Canadian Govt now admits over 1,200 missing native girls, not 600


New member
In the midst of persecuting Jewish parents, and not bothering to solve the shocking 300 serial-murders in B.C., or charging anyone at all in the now 600+ dead children in Alberta at the hands of the Childrens Aid Society (CAS),
Canadian govt. officials have had a longstanding hobby of obscuring and
hiding the massive number of missing girls
throughout the North and rural
areas from Saskatoon to Newfoundland, mostly abducted by gangs for
prostitution and child-trafficking.

Last week while the govt admitted there were some 600 missing girls,
the RCMP simultaneously cautioned the numbers were likely very low.

Now its admitted the numbers are more like 1,200 missing girls,
a stunning doubling of the estimates, which are apparently estimates
because no one wanted to actually do the job of investigation or law enforcement.

But not to have those figures leave the public shocked,
the RCMP went on to explain that while perhaps 80% of murders of
say white people in major cities like Toronto are solved or closed,
less than 50% of similar cases of abductions and murders of native girls
are actually investigated and closed (solved) in any meaningful way.

Native communities, already reeling and angered at the original estimate
of some 600 + murdered or missing girls, now have been finally informed
of the true state (or will there be more revelations?) of the disaster.

A man-made disaster of law enforcement and government carelessness and stupidity.

This all comes on the heels of a 100 year racial genocidal policy of
smashing up native communities, destroying families, stealing children,
and forcing natives to learn French and English and forget their own
languages, culture, traditions and even basic survival skills.

The Roman Catholic church, the Anglican Church, and the Canadian govt.,
worked hand in hand for a century, stealing children and sexually abusing
them in a systematic and organized fashion using police and institutions,
all the while covering up the operations of the largest pedophile and
child-trafficking rings in the history of the world.

The result of that horrific secret war on natives left a legacy of
literally hundreds of communities across the North trapped without
adequate food supplies, economic ability, educational facilities, medical care,
or even basic clean water supplies.

Now there is, on top of everything else, which has turned the Northern
half of Canada into a giant Third World Country in need of rescue by the
United Nations,
a horrific trend in which native children as young as 12 either commit
suicide or begin a career of huffing gasoline or paint thinner.

But the authorities seem completely oblivious to the immediate results
of the latest revelations:

They amount to an international invitation to pedophile rings, bike gangs,
mafias, and organized crime to come in and continue the carnage,
turning Canada into what is simply a 'Shark Fest' or feeding frenzy,
as incompetent and careless "law enforcement" stands by.

Everyone knows that the "50% Solving the crime" rate will likely
drop through the floor as gangsters realize that no one will come to
the rescue of thousands of children victims spread across isolated and impoverished rural Canada.

The idiotic and murderously incompetent government of Canada
has just announced in effect open season on Canadian children.

They have neither allocated the budgets nor given a tinker's cuss
to the tripling of the current disaster that their own announcement
will cause.

Every pedophile, pervert and serial killer must be packing their bags,
for a trip to rural Canada
, especially since their regular holiday spots,
like Bancock and the Phillipines are now watched.

Its painfully obvious that the real plan of the Canadian Govt
is to increase tourism at any cost,
even at the cost of our childrens' lives.

Missing, Murdered Aboriginal Women In Canada Number More Than 1,000

OTTAWA - The Conservative government is resisting renewed calls for an inquiry into murdered and missing aboriginal women and girls despite a media report that suggests there may be hundreds more cases than previously thought.
Public Safety Minister Steven Blaney was asked Thursday to finally call a inquiry in light of a report by the Aboriginal Peoples Television Network that Canada may be home to more than 1,000 cases of murdered and missing women.
His answer, in short: no.
Instead, Blaney launched a partisan broadside against the NDP's refusal to support the government's budget bill, which includes a five-year, $25-million renewal of money aimed at stopping violence against aboriginal women and girls.
"As a father, I'm very proud to have supported more than 30 measures to keep our streets safer, including tougher sentencing for murder, sexual assault and kidnapping," Blaney said during question period.
"And Mr. Speaker, I will stand in this house and support the $25-million strategy for aboriginal and missing, murdered women."
Liberal MP Carolyn Bennett questioned how the Conservatives can continue to resist an inquiry in the face of so many unresolved cases.
"This media report says the government's own numbers show nearly a doubling of known victims of what was already a national tragedy," she said in a statement.
"How can a government that refuses to call a national inquiry, in the face of these shocking statistics, claim that they are tough on crime or supportive of victims?"

Demands for inquiry follow report of 1,000 murdered, missing aboriginal women



New member
Here's some more details on this horrific scandal,
clearly perpetrated by the government and law enforcement
via dereliction of duty to Canadian citizens:

In a statement, the RCMP said there are 1,186 police recorded incidents of aboriginal homicides and unresolved missing women investigations.

That figure includes 1,017 murdered aboriginal women between the years of 1980 and 2012, as well as 169 missing women dating back to 1952.
These numbers are included in a national RCMP report on missing and murdered aboriginal women, which is expected to be released in the coming weeks.

