Calvinist Version of John 3:16


New member
Go bow to your queen soccer hooligan with delusions of faith!

I was visited by your father on many occasions and had my trust (faith) brought into question. The delusion accusation was strong for a while until I answered that if what I was experiencing is a delusion, bring it on!

He did'nt bother trying that again until today. Bring it on!


Well-known member
You teach that sinners Christ died for are still lost, so you deny that Christ death saves those He died for!

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That is a very odd conclusion.

How is it that you arrived at conclusion?

Simply because Jesus died for the sins of the whole world does not make all people recipients of that salvation.

If a person should reject that gracious act and refuse the grace of God, they lose out, both now and for all eternity. it is just that they do not have eternal life and receive the second death.

God made salvation available to all. However, not all choose to receive it. Some people are simply not interested in God, they will get the results of their decision.


Well-known member
John 3:16 Plainly says that God gave his Son for THE WORLD.

Anyone who can read will reach the same conclusion that you have.

God so loved the world.

Certainly, we must ask, what does scripture say in John 3:16

a. God so loved only those who would choose to love him back

b. God so loved the world

Jesus taught that we are to love our enemies for it is not a big deal to love only those who love us.

Did Jesus teach us to do that, but God his Father, who told him what to do and speak does not love His enemies. Are the Calvinists calling God a hypocrite? That is what they are doing if they choose not bo believe what is written in John 3:16 and in I John 2:2


Well-known member
That is a very odd conclusion.

How is it that you arrived at conclusion?

Simply because Jesus died for the sins of the whole world does not make all people recipients of that salvation.

If a person should reject that gracious act and refuse the grace of God, they lose out, both now and for all eternity. it is just that they do not have eternal life and receive the second death.

God made salvation available to all. However, not all choose to receive it. Some people are simply not interested in God, they will get the results of their decision.
Simple. Do you believe that sinners Christ died for can be lost? Yes or No

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Paul and I believe that sinners Christ died for are saved, you don't, you believe they are still lost !

They are lost till they choose to believe salvation.

Receiving anything from God is a simple as receiving as receiving anything in the physical world.

Let me give you an illustration.

A friend of yours buys you a birthday gift, he arrives at your door and hands you the gift. But you let your hands hang at your side instead of lifting them up to receive the gift. The gift is bought and paid for and intended for you, but you refuse to believe to receive. Same with God's gifts, the gift of salvation is available to anyone and everyone in the world, but not all are willing to believe to receive. Even those who are lost and will eventually believe remain unsaved until they believe to receive by doing Romans 10:9


New member
I'll probably get blasted for this... but wouldn't you say that THE GOD that died for ALL MANKIND while WE were SINNERS is the most compassionate, merciful "Humanist" that has ever, or will ever LIVE?

Your use of the word "humanist" seems pretty "secular"... but did you notice that John 3:16 says...

For God so Loved THE WORLD?

Do you and Dis- [MENTION=15467]Truster[/MENTION] own the same Camel Strainer?


I got the Grammer Nazi Joke... but I can't let up on you for now... so... Fruit on ... ya Fruit!

Your lack of knowledge sure makes your theology bizarre.

The term used in John 3:16 applies only to those that believe.... i.e. all the believers in the world, it does not include non-believers. Christ died for those that his father gave him.

Even Strong's agrees with this.


New member
I was visited by your father on many occasions and had my trust (faith) brought into question. The delusion accusation was strong for a while until I answered that if what I was experiencing is a delusion, bring it on!

He did'nt bother trying that again until today. Bring it on!

You're faith is weak like your weak religion from your weak country. Even the Germans have stronger beer than you. I'm German by the way, well an Americanized German but that's close enough!
No doubt about it, we live in a wicked world. Maybe that is why Jesus said, "Few there be that find it" Matthew 7:14. Few there be that find it, because few there be that seek it.

Robert, you point out what, to me, have always been of the scariest verses in the Bible this side of Revelation, when looking at our times, the world and, especially, the churches, or so-called. Throw in, with the few, the concept of the strait and narrow way.

We have mega-churches, pandemic easy believism, that’s teaching the way is broad and many find it, let’s never even mention sin or hell, make repentance a four letter word, despite what the Lord Jesus said. Despite the “Lord, Lord” verses and the warnings to the church at Laodicea. Just touch the TV for Billy Graham if you need a “get out of hell free” card, then back to drinks all around at the bar, something Adrian Rogers so well referred to in that sermon link yesterday, the old “we’re all just sinners, saved by grace, hee, hee, hee” routine.

This is not in the Bible, is not even implied in the Bible. One can only come to certain conclusions by making the faith a pamphlet, lifting scripture out of the entire Bible context, but, if the faith were a pamphlet, God’s word would be a pamphlet. To hear modern, apostate theology tell it, the faith is like a card you agree to put in your wallet that says, “I believe in Jesus” to stay out of hell, just a little head faith, and you’re good to go. If that were the whole gospel, the gospel would be, “Say these magic words and put this card in your wallet. Now, go thou and sin some more!” It could be stuck on a business card. If that were the whole gospel, there would be no New Testament, alone, over 300 pages in your typical Bible. The whole truth is only being taught at a meager minority level of churches in our day, throw in the cults you do the math that sums up to what the Lord Jesus referred to of few that find it, that there would be fake religion in His name, and, what do you know, people, claiming Christ, without spiritual eyes and ears that refute and reject the truth, even reject truth with a Satanic anger and meanness, as if vampires splashed with holy water, while claiming Christ. Luke 6:39 And the Holy Spirit will lead into all truth, my Bible says, John 16:13. Which leaves us with only two possibilities: the Holy Spirit is failing, or many don’t have the Holy Spirit, this, of course, a rhetorical question.

What’s scary is the Bible refers to all this feeding into the maw of hell. And it’s rampant in the community that names Christ, the lack of repentance, this confession that’s like what the demons also confess, what is really behind it all, such that people reject much scripture truth they find inconvenient: they have no spiritual eyes to even understand the truth, and this is a pandemic situation. Just very scary!

Robert Pate

Well-known member
Your lack of knowledge sure makes your theology bizarre.

The term used in John 3:16 applies only to those that believe.... i.e. all the believers in the world, it does not include non-believers. Christ died for those that his father gave him.

Even Strong's agrees with this.

John 3:16 is an invitation to come to Christ, believe and be saved.

"But he that does the truth comes to the light (Jesus) that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God" John 3:21.

If you don't come to Christ as a repentant sinner, you will not be saved.


New member
You're faith is weak like your weak religion from your weak country. Even the Germans have stronger beer than you. I'm German by the way, well an Americanized German but that's close enough!

You are right that I am weak, but He is strong and it's in Him the Saviour of my soul in whom I trust. He who with the word of His mouth made and sustains all. He is my strength.

Thanks for reminding me. I am exceedingly and abundantly blessed.