oath of silence” to all Diocese employees and clergy. Some clergy resigned or transferred out of the Diocese. WF told LM a few months after the latter had resigned that she, WF, had been threatened with a lawsuit if she disclosed anything in the G 12 collection. LM recalled,
“Wendy Fletcher feared for her life … I offered her sanctuary, especially after one of her secretaries died suddenly after helping Wendy dig deeper into the Mush Hole history in church archives when they were in London, England” (LM, 2 December 2011)

8. Before she resigned from the Diocese research committee, LM saw letters describing how Mush Hole Principal John Zimmerman (served 1936-1948) regularly took girls from the school to private homes of wealthy Brantford residents to rape and traffic them. LM met at least one local woman, a homeless Mohawk in Brantford, who was such a victim.

9. LM also saw documents describing that children in the Mush Hole were deliberately not given warm clothing or pajamas “as a matter of course”, and that sickness and death from the cold was common. These deaths and conditions were regularly reported to the church by Mohawk parents, without any response or amelioration.
10. After his silencing of Diocese staff, Bishop Howe retired and was replaced by present Bishop Bob Bennett, who continued the policy of coverup and silencing. Bennett also ordered the destruction of school records showing the records of students and staff members.
11. Soon after the start of the ITCCS Mush Hole dig in late November, 2011, Bishop Bennett met with LM at her home and demanded to know what she had uncovered in the Diocese archives concerning staff and student records. Bennett confirmed to LM that the church was aware of all the crimes and the deaths of children but for that reason denied any public access to the evidence.
Bennett also described to LM a meeting held in 2006 at the Five Oaks United Church center at which a Member of Parliament, United Church clergy and “some doctors” described killings at the Mush Hole, including the murder of newborn children there and at the local Catholic residential schools.
12. Bishop Bennett also disclosed to LM that the Anglican, Catholic and United churches had made an agreement with the Canadian government whereby the latter (ie, taxpayers) would assume all of the financial liability for the residential school crimes, in return for which the churches would promise to disclose all of their evidence. But (to quote Bennett),
“We agreed among ourselves that we could never release certain kinds of information, even if it meant reneging on our promise”

13. After Bishop Bennett’s remarks that indicated the Anglican church had committed deliberate fraud on the Canadian people, LM went to Canadian Anglican Primate Fred Hiltz and asked him to order Bennett to open the G 12 archive. Hiltz refused to do so, claiming, untruthfully, “I have no authority over the Bishops”.
14. LM learned that the Mush Hole’s founding agency, the New England Company based in London, England, still funds “Anglican Mohawks” and that the Queen’s chaplain, Bishop John Wayne, has played a direct role in ordering the permanent sealing of the G 12 collection.
15. LM gave many of these facts to the Canadian media early in the year 2008, but only one newspaper, the Tekawennake in Brantford, printed some of her remarks. Teka editor Jim Windle did not explain why he edited LM’s story and refused to share the story with the world media, as LM had requested.
Leona Moses reiterated again to Kevin and Cheryl before they left her home,
“The church must be brought to justice … please get this story out. I’ve been threatened by Bob Bennett if I keep speaking to you”.

Two Anglican Church sources: Spring 2012

After news of the shut down of the Mush Hole dig circulated throughout the internet, two other Anglican church insiders approached Kevin Annett with information.

One of these insiders still worked in the Toronto Diocese office of the Anglican church, and another was an employee of the church in a liaison capacity with the Archbishop of Canterbury’s office until the fall of 2009.
The present employee told Kevin that in mid January, 2012, Primate Fred Hiltz had been issued a direct order by Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams to “permanently bury or destroy” any evidence that might implicate the church or “Her Majesty” in the death of children at the Brantford Mush Hole school. Hiltz commented on the request to his secretary, who passed in on to the employee.

The second, former church employee told Kevin that before he resigned from his position liaising with London, he had been told of a “serious leak” in the church archival system that implicated unnamed members of the Royal family with “mishaps” at an Indian school in Canada.
The former employee did not know whether this referred to the allegation from eyewitness William Combes that Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip had been seen taking ten aboriginal children from the Kamloops Catholic residential school in October, 1964 during a verified state visit, after which none of the children were ever seen again. But the employee said,
“It was serious enough for the Archbishop to intervene personally and order a clean sweep of the archives in Canada and London”.

Summary and Conclusion

In the light of these events and discoveries, the ITCCS Central Office has concluded the following:
1. The remains of children are interred on the grounds of the former Anglican Mohawk Institute Indian residential school in Brantford, Ontario.
2. These remains and other artifacts that have been unearthed on these grounds verify eyewitness accounts of how children who died at the Mohawk Institute were buried.
3. These children who died were the victims of a deliberate genocidal plan devised and implemented in 1870 by the Church and Crown of England and their accomplices in the Six Nations Confederacy and government of Canada.
4. The evidence of these deaths and burials has been deliberately concealed and destroyed by members of the Anglican Church and the Church and Crown of England, aided by members of the Six Nations Confederacy. This concealment amounts to a deliberate and ongoing Criminal Conspiracy and obstruction of justice.
5. The first independent inquiry into these deaths and burials was overtly sabotaged by these church and government bodies. Accordingly, the ITCCS and groups outside of Canada must intervene to continue the excavation of these buried remains at the Mohawk Institute in order to a) provide a proper burial for these remains, b) determine the cause of death and other facts surrounding these children, and c) use this evidence to bring further criminal charges against those persons and institutions responsible.