"The RCMP has taken on this initiative on behalf of the Canadian law enforcement community because we are concerned about the high incidence of missing and murdered aboriginal women," the statement read.
"We remain committed to resolve outstanding cases, and seeking closure and justice for families."
The force also said that solutions to the "societal concern" of violence against aboriginal women must come not only from the law enforcement community, but all levels of government.

NDP status of women critic Niki Ashton said the newly confirmed number is "shocking."
"If you put it into context, it means that over the last 30 years, 40 aboriginal women and girls didn't — every year — did not come home to see their families," she said to Rosemary Barton on CBC News Network's Power & Politics."

On the same program, Liberal health critic Hedy Fry added that it isn't about how many women there are at all.
"The fact is, at that rate, if there were other kinds of women, other than aboriginal women, missing or murdered in this country, there would be an outcry. There would be an inquiry, there would be something," Fry said.

The Aboriginal Peoples Television Network first broke the story that there may be more than 1,000 cases of missing or murdered women on Wednesday, which immediately renewed calls to the government for a national public inquiry.

The government, for its part, has refused, referring instead to other initiatives carried out over past years.

"There are some 40 studies dealing with that issue. The RCMP is conducting a further study on its own," Prime Minister Stephen Harper said Friday afternoon.
"Our government from the very outset has said, as one of its priorities — one of its most important priorities — tackling crime including violence against women and girls."

The parliamentary secretary to the public safety minister, Roxanne James, echoed Harper's response on Power & Politics.
"Let me be clear, now is not the time for another study," she said, adding that now is "the time to take real action" and move forward with concrete measures to end violence.
James said the government has taken over 30 measures since coming into office, citing two separate $25-million initiatives from the 2010 and 2014 budgets, one of them being a DNA-based missing persons index.

According to the RCMP statement, the newly confirmed data was compiled with the assistance of Statistics Canada from close to 300 individual police jurisdictions in Canada and shows an over-representation of missing and murdered aboriginal women in police databases.
It also included the point that

while aboriginal women make up 4 percent of Canada's population,
they represent 16 per cent of all murdered females between 1980 and 2012,
as well as 12 per cent of all missing females on record.

"This research has done more than just provide numbers. It has identified key vulnerability factors for the victims as well as information on the perpetrators," the statement read.

In 2010, the Native Women’s Association of Canada [had previously] estimated that there were 582 missing or murdered aboriginal women across the country.
Read more

The new data is staggering:

Native girls are FOUR TIMES as likely to be murdered,
and THREE TIMES as likely to just disappear.

And these are UNSOLVED murders,
because virtually ZERO police resources are spent investigating them.

These shocking numbers reflect both racism and poverty effects
which are not only systemic, but running rampantly out of control
in our government, police institutions and 'justice' system.

It represents also the overwhelming momentum of over 100 years of
systematized persecution and covert warfare perpetrated upon natives.


New member
Lets compare and synthesize the two conclusions:

But the authorities seem completely oblivious to the immediate results
of the latest revelations:

They amount to an international invitation to pedophile rings, bike gangs,
mafias, and organized crime to come in and continue the carnage,
turning Canada into what is simply a 'Shark Fest' or feeding frenzy,
as incompetent and careless "law enforcement" stands by.

Everyone knows that the "50% Solving the crime" rate will likely
drop through the floor as gangsters realize that no one will come to
the rescue of thousands of children victims spread across isolated and impoverished rural Canada.

The idiotic and murderously incompetent government of Canada
has just announced in effect open season on Canadian children.

They have neither allocated the budgets nor given a tinker's cuss
to the tripling of the current disaster that their own announcement
will cause.

Every pedophile, pervert and serial killer must be packing their bags,
for a trip to rural Canada
, especially since their regular holiday spots,
like Bancock and the Phillipines are now watched.

Its painfully obvious that the real plan of the Canadian Govt
is to increase tourism at any cost,
even at the cost of our childrens' lives.
Now add to this the following fact:

Native girls are FOUR TIMES as likely to be murdered,
and THREE TIMES as likely to just disappear.
One can only conclude the horrific results of combining these factors,
will be that Native children and teens will soon be
something like TEN or TWENTY times as likely to be sexually abused,
abducted, murdered, and then forgotten
(than Europeans and other
immigrants who congregate in cities in the south,)
without any kind of investigation,
after evil individuals and gangs, cults, and pedophile rings put the facts
together for themselves.

Because the Canadian govenment didn't put more than a pittance into
basic law enforcement for the last 30 years when it came to natives,
the government will now be literally forced to spend 20 to 100 times
as much
, to try to stave off the massive increase in the native victimization
rates, that can be predicted from the dereliction of duty
and systemic murderous racism running rampant in the government of Canada.


good thing they're sending support to nigeria for the kidnapped girls, eh?

maybe they'll learn a few things and apply them back home


New member
good thing they're sending support to nigeria for the kidnapped girls, eh?

maybe they'll learn a few things and apply them back home

They'll do anything to cover up their own house,
and try to impress the international community.

Sad that its this transparent, and ineffective.

Its true at every level, from the federal govt, down
to "Toronto the Good" with Crackhead mayor Rob Ford.


New member


New member
This issue should not, and must not simply go away or be forgotten.

A look at the world's reaction to the kidnapped girls in Nigeria gives
hope that if enough people become aware, even a government can be
embarrassed enough to take some action, or at least allow others to do so.

