Can Anyone Explain 'Why gay marriage?'


Well-known member
Happily and humbly so.
NO Probs....

Yes, certainly. A message, however, which does not include homosexual marriage.
Of course..... No...... Not yet.

But when you think that Gays were being convicted (in Europe) for homosexual activity, and being sentenced to two year's hard labour only circa 100 years ago, such as Oscar Wilde who died soon after his release as a result, and now some Protestant Churches are recognising Gays, Gay partnerships and even Gay marriage, messages such as this one from the Vatican surely have to indicate a marked softening of attitudes towards Gays....?

It could well be that discovery of dreadful abuses of young men and women within Churches has (in some way, for some reasons) forced this new attitude. Why only this week a UK commission has found that senior CofE dignitaries including the last Archbishop of Canterbury were responsible for assisting the present Bishop of Gloucester in covering up his sexual assaults upon 18 young men that he has been convicted of. It does not look as if these senior figures will be charged with, say, 'perversion of the course of justice', but our old scholl ties and various handshakes still have a lot of advantage here. None of those people could have been reading their bibles the right way round for some time, is my guess, and I'm not talking about references to Gays, but references to honesty, hypocrisy, true love etc etc.....

And although they did not belong to the Catholic Church I wrote about those incidents because I read about them this morning. A brief review would throw up :vomit: all manner of nonsense from European based Churches. :idunno:

So there is and will be a significant softening of attitudes from many Churches to gays......... and gay marriage in Cof E and other large Churches could happen in our life times.

The perversions have been by Church dignitaries and some ordained priests....... not gays in love who wish for protection, recognition, legal status, etc for their partnerships.

I can think of two others - Chrysostom, Nihilo. There were others - Cruciform, Traditio, CatholicCrusader. They seem to have left TOL, though.
I'm a recent member here but do remember Catholic Crusader and Cruciforms's names.


Well-known member
Alright... now why can't siblings have those same rights?

Would You like them to be able to marry? You surprise me.

I've given several reasons, but you seem adamant about brothers and sisters in love. I've heard of brothers and sisters in sexual union but not brothers, yet. Have you got any known cases in mind which you're rooting for? If so, could we just accept Gay Marriage? Even the Vatican moves gently, slowly.... no massive jumps.


Well-known member
Loving others is the Second command. ANY time it interferes with the first command, do the first: Love God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength. It is an 'all-in' proposition. The 'true' Christian message is 'all in.'

Jesus said that.
Jesus said that in speeches to the working proletariat of Galilee, mostly.
If the people wanted the benefit of the poor-laws, social laws, togetherness laws, then they needed to love those laws and their God wholeheartedly.... not just when they fancied.
Jesus needed to build a cohesive, determined, devout following in order to bring back the ignored laws and ways.
Jesus was talking to Jewish peasants. (there was no middle class betwixt them and the upper class).

But, fine, Jesus's message was good for all colours, races, nationalities.


Well-known member
Would You like them to be able to marry? You surprise me.

Definitely not.

I've given several reasons, but you seem adamant about brothers and sisters in love.

Yes, but your reason (singular) doesn't hold up to scrutiny. You say they must not marry because their children may have birth defects. Yet you do not consider procreation to be a necessary purpose of marriage, and you would allow non-incestuous couples with hereditary diseases to marry.

So the risk of birth defects, in and of itself, does not seem to preclude marriage - in your own opinion. So why do you want incestuous marriage to be illegal?

I've heard of brothers and sisters in sexual union but not brothers, yet. Have you got any known cases in mind which you're rooting for?


If so, could we just accept Gay Marriage?


Even the Vatican moves gently, slowly.... no massive jumps.

If you really believe the Catholic sacrament of Matrimony will ever be granted to two people of the same sex, you really do not know much about Catholicism. This is not intended as an insult; I assure you. The sacrament, by definition, simply does not work that way. It would be tantamount to a Muslim receiving the Eucharist, or a dead man receiving Confirmation.
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Jesus was talking to Jewish peasants. (there was no middle class betwixt them and the upper class).

But, fine, Jesus's message was good for all colours, races, nationalities.

Nicodemus and Joseph of Arimathea were fairly well to do and provided for His burial for instance.

The Lord Jesus Christ's message is not good for those who hate the light. It is, but they'll never know it and reject Him.

