Canadian Govt now admits over 1,200 missing native girls, not 600


New member
Community Groups, frustrated that the RCMP (Canadian Federal Police)
are doing nothing to find the missing women,
have organized their own dredging of the Red River:

Volunteers to drag Winnipeg’s Red River for evidence of missing aboriginal women

WINNIPEG — Special to The Globe and Mail
Published Sunday, Sep. 14 2014, 9:24 PM EDT
Last updated Sunday, Sep. 14 2014, 9:24 PM EDT

After a trial run on the weekend turned up pieces of cloth, volunteers will set out this week to drag Winnipeg’s Red River in search of debris connected to the disappearance of aboriginal women.
Boats with crews of three will launch two at a time beginning at 5 p.m. on Wednesday from the docks of Redboine Boating Club, said Kyle Kematch, the volunteer who proposed the search after 15-year-old Tina Fontaine’s body was found in the river on Aug. 17.

Dang nazaroo, write a book! It'd be shorter than your post.

The sex trade is an amazingly sick global problem which I've been following for awhile as I have several friends, very young ladies, who travel the world fighting it. I also support an organization in Mae Sot, Thailand where some believe is the hub/origin of slave trafficking from that part of the world.

One again, the vast majority of the blame lies with our judicial system. What is little known is that in every Western city on the globe one can find child prostitutes, both male and female, working the streets. If the legal system really cared it would be incredibly easy to bust the Johns using these children. Feed a few of them the led pill and the problem would be solved. But the pig judges even let child rapist off time and time and time again to rape again. We have a case here (actually in Juneau) right now where they let some guy loose and two days later he raped an 11 year old.


New member
Dang nazaroo, write a book!
One again, the vast majority of the blame lies with our judicial system. What is little known is that in every Western city on the globe one can find child prostitutes, both male and female, working the streets. If the legal system really cared it would be incredibly easy to bust the Johns using these children. Feed a few of them the led pill and the problem would be solved. But the pig judges even let child rapist off time and time and time again to rape again. We have a case here (actually in Juneau) right now where they let some guy loose and two days later he raped an 11 year old.

Again, what people won't face is this:

There is only one credible explanation for these facts.

The lawyers and judges ARE the pedophiles.
They are the clients and the perpetrators,
the insiders and the benefactors of the government-run pedophile rings.


New member
Well it turns out 1,200 estimated dead or missing women may be far too low.

The governments and agencies are finally starting to let records be accessed,
and now over 4,000 cases are currently being examined ...

Under the residential schools settlement agreement, only the federal government and churches are obliged to provide documents to the commission. Provinces are not but were very co-operative once asked, putting their own resources into searching archives, Murray said.

In B.C., where until 1956 death records were segregated and the official form was for the "Death of An Indian," officials have been able to narrow down the record to children aged four to 19. They cover the period from 1870 to 1984, when the last residential school closed its doors in the province.
Alberta provided the commission with 10,000 records this week for First Nations people who died between 1923 and 1945, though the agency could not narrow down the field to children only.
New Brunswick located a handful of records and Nova Scotia recently turned over 125 records.

Ontario will be, by far, the largest archive as it had the largest number of schools, Murray said.

The records will help the commission's Missing Children Project, which aims to identify all children who died in residential schools.
That list has 4,000 names and counting.

"The information in the certificates is helpful because we may know of a death but we don't know the name. We may have a record that says '13-year-old girl died on this day' but they don't name her and then we get the death record and there's the girl. It's like a matching process," Murray said.
"We are finding new deaths that we didn't know about and we're finding additional information about the deaths we did know about."
John Rustad, B.C.'s minister of aboriginal relations, said reconciliation is a collective journey.
"Providing this data is one way to continue healing the relationship between aboriginal and non-aboriginal Canadians and an opportunity for the province of British Columbia to make a contribution to healing the terrible wound left behind by Indian residential schools," Rustad said in a statement from Edmonton.

The commission has lamented the lack of co-operation from the federal government in turning over records but Murray said that has improved since the commission won a court case on the matter a year ago.
Commission staff have been given access to search the records of Health Canada, the RCMP and Indian Affairs. All agencies have been co-operative, Murray said.