Why Isn’t Canada Taking Action to Find More Than 1,000 Missing Aboriginal Women?

  • by Ximena Ramirez
  • May 10, 2014
  • 5:30 pm

Read more:

Over the last few weeks we’ve heard an international amber alert to bring back the nearly 300 Nigerian girls who were recently abducted by a notoriously violent Islamic militant group from their school dormitories.
To imagine little girls being brutally kidnapped simply for their desire to get an education is a horror to imagine, yet here we are. As the world holds out hope that these young women will be brought home safely, I ask that you add another group of women to your thoughts and prayers: Canada’s aboriginal women.
A recent report from the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) has found reports of more than 1,000 missing or murdered aboriginal women in the country. Eighty-seven percent of these women are mothers. “If you put it into context, it means that over the last 30 years, 40 aboriginal women and girls didn’t — every year — did not come home to see their families,” said New Democratic Party status of women critic Niki Ashton.
Despite cries for a national government inquiry, the government has been uncooperative and instead offered to conduct another study regarding the missing women. Prime Minister Stephen Harper has said, “Our government from the very outset has said, as one of its priorities — one of its most important priorities — tackling crime including violence against women and girls.”
If that were true in practice, the government would be taking real action to find justice for these women, not conducting another study that will inevitably show how many aboriginal women have been endangered.
In Nigeria the government has also been slow to provide any support to finding the missing girls. There are even reports linking the First Lady of Nigeria to the arrest of Naomi Mutah Nyadar, the leader of the #BringBackOurGirls protests.
Despite government inaction, the global call to bring these girls safely home has been tremendous, especially on social media platforms like Twitter where the hashtag #BringBackOurGirls has been trending for the last two weeks.
But where is the international outcry for Canada’s aboriginal women? Where’s the clever hashtag spotlighting the issue online for all to see?
It might pull at your heart strings more to imagine young girls being kidnapped from school, but imagine all the young girls in Canada who are now motherless due to this horrific injustice. Canada’s missing and murdered women and mothers will not be dismissed or forgotten here.
Whether it be school girls in Nigeria or aboriginal women in Canada the message for both is the same: girls and women aren’t valued.
In order for there to be any real protections for women and girls in Canada, Nigeria, or anywhere in the world for that matter, we need to first understand why women are so vulnerable to violence and then break down the societal beliefs that make it impossible for women to be seen as equals. Until then women and girls will continue to be the targets of violence, and governments won’t feel the urgency to find justice for its victims.
You can help the aboriginal women of Canada by signing our petition demanding that the government conduct a national inquiry on the matter.



Well-known member
Well, from the RCMP site:

The operational overview reveals that missing and murdered Aboriginal women are over-represented vis-à-vis their proportion of the Canadian population. Aboriginal women accounted for 16% of female homicides and 11.3% of missing women. This is three to four times higher than the representation of Aboriginal women in the Canadian population which is 4.3%.

The research identified 1,181 missing and murdered Aboriginal women in Canadian police databases: 164 missing (dating back to 1952) and 1,017 murdered (between 1980 and 2012). It further clarifies that almost 9 out of 10 murders of Aboriginal women are resolved across Canadian law enforcement jurisdictions (897 out of 1,017). That leaves 120 homicide cases and 105 missing cases. The overview reveals a virtually identical homicide solving rate for Aboriginal women (88%) and non-Aboriginal women (89%).​

A minority suffering form higher crime rates? Yes. A government conspiracy? Apparently not.


New member
Well, from the RCMP site:
The operational overview reveals that missing and murdered Aboriginal women are over-represented vis-à-vis their proportion of the Canadian population. Aboriginal women accounted for 16% of female homicides and 11.3% of missing women. This is three to four times higher than the representation of Aboriginal women in the Canadian population which is 4.3%.

The research identified 1,181 missing and murdered Aboriginal women in Canadian police databases: 164 missing (dating back to 1952) and 1,017 murdered (between 1980 and 2012). It further clarifies that almost 9 out of 10 murders of Aboriginal women are resolved across Canadian law enforcement jurisdictions (897 out of 1,017). That leaves 120 homicide cases and 105 missing cases. The overview reveals a virtually identical homicide solving rate for Aboriginal women (88%) and non-Aboriginal women (89%).​
A minority suffering form higher crime rates? Yes. A government conspiracy? Apparently not.


In your hatred and pursuit of me,
you have even become an apologist for the RCMP in regard to Native treatment?

As a Jew who lives in Israel this must be a burning issue,
similar to how the Israelis handle Palestinians.

Only as usual, your claim that there is no systemic persecution against natives is absurd,
because it is simply overwhelmed
by 100 years of blatant, open, systematized persecution of natives.

No conspiracy? Correct in the worst sense.
What is done in the open without apology is not technically a conspiracy.
Similarly, there was no 'conspiracy' against Jews by the Nazis,
who were simply openly following Mein Campf.
But that is a moot point, in the face of 100 years of horrific abuse
and genocidal persecution of natives.

As a Jew, you'd think you would have some sympathy for a racial minority
and an ethnic cleansing on a mass scale.

But apparently your petty grudge against me blinds you to the very real
moral, ethical and humanitarian issues discussed here.