Loving God is the 'First Command." Whenever the second is in conflict with the first (like when a murderer is trying to take refuge in your house, by example) do the first --> protect all others in the future. Love always is about weighing the good and the bad, and doing what is best for God, as His servants, and then men.


Well-known member
Definitely not.

Yes, but your reason (singular) doesn't hold up to scrutiny. You say they must not marry because their children may have birth defects. Yet you do not consider procreation to be a necessary purpose of marriage, and you would allow non-incestuous couples with hereditary diseases to marry.
Ah ha!..... but you are your own obstruction within that argument.
1. SSMs cannot have children unless they choose to have a child, either by laboratory fertilisation or by third party.
2. Incestuous marriage is, at this time, unlawful (here) but please don't demand giant leaps when you object tyo the tinirest paces forward...?
3. Couples discovered to have an hereditary risk can be carefully monitored, and if an unhealthy foetus is discovered at scan, then that would be a very fair reason for termination, but youi lobject to all that as well. You just object to the reason of upcoming generations., I'm afraid.

So the risk of birth defects, in and of itself, does not seem to preclude marriage - in your own opinion. So why do you want incestuous marriage to be illegal?
Gay (and all SS) couples have been subjected to unreasonable prejudice for centuries. Nit picking around the borders of SSM in order to sink it is not going to help you, I'm afraid.
If.... if, two SS siblings might find themselves hopelessly in love, maybe they will need to live together without marriage? I don't know the answer to that. But..... guess what? They are, in law, immediate relatives, so if you would like to review that list of reasons for marrying, they don't need to marry, do they? They would be protected at law, in death, in life, by Will, by bequest, ....... ha ha! NO NEED TO MARRY! ha ha! :chuckle:

If you really believe the Catholic sacrament of Matrimony will ever be granted to two people of the same sex, you really do not know much about Catholicism. This is not intended as an insult; I assure you. The sacrament, by definition, simply does not work that way. It would be tantamount to a Muslim receiving the Eucharist, or a dead man receiving Confirmation.

Oh, I don't know...... the Catholic Church has no doubt changed somewhat over the millenia, and maybe a Pope, one-day, sitting in St Peter's chair, might receive new directions?


Well-known member
Nicodemus and Joseph of Arimathea were fairly well to do and provided for His burial for instance.
J of A held a meeting with Pilot. Nobody knows what arrangements were made during that meet. Pilot utterly hated the Priesthood and Sanhedrin, despised the lot..... I wonder what deal he cut with Joseph?

I would tell you about the Cornish Legends connected wioth Joseph and Jesusd but I'm guessing that you only accept the words of the bible?

The Lord Jesus Christ's message is not good for those who hate the light. It is, but they'll never know it and reject Him.
Yeah, but you don't get to decide about who hates, or who gets rejected?

Loving God is the 'First Command." Whenever the second is in conflict with the first (like when a murderer is trying to take refuge in your house, by example) do the first --> protect all others in the future. Love always is about weighing the good and the bad, and doing what is best for God, as His servants, and then men.
Oh..... that looks as if you interpret the bible just as suits you?
Maybe people can get weighing good and weighing bad.... wrong?

I expect that the previous ArchBishop of Canterbury got it wrong when, weighing good and bad, he and others covered up the sex-crimes of the Bishop of Lewes (now Gloucester)?


Well-known member
yeah, i think he's a little off on his understanding of socioeconomics of first century Galilee
he totally ignores artisans and craftsmen
like carpenters :)
Oh.... dosey! And you call other members 'retard'! :D
So you've studied the socio-economics of Galilee, eh?
And what did you find?
Did you discover that the first order of the Peasants were the land-holders? Not land-owners.... no land was auto-hereditary. Nobody in the Levites or Priesthood could hold land, so that fell to the peasants.
Where a peasant couple had several sons, then most of these were displaced from the land. Displaced had several options according to their strengths and abilities.
The 2nd order of the peasants was that of the handworkers (Eastern Aramaic Nagarra/ Greek Tekton), dosey. Handworkers could work in metals, stone, bone or wood. Jesus was not a carpenter but a handworker, and therefore in the 2nd order of the peasant classes. I expect that you think he made table sets :chuckle:, but you know nothing about all this, do you.....
There were about 4 orders of peasants beneath the handworkers....... do you know them?
But all peasants were...... just peasants, and although the publicans could do very well for themselves through corruption even these were NOWHERE NEAR as hugely rich as the Levites and Priests.
Do you know what publicans were, dosey?
I think you're slightly out of your depth.
I won't call youi a retard, but you're certainly ignorant about any of this.
What a laugh. :rotfl:

Joseph BarJabob was a Nagarra


Well-known member
only the retarded ones :idunno:

that's racist

No, dosey....... it's Eastern Aramaic, the language that Yeshua BarYosef spoke.
And you didn't check me on the spelling mistake so I've learned even more about you.

