Calvinism: You Must Already be Saved to Get Saved?

Robert Pate

Well-known member
No it doesn't.

Even if He created men with merely 'foreknowledge', He still created men to destruction at will.

You can't really escape predestination, that's the point of Reformed doctrine being called such- it's a reversal of centuries of heresy and men trying to be in control of everything. Who is God- Him or your 'free will'?

It is not possible to have saving faith in your God.


Active member
I have answered the question. You didn't like the answer.

Jesus is Lord over ALL THINGS even sin.

All you gave was one of your canned responses; a supposed "out" when posed with a question that requires defending your beliefs. Now I will ask you again why God would impute sins ( that shouldnt even exist if they were destroyed and forgiven) back to people if you claim that they will not be judged according to their sins? Can you handle that?

Robert Pate

Well-known member
All you gave was one of your canned responses; a supposed "out" when posed with a question that requires defending your beliefs. Now I will ask you again why God would impute sins ( that shouldnt even exist if they were destroyed and forgiven) back to people if you claim that they will not be judged according to their sins? Can you handle that?

I can handle it, but you can't.

God is a God of judgment. He sees ALL THINGS in his Son Jesus Christ for now. The whole world has been reconciled unto God by Jesus Christ, 2 Corinthians 5:19. This does not mean that you have escaped the judgment.

There is going to be a judgment when Christ returns. If you are NOT found to be "In Christ" your sins will be imputed to you and you will be condemned, Romans 4:7, 8.

Robert Pate

Well-known member
WHY? Robert, WHY? will sins be imputed, do you understand the question? WHY? Answer WHY? sins will be imputed!! Are you sure you can handle this Robert?

All of your questions will be answered in the judgment.

I hope that you are one of the blessed.

"Blessed is the man to whom the Lord will not impute sin" Romans 4:8.


I believe that he did. Predestination means that you were saved before the foundation of the world.

Yes, it's called the predestined elect.

They will know their fate by their measure of faith.
If they lose it for a time, they will come back to it if they are of the elect, and thus were saved from the beginning.

Likewise, if they never return, they were never saved to begin with.

Calvinism is the Gospel. Other theology, especially open theism, has utterly conflicted the sovereignty of God and made man his own force. They've thrown the perfect image of the Word under the bus for the sake of control.

Must've been predestined :thumb:

Hyper Calvinism is just the last inch toward the inevitable that others don't want to admit is there.
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Robert Pate

Well-known member
Yes, it's called the predestined elect.

They will know their fate by their measure of faith.
If they lose it for a time, they will come back to it if they are of the elect, and thus were saved from the beginning.

Likewise, if they never return, they were never saved to begin with.

Calvinism is the Gospel. Other theology, especially open theism, has utterly conflicted the sovereignty of God and made man his own force. They've thrown the perfect image of the Word under the bus for the sake of control.

Must've been predestined :thumb:

Hyper Calvinism is just the last inch toward the inevitable that others don't want to admit is there.

If Calvinism is the Gospel and people are saved by being predestinated then God is unjust.

Why didn't God predestinate everyone to be saved? Why just "some certain persons"?

Here is your real problem. It is not possible to have saving faith in a God that predestinates people to hell for no reason other than they were born after Adam.


Well-known member
If Calvinism is the Gospel and people are saved by being predestinated then God is unjust.

Why didn't God predestinate everyone to be saved? Why just "some certain persons"?

Here is your real problem. It is not possible to have saving faith in a God that predestinates people to hell for no reason other than they were born after Adam.

Blasphemy against God !


Well-known member
We are sinners because our first Father who we are related to sinned.

"Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon ALL MEN, for that all have sinned" Romans 5:12.

This merely SAYS HIS JUDGEMENT OF DEATH was passed on to us who were already sinners not his sin.

And if we were created in Adam's sin then GOD created sinful people. Period. What a way to get a Bride for your Son, eh, to make sure she was evil and judged to hell first? <headshake, facepalm>


Well-known member
To believe that God gives some life so that he can damn them to hell is not biblical and carries with it sever spiritual consequences.

To believe that God would do such a thing is to believe that God is an unjust tyrant.

BUT you too believe this in that you believe HE foreknew all things before creation which includes the creation of those going to hell BUT CREATED THEM ANYWAY which HE did not have to do so why do it!!!

Your opinion of GOD is just so low....sigh.


Well-known member
If Calvinism is the Gospel and people are saved by being predestinated then God is unjust.

Not if He elected those who bowed to HIS deity and put their faith in HIS promise of salvation while at the same time refusing to elect those who rejected HIS deity and HIS promise of salvation. Thus He elected those who wanted to marry HIM and left the others who did want to marry him but made themselves demons, to their fate.

Why didn't God predestinate everyone to be saved? Why just "some certain persons"?

Because some chose by their free will to reject HIM interfering with their choice to put their faith in him being a false god telling lies. As eternally evil by choice, they cannot come under HIS election promise of salvation by HIS Son.

Here is your real problem. It is not possible to have saving faith in a God that predestinates people to hell for no reason other than they were born after Adam.

This is YOUR problem RP, YOU believe in Adamic sin tainting our natures, you believe HE knowingly created those who would never be saved. And you share these problems with your dreaded enemies here on earth...weird eh?


If Calvinism is the Gospel and people are saved by being predestinated then God is unjust.

Why didn't God predestinate everyone to be saved? Why just "some certain persons"?

Here is your real problem. It is not possible to have saving faith in a God that predestinates people to hell for no reason other than they were born after Adam.

Those not of the elect serve the purposes which God wills- they are the example which we acknowledge as separate from what is good, serving as spectacles of wickedness. If you read the Bible, there's actually plenty on that- especially in relevance to the day of Judgement.

Robert Pate

Well-known member
Not if He elected those who bowed to HIS deity and put their faith in HIS promise of salvation while at the same time refusing to elect those who rejected HIS deity and HIS promise of salvation. Thus He elected those who wanted to marry HIM and left the others who did want to marry him but made themselves demons, to their fate.

Because some chose by their free will to reject HIM interfering with their choice to put their faith in him being a false god telling lies. As eternally evil by choice, they cannot come under HIS election promise of salvation by HIS Son.

This is YOUR problem RP, YOU believe in Adamic sin tainting our natures, you believe HE knowingly created those who would never be saved. And you share these problems with your dreaded enemies here on earth...weird eh?

Adamic sin did not just taint our nature, it caused the fall of the whole human race, Romans 5:12.

Does God know who will believe on his Son Jesus Christ?

I don't think that he does. To give life for the sole purpose of destroying it makes God unjust and unmerciful.

He provides salvation for everyone, Hebrews 2:9.