What kind of Jew would not have sympathy
for an ethnic minority
hounded to near-extinction in another country, with its own home-grown holocaust?


But unlike you, humanitarian investigators and experts across the world
have identified and utterly condemned the horrific and shameful treatment
of natives in Canada:

Canada's treatment of aboriginal people faces global scrutiny (CBC NEWS)

UN and human-rights groups to visit Canada within the next year

Canada’s First Nations: A Legacy of Institutional Racism
UN to investigate Canada's treatment of Aboriginal Peoples ...

Aboriginal Canadians face racism, stereotyping in urban ...(CTV News)

Social Conditions of Aboriginal People - The Canadian ...

Treatment of Aboriginal people a national shame - Canada ...


Using the right word -- genocide -- to describe Canada's ...

Searches related to treatment of aboriginal people in canada
treatment of aboriginal people in canada during the 20th century
population of aboriginal people in canada
aboriginals right to vote in canada
aboriginal rights movement canada

when did natives get the right to vote in canada
when were indians allowed to vote in canada
first nations rights in canada
treatment of aboriginal people by the european settlers



New member
Well, from the RCMP site:
The research identified 1,181 missing and murdered Aboriginal women in Canadian police databases: 164 missing (dating back to 1952) and 1,017 murdered (between 1980 and 2012).

It further clarifies that almost 9 out of 10 murders of Aboriginal women are resolved across Canadian law enforcement jurisdictions (897 out of 1,017). That leaves 120 homicide cases and 105 missing cases. The overview reveals a virtually identical homicide solving rate for Aboriginal women (88%) and non-Aboriginal women (89%).​
A minority suffering form higher crime rates? Yes. A government conspiracy? Apparently not.

According to Chair, who is apparently naively trusting the RCMP to
report on themselves (with an unsurprisingly glowing report),
we can all go home, because the RCMP has just announced that
there is no need for concern: most Native murders have been solved
at exactly the same rate and so there is no systemic racism in the RCMP.* to be discussed later!

Now lets examine this classic piece of horse-manure:

(1) Canada's murder rate is low;
it has been historically so low as to be insignificant.

Murder in Toronto

The 'normal' murder rate, say in a major urban center like
the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) is about 80 per year.

The Toronto Police offer the following chart (for the city proper):

The Toronto Star (2011) reports:
Homicides (2011) plunge in Toronto to lowest level in 25 years

'Toronto has closed the book on 2011 with the lowest homicide total in a quarter century.

The city recorded 45 homicides, the lowest number since 1986 when there were 37 murders. In 2010 there were 61 homicides.

This is also the fourth straight year of declines since 2007 when the city recorded its deadliest year (matched in 1991) with 86 homicides.'

The Toronto Star (in 2012) reached further back:
crime in Canada (2012) dropped 6 per cent last year to its lowest level since 1972 (40 years)'

'Police-reported crime in Canada dropped 6 per cent last year to its lowest level since 1972, even though murder rates inched slightly higher, according to Statistics Canada’s latest report.

And in a seemingly gun-plagued Toronto, the severity of crimes dropped 5 per cent.

In fact, Guelph and Quebec City were the only two metropolitan areas with a lower crime severity index than Toronto. (The index measures the seriousness of crime by giving a higher weight to murder than, say, marijuana possession.)

But there were still 86 murders recorded in the Toronto census metropolitan area, compared with 80 in 2010.

When the size of the Toronto census metropolitan area is considered (it includes most of the GTA, but excludes Burlington and Oshawa), it remains relatively safe. The homicide rate of 1.5 per 100,000 people is below the national average of 1.7 homicides per 100,000 residents. Toronto’s rate is lower than Winnipeg, with 5.1 homicides per 100,000 population, and Halifax (4.4), Edmonton (4.2) and Regina (3.2).

The numbers confirm that Toronto is “the safest big city in Canada,” Toronto police spokesman Mark Pugash said Tuesday.'

Americans may find these numbers shockingly low,
and therefore something Canadians ought to be proud of,
perhaps indicating a well-behaved population and/or good policing.

In fact, murder rates are so high in the USA that they are reported differently:

The top ten cities for murder in the USA have rates ranging from
65 per 100,000 (Flint Mich.) to
24 per 100,000 (Memphis Ten.).

2 per 100,000 (Toronto GTA) seems a veritable oasis of peace.

That is, there are over 12 times as many murders in US cities as in Canadian cities.

But the real story is a combination of factors, including strict gun laws,
a historical population of mostly Europeans (except Natives on reservations)
until recently,
over-policing, a very high Christian population, cold weather,
a lack of an insane drug culture for most of its history etc. etc.

One thing that is obviously missing besides free access to guns,
is a huge class of murders related to racism, and 'hate-crimes'.
Canada has limited its racist murders to native peoples,
and has for the most part carried this out via government institutions,
rather than by individuals.

(2) The Difference in Murder rates between white and native victims is VAST.

The RCMP's own figures show FOUR TIMES as many native murders as white victims, on a population/percentage basis.

Imagine for instance, if such a statistic showed up in USA figures!

It is well known that far more blacks and minorities are shot than whites,
but ....
there is no such statistic specifically for whites killing blacks in racist hate-crimes.