Joseph BarJacob was a Nagarra.

Dosey, you know nowt.....


Well-known member
Oh..... that looks as if you interpret the bible just as suits you?
Nope. You are the one using Cornish legends, not me. Chances are, if you stick with only the Bible, you'll know only the Bible. No other book is purported to be God's book to us. None. All others are just words of what men think. Not a one claims to be the very words of God but one. No other religion is purported to be given directly from God to man, either.

Maybe people can get weighing good and weighing bad.... wrong?
But you accuse it more than looking to self and you also said you use other sources than the Bible.

I expect that the previous ArchBishop of Canterbury got it wrong when, weighing good and bad, he and others covered up the sex-crimes of the Bishop of Lewes (now Gloucester)?
Anytime secular men get a hold of the church, what started as a love of God and love of man becomes neither and employ men that do neither.


Well-known member
Nope. You are the one using Cornish legends, not me.
Using? The fact that I mentioned a legend gets turned around into 'using'?
Lon..... you're contentious.....
Men were journeying from the ports of Sidon and Tyre to Cornwall two thousand years before Jesus walked along the Genesseret shoreline. You wouldn't know that because you only read the bible.
It's historical fact. I won't tell you 'why' because then you might actually seek to find out why and remember.
Joseph of A was a Priest, but he was alsio a Trader..... interesting.
The Cornish people's history says that he was known there....... interesting.
It's all just.... interesting.

Chances are, if you stick with only the Bible, you'll know only the Bible.
Absolutely! Look at you for instance. But you know only the bible INTERPRETATION that you want to know and see. Many bible scholars don't agree with your interpretations. Even many of the names that you read did not exist when Jesus and the disciples lived. But you don't seem to care.

No other book is purported to be God's book to us. None.
To Christians, you mean. Well, even Christians disagree with Christians about which books.

All others are just words of what men think. Not a one claims to be the very words of God but one. No other religion is purported to be given directly from God to man, either.
You have not studied any other religions, then, because the Bahais, Amadiyyas, Shia, Sunnis, Zoroastrains and many others clainm that their writings are 'from God'.

But you accuse it more than looking to self and you also said you use other sources than the Bible.
Most of the accusations are yours, Lon. Of course I refer to many other sources than the bible. I am a student of early 1st century 'Palestinian' provincial history. I can see that you are not.

Anytime secular men get a hold of the church, what started as a love of God and love of man becomes neither and employ men that do neither.
So you are accusing even Popes of not being Christians. But I have read Catholcs who claim that the Pope only really becomes the instrument of God, a channel from God, when he sits upon St Peter's chair. Which means that priests can do bad things but STILL be Christians, Lon.


Well-known member
Using? The fact that I mentioned a legend gets turned around into 'using'?
Lon..... you're contentious.....
Men were journeying from the ports of Sidon and Tyre to Cornwall two thousand years before Jesus walked along the Genesseret shoreline. You wouldn't know that because you only read the bible.
It's historical fact. I won't tell you 'why' because then you might actually seek to find out why and remember.
Joseph of A was a Priest, but he was alsio a Trader..... interesting.
The Cornish people's history says that he was known there....... interesting.
It's all just.... interesting.
So is the Holy Grail and King Arthur, and Robin Hood. And Oh Boy, contentious? You are telling everyone in this thread, including me, that they don't know the bible. :doh: I don't know if you realize it even yet, I came at about page 19 because 'you'....

Absolutely! Look at you for instance. But you know only the bible INTERPRETATION that you want to know and see.
:nono: Try just reading it over and over and over again. Context kind of sticks with you after that.

Many bible scholars don't agree with your interpretations.
I've never really thought of biblical Higher Criticism as much more than 'playing at it.' It was made popular by Germans. Most liberal/Higher Critics never let those wacky ideas go and should have. All of them have been put down and debunked forever. It is no longer 'higher' criticism. It is just plain wishful thinking and fanciful fictions. I have absolutely NO respect for so called 'higher' critics. Not sure if you are from there, just telling you they are junk academics.