The commission has been given a one-year extension to its original five-year mandate, and a report is now due in June 2015.

The different categories of dead and missing now is being expanded
to include children who were confiscated by authorities
and who subsequently died in government / religious authority hands.


New member
Finally people are acknowledging that Organized Pedophile Rings
deeply embedded in the Government and Police forces
are behind the many missing women and children in Western Canada:

Memorandum on Eyewitness Evidence of the Organized Abduction, Torture, Exploitation and Murder of Women and Children on Canada's West Coast


Update: Related video, "Unrepentant"

From the Files of the Community Task Force on the Disappeared - Downtown Eastside of Vancouver


1. An organized system of abduction, exploitation, torture and murder of large numbers of women and children appears to exist on Canada's west coast, and is operated and protected in part by sectors of the RCMP, the Vancouver Police Department (VPD), the judiciary, and members of the British Columbia government and federal government of Canada, including the Canadian military.

2. This system is highly funded and linked to criminal organizations including the Hell's Angels, the Hong Kong Triad, and unnamed individual "free lance" mobsters from Vancouver and the USA. It is funded in part by a massive drug trade, with which it is intimately connected.

3. This system is decades-old and has been supplied for many years with women and children from aboriginal reserves and residential schools, with the paid collusion of lawyers, clergy and officials of the Roman Catholic, Anglican and United Church of Canada, along with state-funded aboriginal leaders and officials of the Department of Indian Affairs.

4. This system is international in scope, Vancouver being one spoke in a wheel of pedophilia, sex slavery, human organ black markets, "snuff" films and violent child pornography that has outlets throughout the Pacific Rim world, particularly in China and Thailand.

5. This system relies upon a network of complicity extending to the highest levels of power in Canada and other nations, involving coroners, judges, doctors, clergy, politicians and social workers, as well as the media. It also relies upon a network of "body dumping grounds" and mass graves, located in remote rural areas or on aboriginal reserves and both church and Crown land, where human remains are regularly disposed of by RCMP officers.

6. This system is kept in place because of a practice and philosophy of tolerance and protection by the established police, judicial, military, church and governmental institutions in Canada and elsewhere. The crimes committed by individual officers of the police, churches, court and government against women and children caught in this system are known and tolerated by these institutions.



New member
This is very sad to read.

This is just beginning:

RCMP officer accused of sex assault against 9-year-old child

CBC News Posted: Sep 30, 2014 11:21 AM CT Last Updated: Sep 30, 2014 1:13 PM CT


A 26-year veteran officer in Manitoba is facing charges of sexual assault and sexual interference involving a nine-year-old victim.

A veteran RCMP officer in Manitoba was arrested on the weekend in connection to the sexual assault of a nine-year-old child.
The 55-year-old officer, who has 26 years of service with the RCMP, was arrested Sunday and has been charged with sexual assault and sexual interference.
The Brandon Police Service is conducting the investigation into the allegations.
They said RCMP asked them to take over the investigation, but they are being assisted by the RCMP Winnipeg Major Crimes Unit.
The incident reportedly occurred Sept. 26 near the town of Ashern, located about 165 kilometres north of Winnipeg.
The officer, who is from the Arborg area, was not on duty at the time.
He has been charged with sexual assault and sexual interference and released on what Brandon police describe as "appropriate, police-imposed conditions."
He is to appear in provincial court in Ashern Nov. 19.
Police are not releasing the suspect's name.



New member
What can be done? Is the government involved to take action?

I believe only part of the government is not involved,
and so is able to apply political will to break this cycle of abuse.

It is up to them to a point, then God Almighty will step in.

In ancient times, a large group of Israelites, most of the tribe of Benjamin,
opted to rebel against the law and harbor rapist-killers.
As a result, one whole tribe of Israel was all but wiped out.

If most of a nation can repent and then stand for what is right,
I believe God will respect that and help turn things around.
If that conviction and commitment can't be found,
God will destroy that nation as surely as God destroyed Sodom.

The key ingredient then as now, was to STOP harboring and covering up
for the gang of wicked people responsible, and openly and publicly
bring them out for punishment to uphold the name and reputation of God
and justice. If Canadians can't rally and bring out these evil-doers,
then the next step is warfare, and the final solution is the destruction
of the wicked.