In plain English, whites aren't running around just shooting blacks,
and if they were, there would be race-riots in every major city in the USA.

CONTRAST this to what is happening in Canada:

In plain English, Canadians HAVE been running around killing natives,
and there were no race-riots, because the natives were already confined
for the most part to "reservations", where violence has been allowed
and encouraged to be perpetrated by natives upon each other.

( be continued! ...)


New member
(3) The Statistics about Native Homicides is a LIE.

The next thing one must take seriously is that the ADMITTED numbers
are themselves fudged:

(a) First, Native groups gathered their own statistics;

List of missing or slain native women grows
'A new report has added 62 more names to a growing list of missing or slain aboriginal women and girls across Canada. The report by the Native Women's Association of Canada pegs the total as at least 582.'
The data is drawn from the last three decades (1983-2013), with 153 of the cases occurring between 2000 and 2008. Most of the women in the database were killed, while 115 are still missing.

Note the high number of RECENT cases, and the number of missing persons UNSOLVED.

Typically, a confirmed missing person case is in fact an unsolved murder case,
only no body has been (yet) found.

The majority of simple runaways are relatively quickly 'solved',
i.e., the teen contacts parents, or simply never moves back home.
Those cases are not left as open 'missing person' files over a 30 year period.
Long term 'missing persons' have really vanished, with foul play suspected.

(b) The RCMP initially DISMISSED the Numbers as Exaggerated!

In keeping with the coverup policies of all police forces and governments,
The RCMP originally simply criticized the independent numbers as inaccurate.

NWACshocked with recent RCMP comments on CBC
Ottawa, ON (February 17, 2013)

In a response to a posting on the CBC News website stating that the,
“The RCMP questions claim of 600 missing aboriginal women”, Michèle

Audette, president of the Native Women’s Association of Canada (NWAC) states
that, “it is incredible that the RCMP is publicly doubting the number of missing and murdered Aboriginal
women and girls that has been documented in the Native Women’s Association of Canada’s
Database! The high number of missing and murdered Aboriginal women and girls that has been
documented was based on accurate secondary source information that in many instances came
directly from police reports that had further been corroborated by NWAC researchers with
various police agencies.

'RCMP may finally view aboriginal peoples lives as important enough to look into their deaths,
despite criticizing the NWAC for its numbers in the past and politicians spitting in the face of such inquiries.'

Yeah, you read that right.
The geniuses at RCMP HQ pretended the numbers were low.
Thus ensuring zero credibility now.

(c) Then an Independent Researcher in Ottawa began a Public Database.

There was no initiative at all by any of the police forces in Canada to either gather,
or offer any information about these murders.

Jan 24, 2014
New database lists 824 murdered, missing native women in Canada

'... a new public database, the first of its kind, created by an Ottawa researcher. It pegs the number of missing and murdered aboriginal women in Canada at 824. That's significantly higher than the widely used and often-criticized number of 582, cobbled together by the Native Women's Association of Canada (NWAC).
The new research, which dug deeper into the past and the public record, shows the number of missing and murdered aboriginal women in Manitoba is 111, up from NWAC's oft-quoted figure of 79.
The new database is the first comprehensive and fully public list of missing and murdered aboriginal women, but activists in Ontario are working on a similar one for that province. The database was created by federal civil servant Maryanne Pearce and forms part of her PhD thesis for the University of Ottawa's law school.
The thesis, along with the database, ... are available online.
...Pearce spent seven years cross-referencing newspaper articles, police websites and reports, court documents and other public sources, much as the NWAC did.
Pearce identified thousands of missing and murdered women and was able to determine 824 were Inuit, Métis or First Nations. Her list includes 115 Manitoba women
"We've only scratched the surface of what happened here," Nepinak said.'

(d) Then, the RCMP talked about some '600+ murders and missing persons'.

This was actually forced by public pressure, and the RCMP released several statements,
after being put under the political microscope through the media.

By Steve Rennie, The Canadian Press May 1, 2014

'...The RCMP arrived at the new number after contacting more than 200 other police forces across the country, APTN reported.
The Mounties would neither confirm nor deny the report Thursday.
Supt. Tyler Bates, director of national aboriginal policing and crime prevention services, referred questions to the RCMP's media relations office in Ottawa.

(e) Later, the RCMP talked about over 1000 murders and missing persons'.

The RCMP however didn't willingly give a public statement,
but their own report had to be leaked by APTN News:

FTW Friday: RCMP admits to over 1000 missing and murdered Indigenous women

On Thursday, Aboriginal Peoples Television Network (APTN) leaked an RCMP project which stated there are about 1,000 missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls. Later in the day, that number jumped to almost 1,200. In a 30 year span, 1,026 women and girls were murdered and 160 are missing. This is the highest count Canada has ever compiled. A popular report from NWAC only counted over 600 women and girls.

Note that while the figures the RCMP 'found' nearly doubled the total,
they only added 146 to the missing persons count.

Does this reflect the lack of concern for actual possible cases that might
be current or actually solvable, or a disturbing admission that a large
number of 'uncounted' missing persons cases were known to be homicides?

(f) Now the RCMP admit about 1200 murders/missing girls.