Even many of the names that you read did not exist when Jesus and the disciples lived. But you don't seem to care.
Context before accusation. You seem to see a LOT of contentious in the other guy without seeing your own three fingers pointing back. Do you realize you marginalize and accuse and try to down-trod your opponents? Are you doing it unconsciously??? :think:

To Christians, you mean. Well, even Christians disagree with Christians about which books.
Er, no. I would even have 'Bel and the Dragon' in my Bible, but just realize it is fiction. The only thing we Protestants do, is gather scriptures that aren't fiction. I have copies of the others, just realize they don't go in the same book. In a library, some are in the fiction section, some in the nonfiction section. Such isn't that counter-intuitive. I'd think you'd get this part without a lot of fanfare.

You have not studied any other religions, then, because the Bahais, Amadiyyas, Shia, Sunnis, Zoroastrains and many others clainm that their writings are 'from God'.
:nono: You are making this part up. I've read the Quran, had a friend who was Ba'hai etc.

Most of the accusations are yours, Lon. Of course I refer to many other sources than the bible. I am a student of early 1st century 'Palestinian' provincial history. I can see that you are not.
"I can see that you are not..." Do you ever read yourself? You are full of accusations, Eider. You were doing it well before page 19 when I came in. I have several college degrees including biblical history classes. :doh:

So you are accusing even Popes of not being Christians. But I have read Catholcs who claim that the Pope only really becomes the instrument of God, a channel from God, when he sits upon St Peter's chair. Which means that priests can do bad things but STILL be Christians, Lon.
I made a general statement "Any time 'secular' men get a hold of the church...." YOU are applying it to Catholics.
I was thinking of Kiwimacho's church and your other that has gay pastors, etc. Certainly godly men can regain control of those respective denominations though it takes a long time. I came from the United Methodist Church, they allowed gays as pastors clear back in 1980. I left immediately after that vote. I knew what the bible said. They ignored it. Nobody can be 'nicer' than God without condemning people to a life without Him. We cannot serve two masters.


Well-known member
So is the Holy Grail and King Arthur, and Robin Hood.
So you think the fact that Phoenicians were sailing out of Sidon and Tyre to Cornwall more than 1000 years before Christ to trade for tin is a legend like King Arthur? Suit yourself, but I'd keep that idea to yourself!

Context before accusation. You seem to see a LOT of contentious in the other guy without seeing your own three fingers pointing back. Do you realize you marginalize and accuse and try to down-trod your opponents? Are you doing it unconsciously??? :think:
What? Like you?
I mentioned names. The name 'Jesus' appeared in the 15th century I believe.
The name 'Peter' was never heard in early 1st century Galilee.
There were many other misnomers, probably to suit a Latin/Greek speaking following, but if you want to claim exactnass of translation, interpretation etc you'd be best off seeking just that.

Er, no. I would even have 'Bel and the Dragon' in my Bible, but just realize it is fiction. The only thing we Protestants do, is gather scriptures that aren't fiction. I have copies of the others, just realize they don't go in the same book. In a library, some are in the fiction section, some in the nonfiction section. Such isn't that counter-intuitive. I'd think you'd get this part without a lot of fanfare.
Interesting. Someday I must ask you questions about your interpretation of various bible accounts. That would be interesting.

:nono: You are making this part up. I've read the Quran, had a friend who was Ba'hai etc.
No, I was telling you the truth in as much as those religions claim that their holy books are direct from God.
You had a Bahai friend, eh? Did your Bahai friend tell you what Bahauallah means? Check it out. Bahais believe that their books are from God.

"I can see that you are not..." Do you ever read yourself? You are full of accusations, Eider. You were doing it well before page 19 when I came in. I have several college degrees including biblical history classes. :doh:
Lon, you are full of accusations, and far too proud.
You have several degrees eh?
Do you want to list those?
I wonder if you will?

I made a general statement "Any time 'secular' men get a hold of the church...." YOU are applying it to Catholics.
I was thinking of Kiwimacho's church and your other that has gay pastors, etc. Certainly godly men can regain control of those respective denominations though it takes a long time. I came from the United Methodist Church, they allowed gays as pastors clear back in 1980. I left immediately after that vote. I knew what the bible said. They ignored it. Nobody can be 'nicer' than God without condemning people to a life without Him. We cannot serve two masters.
Protestant Churches are coming round. The Scottish Episcopal Church came round last month. The Catholic Church is softening it's position. The CofE is softening its position.
So you'll be moving on soon, I expect.
You don't get it, but you're flat wrong about Gays 'n all.


