Can Man's Sinful Adamic Nature Be Rehabilitated?


Well-known member
No. And it is certainly not "Hebrew for Jehovah"

OK I will bite.

the Hebrew name of God transliterated in four letters as YHWH or JHVH and articulated as Yahweh or Jehovah.

How is this not "Hebrew for Jehovah"?


New member
OK I will bite.
the Hebrew name of God transliterated in four letters as YHWH or JHVH and articulated as Yahweh or Jehovah.

YHVH is Yod Hey Vav Hey, which are consonants not vowels.

The KJV uses LORD for YHVH.

The term "Jehovah" is man made


Active member
Jehovah is just the anglicized or latinised version of the tetragrammaton (which means 4 letters in Greek) YHWH. Whether the Y or the J is used depends on the language. English pronounces the Y as a J. The Greeks pronounce it as an I.

The vowels are inserted into the name Jehovah as Hebrew originally didn't contain a vowel pointing system in the language. Therefore the actual pronunciation of the name Jehovah is not known as ancient Hebrew differs considerably to modern day Hebrew linguistically.
The name Yahweh and Jehovah are the same. The natural morphology that occurs in language means the name will be spelt differently and pronounced differently depending on the language/speaker.
Either way the name Jehovah was in popular use in Medieval Europe. Hence why most english translators when translating Gods name have continued to use the name Jehovah in English translations as its been well known and used name in English for over a millennia.

Even pagan rulers in antiquity knew of the name Jehovah as the Moabite Stone or Mesha Stele that sits in the British Museum dated to the 9th Century BC, contains the gloating inscriptions of the King of Moab (Mesha) who after battling Israel boasted "I took from there the vessels of Jehovah and dragged them before Chemosh". Chemosh being the Moabite pagan deity.


Active member
Correct. And only they have inherent immortality. I don't even know if its possible for them to transfer inherent immortality.

But I sure know they can make spirit beings who last forever (but they can destroy these too).

YHWH/Jehovah actually means "He causes to become", which is an apt name for the creator of all things.

All angels are not immortal. Neither is there any such thing as inherent immortality. As Jehovah is immortal and only he can bestow the gift of immortality.
His son Jesus was given immortality as shown by the Apostle Paul in Romans 6:9: “Christ, now that he has been raised up from the dead, dies no more; death is master over him no more.”

The demons who were/are fallen angels are very much fearful of their impending death as the Demon(s) who called himself "Legion" to Jesus plead with Jesus not to send them into the Abyss in Luke 8:31:-

31 And they kept pleading with him not to order them to go away into the abyss.

If the angels were 'inherently immortal' it would mean Satan and his organization were indestructible, which is clearly not the case as divine judgment by Jehovah was conferred on them in the opening chapters of Genesis, which is also evidenced in Matthew 25:41 "you who have been cursed, into the everlasting fire prepared for the Devil and his angels".


Well-known member
There is no Sinful Adamic Nature which implies that GOD created us sinners by putting us in him instead of creating us as independents as HE did with Adam and Eve. Since HE proved HE could create true innocents, why beleive that HE created billions as sinners without a chance at innocence and a free will choice? GOD is perfectly loving and holy, HE cannot create evil.

What we got from Adam was his death, passed onto us all because we all does not say that his sin was passed but his judgement. Nor are we supposed to create a whole theology based on only one or two verses, eh?

Robert Pate

Well-known member
There is no Sinful Adamic Nature which implies that GOD created us sinners by putting us in him instead of creating us as independents as HE did with Adam and Eve. Since HE proved HE could create true innocents, why beleive that HE created billions as sinners without a chance at innocence and a free will choice? GOD is perfectly loving and holy, HE cannot create evil.

What we got from Adam was his death, passed onto us all because we all does not say that his sin was passed but his judgement. Nor are we supposed to create a whole theology based on only one or two verses, eh?

The scripture says that we inherited Adam's sinful nature, Romans 5:12 also Romans 5:19.

God does not create sinners. We become sinners because of Adam who is our first Father and the federal head of the human race.

There are many, many scriptures that tell us we are sinners without works.