Did someone trip over a few forgotten file folders, or did someone
higher up put a fire under their behinds to actually get accurate statistics?
We will probably never know.

What we do know is that when numbers jump around in mere weeks
and only under extreme media and political pressure, its likely we haven't even
got the real facts yet.

It should also be apparent that the RCMP haven't even done the research,
but are just piggy-backing on work done by others.

Last edited:


New member
(continuing from the last post...)

(4) How and WHY are all these Native women murdered and missing?

The next most important thing to understand is the actual nature of the crimes.

Some preliminary points must be made:

(a) Regardless of who or how or why, these are crimes.

Some kind of justice or even alleviation or decrease in these horrific numbers
must be achieved, because this is an intolerable and horrific situation.

(b) Political, Social, Policing, even Military Action must be taken to prevent more crimes.

A mere study, inquiry, or posturing explanation of the facts
is NOT sufficient nor acceptable here.

(c) Information must be applied to a solution.

Whatever is discovered, pointing fingers or simply blaming others
will be unfruitful and even counterproductive.
What is needed here is positive and preventative action,
as well as redress for those victims already suffering from past crimes.



New member
Filling in the Backstory, and Avoiding Stereotyping and the Blame Game

Initial reaction to this breaking story was typical.

People portrayed the victims as somehow responsible.
Previous run-ins with the law, stereotyping,
questions of sex-industry connections, alcohol, drug use, etc. were trotted out.

But careful researchers noted some very disturbing facts.

Lets first look at the RCMP report, which clarifies some points,
while leaving systemic racism hanging like an elephant in the room:

...The 22-page report into murdered and missing aboriginal women
paints a dark picture of poverty, unemployment and other factors
that the Mounties say requires a response from all Canadians.

"We still have a lot of unanswered questions ... but I think
this research project, this operational overview, is an excellent
first step in that direction from a policing community,"

Janice Armstrong, the RCMP's deputy commissioner
for contract and aboriginal policing, said

The report, a detailed statistical breakdown of 1,181 cases
since 1980, says aboriginal women make up 4.3 per cent
of the Canadian population, yet account for 16 per cent
of female homicides and 11.3 per cent of missing women.

It says aboriginal women are more likely to be killed
by an acquaintance and are less likely to be killed by a spouse.

They are also more likely to be killed by someone with a criminal record (71 % versus 45 %)

and someone on social assistance (24 % versus 10 %).

The RCMP also say murdered aboriginal women were
more likely to have a criminal record, to be unemployed
and were much more likely to have consumed intoxicants
just before their deaths (63 per cent versus 20 per cent).

"It's by no means on our part to accord any type
of blame to the victim ...
but the reality is that there
are difficult social and economic circumstances that need
to be considered and need to be discussed as we move forward,"

said Supt. Tyler Bates, RCMP director of national aboriginal policing.

The report indicates a small minority of missing
and murdered aboriginal women had been involved
in the sex trade
— 12% versus 5% among non-native women.

It also challenges accusations from some quarters that
aboriginal deaths are not taken as seriously by police.
The "solve" rates are almost identical at 88 per cent
for aboriginal women and 89 per cent for others."

First, the report is pathetic for focussing on the wrong parameters,
and helping to paint a terrible and derogatory picture of the victims.

(1) Since only a small minority had association with the sex trade,
this is not a main or relevant issue, any more than it would be for non-natives.

(2) If only 24% of victims were on Social Assistance,
again its not an issue and not how they were targeted.

(3) The fact that they were less likely to be killed by a spouse
is important, for it points to being targeted by outsiders;
its not a domestic problem. But THESE stats aren't given by the article.

(4) The stats on the consumption of alcohol cannot be applied
to missing persons at all, since there is no body or test.
Likewise, there is no way to determine the involvement
of 'an aquantance' in a missing persons case.

(5) Murdered women were more likely to have a criminal record?
Well, Americans will know that this is nothing but
profiling and systemic persecution of a visible minority.

(6) Murdered women were more likely to be unemployed?
Given that most victims are mothers, housewives,
and teens, is this just more stereotyping by cops? Yes.

(7) Victims were more likely to be killed by a criminal.
The real meaning here should be obvious.
Criminals target easy victims, who's disappearance
they know won't be seriously investigated by police.
Also, many reservations are poorly policed on low budgets by
Native peoples themselves.

Again, statistics that present a racist portrait,
but when intelligently interpreted reflect badly on Canada, police, and
Eurocentric racism, rather than on victims.

The worst thing about the report is its obvious focus on the EXCEPTIONS,

rather than the rule, which is hardly helpful in effectively understanding
or dealing with the main problem.


New member
When we focus on other sources of information than the RCMP,
we discover huge discrepancies and a divergence of facts:

All the focus has been on domestic/family violence against women,
but there are stunning figures that tell a different story:

While the RCMP report paints a glowing but non-credible claim
that 88-89% of murders are solved, almost equally for natives vs. non-natives,

the real stats break down alarmingly and tell a different story:

"Often overlooked or ignored is the extreme vulnerability of women in the sex trade. Between 1991 and 2004, 171 women involved in prostitution were killed in Canada; 45% of these homicides remain unsolved (Statistics Canada 2006a, p. 37)

Thus the 89% 'solve' rate doesn't apply to sex workers at all.
The score is pathetically low for solving homicides of girls on the street
working in the sex trade, whether native or non-native.