New member
The systemic nature of government collusion with pedophile rings
is suppressed, downplayed and usually skipped by mainstream media.

"From East Belfast's Kincora Boys' Home, via Leicestershire, Staffordshire and London, to the children's homes of Clwyd, we have witnessed 25 years of cover-up. Cover-up, not to protect the innocent but to protect the regularly named elements of the British establishment who surface whenever widespread evidence of child abuse is exposed. From the public schools right through to the Catholic and Anglican churches, child abuse has been allowed a special place of sanctuary... Social workers, police, security services, local and national political figures remain the common factors in the fall-out from the [child abuse] inquiries... In case after case the cycle is described - a child is 'taken into care', then abused in a home, handed on to an outside pedophile ring and out on to the rent-boy/prostitution circuit beyond, if they live that long... Journalists find themselves battling first with authority, then with the libel laws, to publish the truth about a vast web of abuse."
- June 6, 1996, The Guardian, 'True scandal of the child abusers'. These lines were written by the author of the article and are not quotes.



New member
In case we think Canada's Great North is improving,
here's a sample of the ongoing insanity that Native women endure.

Quebec teen raped by sex offender in police vehicle suing for 'gross misconduct'

Woman suffered post-traumatic stress after 2011 attack, according to psychological report

A young woman from an Inuit village in northern Quebec is suing for $400,000 after
she was left handcuffed in a police vehicle
with a repeat sexual offender and sexually assaulted.

The woman, who was 17 years old at the time of the incident, says she has suffered post-traumatic stress since the September 2011 attack in Tasiujaq, a lakeside community west of Ungava Bay that is only accessible by airplane, snowmobile or boat.
The lawsuit, which names the officer involved as well as the local police service and the regional government, alleges "a serious lack of professionalism and gross negligence," on behalf of the Kativik regional police.
It also states the officer's actions "show an incredible lack of concern for the safety of the plaintiff."
Neither the Kativik regional government nor the police force will comment on the events, citing the ongoing court case.

Inexperienced officer

Police had been called to remove the woman, who had been drinking while visiting relatives, from the premises at the request of the homeowner.
According to civil lawsuit documents filed at Quebec Superior Court last fall and initially obtained by La Presse, the woman was handcuffed and put in the back of a police car with a man who had been arrested earlier for causing a disturbance at another residence.
The man, Joe Kritik, had already been convicted of four sexual assaults at the time and was listed on the sexual offender registry.
He was not handcuffed.
The lone officer responsible, who had been on the job less than a month and was not authorized to carry a handgun, left the two in the back of the vehicle while she gathered details about the young woman from the complainant.

'The plaintiff was unable to defend herself'

According to the court documents, the officer returned and found Kritik with his pants down on top of the woman. The young woman testified in court that she was sexually assaulted.
The plaintiff was unable to defend herself,
being handcuffed in her back and unable
to leave the vehicle, the doors being locked,”

the lawsuit claims.

The officer opened the door and pulled Kritik off her.
Both the young woman and Kritik were taken to the police station and put in different cells.

The lawsuit claims the same officer, the only one on duty at the time,
slammed the cell door in the woman’s face, breaking her tooth.

No rape kit was performed and the woman’s parents were not contacted.

Kritik eventually pleaded guilty to one count of sexual assault
and was sentenced to 39 months.

The constable was suspended and later resigned.
However, an internal investigation by the Kativik
regional police Force cleared the constable of any criminal wrongdoing.

Tasiujaq is a small Inuit village located in northern Quebec. (Google Maps)



New member
In a historic About-Face,
The Canadian government, or at least parts of it,
have admitted that Canada engaged in what has amounted to
a War of Genocide against Native Peoples.

Canada participated in a period of cultural genocide: Justice Sinclair

Justice Murray Sinclair, Chair of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada, said Tuesday that a report on the horrors of Canada’s residential school system calls it nothing short of a “cultural genocide,” making 94 broad recommendations.



New member
It is absurd how many people, especially kids, vanish without a trace. I mean, no clues, in strange circumstances and they just vanish. David Paulides has a lot if interesting info on this. He has books a d also a lot of stuff on YouTube.


New member
It is absurd how many people, especially kids, vanish without a trace. I mean, no clues, in strange circumstances and they just vanish. David Paulides has a lot if interesting info on this. He has books a d also a lot of stuff on YouTube.

Its alarming.

These children are sometimes siphoned off on private jets to other countries
where the real horror stories begin, and end without records.

However the LORD records every act and every crime.
The books will be opened on Judgement Day.


New member
Its alarming.

These children are sometimes siphoned off on private jets to other countries
where the real horror stories begin, and end without records.

However the LORD records every act and every crime.
The books will be opened on Judgement Day.