Well-known member
So you think the fact that Phoenicians were sailing out of Sidon and Tyre to Cornwall more than 1000 years before Christ to trade for tin is a legend like King Arthur? Suit yourself, but I'd keep that idea to yourself!

What? Like you?

You've been doing this all thread, trying to make it the 'other guy's fault.' :nono: Sorry, that man is you.
I mentioned names. The name 'Jesus' appeared in the 15th century I believe.
The name 'Peter' was never heard in early 1st century Galilee.
There were many other misnomers, probably to suit a Latin/Greek speaking following, but if you want to claim exactnass of translation, interpretation etc you'd be best off seeking just that.
Jesu, Petros, etc. Seems hair splitting to me.

Interesting. Someday I must ask you questions about your interpretation of various bible accounts. That would be interesting.
All so-called 'higher' criticism instead of believing.... :sigh:

No, I was telling you the truth in as much as those religions claim that their holy books are direct from God.
You had a Bahai friend, eh? Did your Bahai friend tell you what Bahauallah means? Check it out. Bahais believe that their books are from God.
Yep, you quoted such several times. Me? I actually know what these are. They all claim to come from prophets, not directly from God.
Christianity is the only that is God reaching to man, rather than man reaching to God. Compare them: All other's are 'do' and 'work.' Christianity is 'you can't, so the Lord Jesus Christ did.'

Lon, you are full of accusations, and far too proud.
You have several degrees eh?
Do you want to list those?
I wonder if you will?
ThB and MA, what's to know? :idunno:
Yeah, much learning makes for arrogance. It always has. I try to work against it. The point? Simply that you are that guy, not me.
Admit it, you 'think' you are superior and treat others exactly that way.

Protestant Churches are coming round. The Scottish Episcopal Church came round last month. The Catholic Church is softening it's position. The CofE is softening its position.
So you'll be moving on soon, I expect.
You don't get it, but you're flat wrong about Gays 'n all.
Er, you are full of much fluff. You've admitted, in this thread, that the Apostle Paul was clear. You already conceded. Nothing matters after that. Whatever your version, it will no longer be Christianity.


Well-known member
Oh, I don't know...... the Catholic Church has no doubt changed somewhat over the millenia,

Doctrine doesn't change. Disciplines may change. Attitudes may change. But doctrine doesn't.

and maybe a Pope, one-day, sitting in St Peter's chair, might receive new directions?

Receive directions? That's not how papal infallibility works. Again, you're showing an ignorance of Catholic teaching.


Well-known member
You've been doing this all thread, trying to make it the 'other guy's fault.' :nono: Sorry, that man is you.
Jesu, Petros, etc. Seems hair splitting to me.
Oh my.....
Just what are you talking about?
You actually think that Jesu was an Eastern Aramaic name?
And Petros....... You think that Galilean dislect Easter Aramaic for 'stone' or 'rock' was Petros?

Yep, you quoted such several times. Me? I actually know what these are. They all claim to come from prophets, not directly from God........
I don't debate for any of them, but 'Bahauallah' does nlot mean 'prophet'........ you obviously didn't cover all religions in your studies.

ThB and MA, what's to know? :idunno:
ThB and MA, eh? Earlier you boasted that you had 'several degrees'.
....and they were 'College degrees', yet now you claim a Master of Arts, with no accompanying bacheloreate 'of arts'?
I think I'm done here.....

Er, you are full of much fluff.
This your reply to my point that various Churches have accepted SSM otr SCP?


Well-known member
Doctrine doesn't change. Disciplines may change. Attitudes may change. But doctrine doesn't.
Hi, again....
Question: Was the Popes declaration, or decree, that Magdalene was a prostitute...doctrine?
Was a later Pope's apology and decree that Magdalene was not a prostitute, doctrine?

Receive directions? That's not how papal infallibility works. Again, you're showing an ignorance of Catholic teaching.
Oh, Glassjester, I have no former knowledge of Catholicism at all. Nor any now.
I read something about Papal auithority whilst in St Peters chair from another member.
Please, would you clarify the extent of the Pope's powers about Church doctrine?