But now lets add one more fact:
In surveying sex-workers in Canada, the following came to light:

"52% of interviewees [prostitutes] were women from Canada’s First Nations [i.e., Natives], a significant overrepresentation of this group of people, compared to their representation in Vancouver generally (1.7-7%). 52% were First Nations, 38% were white European-Canadian, 5% were African Canadian, and 5% left the question blank."

That is, almost 1 and a half as many prostitutes are Natives as whites,
and constitute the majority of sex workers. This is the result of historical exploitation extending multiple generations.

So when its admitted that 45% of sex-worker homicides are unsolved,
over half of those are Natives, and less than 40% are whites.


New member
Now that we know the "88% Solved" claim by the RCMP is pure horse-crap,
because they simply buried the real statistics by lumping them all together,
we can ask, what is really happening in Canada?

(1) The RCMP and other police agencies typically don't properly investigate missing prostitutes, because in the past it was deemed "their own fault",
"they were asking for it", and the (white) public couldn't care less.

(2) Since the majority of prostitutes are Natives, the majority of Native prostitute murders and disappearances are not properly investigated. Is this a systemic problem? You decide.


New member
Last Saturday, the Toronto Sun Newspaper, (May 17, 2014, pg 10) at least made a token effort (no pun intended) at getting to the bottom of things.

They published a pie-chart, showing a breakdown of specifically the MISSING PERSONS cases:

37% - Unknown (and unsolved)

27% - Probable Foul Play

27% - Probable Accident

7% - Lost / Wandered off

1% - Runaway

These percentages are based on the already 'solved' cases, i.e.,
the cases of missing persons that later were one way or another closed.

What is stunning is the very very small number of cases attributable to child or teen runaways. It makes it nearly impossible to think that
the huge number of missing women, most of whom are in fact not kids or
teens, are mere runaways, or people who for one reason or another
chose to drop off the radar, emigrate, or change their name.

The North, especially in hard to reach areas such as outposts and mountain reservations, have special dangers, such as getting lost
in the woods or drowned in a mishap. But again, this only accounts
for about 7% of cases, and is not typical or common.

Accidents seem to be more common, at almost 27% of the probable total.

But finally, at least as many (27%) are known or suspected cases of 'foul play' (i.e., homicide).

If we apply these same relative percentages to the UNSOLVED cases,
we then get a real guesstimate of the actual picture:

27/62 = 44% homicides,

27/62 = 44% accidents,

7/62 = 11.3% lost in wilderness

1/62 = 1.6% runaways.

The next startling revelation which the Toronto Sun article offers is this:

The NEW Total number of missing women is now

225 people missing!

Applying our percentages to this new number, we can guesstimate that
at least

99 people have probably been murdered.

99 people (we hope) met with an undiscovered accident.

25 people became lost.

4 people are runaways.


One immediate thing that strikes us,
is the suspiciously high number of probable 'accidents'.

At least some of these cases, both solved and unsolved, may actually
involve foul play, assuming the original estimates are even correct.

When those 'lost' are combined with victims of 'accidents' are combined,
we have an even less credible figure.

Are we really supposed to believe that over 55% of missing persons
died because they had an accident or got lost, or both?

Thats a huge number of missing persons to dismiss simply because
we have no bodies, and/or no obvious evidence of foul play.

Put another way, the Sun statistics/guesstimates are suggesting that

124 out of 225 missing women simply got 'lost', and/or had an accident,
without leaving any trace
, even with concerned relatives and friends,
community and police searching for them.

No bodies?

If a single mom wandered to the shed, and misfired the chainsaw,
we could expect neighbours to eventually find the chainsaw and the body.

If a girl skipped by the river and fell in, drowning, at least some
reasonable number of times, the body would be found.

Again, the story looks like its still being manipulated and put forward to
give the 'best face' on some very ugly facts.

Why would over half of Native dead women never leave bodies?
While 'white girls' gone missing still sustain an '89% solved' rate?


New member
The Misapplication of Statistics:

We have engaged in an exercise that may in fact be invalid for an obvious reason,
the application of apples to oranges or bananas.

Solved cases of missing persons
= body or other evidence found; murder, mishap, suicide, natural cause.

Short cases of missing persons = person quickly found, not missing, got lost, kidnapping by parent, kidnapping by stranger, runaway, etc.

Long Extended cases of missing persons
= Rarely solved, almost never likely to be accidental or a lost/wandering, or a runaway.

Thus the different cases sort themselves into largely exclusive categories,
which cannot be compared, applied to one another, or dismissed as 'normal'.

The Sun Article may not have intentionally misled readers,
but it is probably preposterous to think that a lot of
long extended missing persons cases can be accounted for by 'accident'
or 'wanderings'.

We have already seen that less than 2% of solved cases are accounted for
by 'runaways'.

This makes sense, since the majority of missing women are not teens:

From the NWAC website, we learn the following facts:

(1) Most of the cases involve women or young girls.

Why? Why aren't an equal number of men missing, if disappearances
can be accounted for by 'accidents' and/or 'wanderings' or 'runaways'?
Half the population of Canada is male. Half the missing persons should
also be male, if this was random or naturally occurring.