Benjamin could not repent, but Israel was able to learn a lesson from them.
Even then God spared a remnant who refused to partake in the conspiracy,
and who fled to the hills. Those Benjaminites were saved and granted

Likewise, I believe all who come forward and expose the gangs of
pedophile murderers and bullies and gluttons have a chance for salvation,
while those who stubbornly like Pharoah refuse, will be destroyed.


New member

I wonder if this is God's visiting judgment on the country already versus a judgment to come. Could not God be withdrawing His restraining grace on the wicked such that they commit even more wicked acts?


New member

I wonder if this is God's visiting judgment on the country already versus a judgment to come.
Could not God be withdrawing His restraining grace on the wicked
such that they commit even more wicked acts?

I believe God always holds out a door, like He did for Nineva,
and even must have done for Sodom.

I don't think God withdraws his restraining grace.

Jesus promised that "those days will be shortened,..."
to minimize suffering, and that sounds like restraining grace
is remaining until the End.
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New member
New Map for murdered and missing native women in North America


Why the incredible clusters of missing native girls above the US/Canada border?

(1) Canada's police services are a cruel racist joke.

(2) The murderers/abductors are not natives. Many no doubt come from
the USA, knowing that they can literally get away with murder in Canada.

(3) The USA isn't concerned with the exploitation, sexual abuse,
abduction, torture and murder of Native peoples per se.
The focus there is racism against blacks and hispanics.

(4) Those doing the survey are relying mostly upon Canadian data,
from Canadian native communities.

A new, online map sets out to demonstrate the extent of violence against Aboriginal women in Canada.
The map, released Feb. 5, by the online hacker group Anonymous pays particular attention to Thunder Bay, where the group has been critical of the police investigation into the abduction and sexual assault of a First Nations woman.
A friend of the family of the victim in that case said she welcomed the mapping initiative.
"[It will] create that visual force to bring evidence to the scope of the problem in a way that will break the silence and in a way that will hopefully get all of Canada aware," said Christi Belcourt.
Belcourt compares it to Harassmap, which tracks sexual harassment in Egypt, which was lauded by Canadian media as a means of bringing social change. She said she hopes the map of missing and murdered Aboriginal women is received with the same public approval as Harassmap.

For another,
For a third reason,
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Canadian Govt now admits over 1,200 missing native girls, not 600

Apparently the Canadian government sees the destruction of ISIS as a priority - but not an investigation as to whereabouts of 1 200 of its own citizens.



Perhaps the Canadian government would undergo a sudden change of opinion if it could be proven that these 1 200 native women were killed by ISIS?



New member
Canadian Govt now admits over 1,200 missing native girls, not 600

Apparently the Canadian government sees the destruction of ISIS as a priority - but not an investigation as to whereabouts of 1 200 of its own citizens.

Yes. This is the biggest scandal and worst piece of history (ongoing)
in regard to Canada.

Its worse than the dozens of false convictions for murder that have been
exposed and overturned.


New member
In yet another case where police simply failed to follow through on
testimony by a witness about three murdered Native boys,
police have now finally decided to actually dig for the bodies.

A woman who says her father killed three aboriginal teenage boys and buried at least two of them in a barn northeast of Toronto in the 1950s tells CBC News she is "relieved" but also anxious and emotional as police forensic experts excavate a corner of the barn.
Watch a report from Ron Charles on the excavation effort, and what it means to Glenna Mae Breckenridge. Breckenridge took CBC News to the farm this summer to tell her story and examine the site with an expert in ground-penetrating radar.
The radar showed signs of something beneath the floor, but without digging, it was impossible to determine what lay beneath the concrete floor.
The process of digging through the barn floor in a search for possible bodies is expected to take several days.



New member
Canadian Govt now admits over 1,200 missing native girls, not 600

Apparently the Canadian government sees the destruction of ISIS as a priority - but not an investigation as to whereabouts of 1 200 of its own citizens.

Yes. This is absolutely shameful.


New member
''Are not two sparrows sold for a farthing? and one of them shall not fall on the ground without your Father''.

This being the same Father who is glorified in the salvation and the destruction of sinners.