(2) The Age Breakdown is Peculiar.

55% of cases are women under 31 years old.

17% are under 19 years old.

8% of cases are women over 45!

If these were 'wanderings' into the woods, the majority of cases should
rather be very young children and old women.

If these were 'runaways' the majority should be teens.

If these were 'accidents' THERE WOULD BE BODIES FOR MOST CASES.

(3) The Vast Majority of victims are mothers.

88% of cases in the database were mothers, with over 440 children
impacted. These are not runaways, or accidents, nor are they prostitutes,
or senile old women.

(4) The Vast Majority of Victims were in Urban Areas.

This is astounding: Its not because they happened "up North",
or "in the countryside", or "on a reservation", so getting 'lost in the forest'
is inconceivable for most of these victims:

70% of women disappeared from an Urban area.
60% of murders occurred in an Urban area.

Only a small number occurred 'on reserve',
7% of missing women occurred on reserves.
13% of murders occurred on reserves.

Together, these real statistics indicate that most of the missing and murdered women are:

(a) Not runaways.

(b) Not prostitutes.

(c) Not from reservations.

(d) Not lost in the woods.

(e) Not victims of accident.

(f) Mostly likely a result of foul play or criminal activity.



New member
Now lets look at the "evolution" of the MISSING persons count:

The NWAC originally found 79 missing women in Manitoba.
By the time they had found 824 total missing/murdered,
the new tally for missing persons was 111 in Manitoba alone.
Pearce was then giving 115 missing or murdered in Manitoba (alone).

The RCMP then offered the following for unresolved cases:
120 homicides unresolved, and
105 missing persons
cases unsolved.

This looks suspiciously like the source for the SUN's 225 'missing'...

105+120 = 225.

That being the case, we likely have essentially 225 unresolved homicides,
120 with bodies, and 105 with no bodies.

Now lets apply the Urban Area percentages;

72 murders of Native girls were in Urban Locations (60%), but left unsolved .
74 missing Native girls vanished from Urban Areas: (70%), left unsolved.

for a total of:

146 probable murders in Urban Areas, unsolved,
over half without a body.

These murders were left unsolved, NOT because they occurred
up North, in the woods, or on reservations,
but because the victims were Native women.



New member
Another commenter posted on the TorStar website the following calculations:

Let's start talking real numbers here.

"Aboriginals represent 4.3 per cent of Canada’s population, but aboriginal women represented 16 per cent of all female victims of homicide in Canada during the period studied by the RCMP."

Let's point out that Aboriginals of both genders represent 4.3% of the population so one can assume female Aboriginals represent roughly 2.15% of the Canadian population.

*Now* it becomes so clear why this is a problem. 2.15% of our population is the victim in 16% of all female homicides over the past 32 years. In 2012, this number was as high as 23%. This means almost 1 in 4 murdered women comes from the same, small pool of 2.15% of our population.

Using actual numbers, that means 23% of all murdered women come from a group of 666,500 women. Picture a city the size of Mississauga (668,550 people) where 25% of all murders occur, let alone the fact that it's just the women so technically the city should be twice as large.

This is outrageous and deserves attention and not the laissez faire stance our government and many Canadians are taking on this issue.


Thats right:

Realistically, 1 in 4 women murdered in Canada are Natives.

Yet, Native women only make up 2.1% of the population of Canada.

If things were 'normal', 4 in 100 women murdered in Canada would be Natives.
Last edited:


New member
Lets talk about the 74 missing Native girls vanished from Urban Areas: (70%), left unsolved,

and hence, the 74 missing BODIES.

We know from the Pickton scandal that serial killers are likely to chop up bodies,
and either dump them down drains with acid or quicklime (i.e., Bernardo/Holmolka),
or turn them into sausages and sell them to unsuspecting food shoppers (Pickton).

At least thats what Pickton apparently did.

Pig Farmer allegedly Killed 49 Women & Fed Them to his pigs...

' was alleged that Pickton fed his victims to his pigs. It was also alleged that Pickton may have compounded human flesh with ground pork from his farm, and later given it out to friends and other visitors to the farm.'

'Bellwood said Pickton told him that after butchering the dead women in the farm’s slaughterhouse, he fed some of the remains to his pigs. Any remains the pigs did not eat were put into a container and taken to an animal rendering plant.'

There are some huge problems however with the Pickton case:

(1) Pickton denied killing the women.

(2) Pickton was only tried for killing 6 women.

(3) At best, Pickton was alleged to have claimed to have killed less than 50 women.

(4) Pickton implicated apparently two other women in killings, who were not tried.

(5) Pickton had mob, underworld, organized crime connections.

(6) Pickton later claimed he was 'a dead man'. But refused to elaborate.

(7) The jury refused to convict Pickton of 1st degree murder,
believing he was guilty of involvement, but not necessarily the ringleader, and
that perhaps others were also involved.


These and other factors force the conclusion that:

(1) All the missing women in BC and out West that have disappeared
over the entire 30 year period cannot be simply blamed on Pickton.

(2) Others knew and were also involved in killing women prostitutes.

(3) Organized crime was aware and involved in the killings.