Calling all Open Theists for Feedback


Well-known member
Jesus was conceived and born of woman like any other human being.

He was born of woman and the first to be born of the Spirit.

Jesus is a joint-heir with us of the Father, his Father and our Father.

Jamie denies that Jesus is God with us....Emanuel. She doesn't believe that He created all things. Do you, Jamie?


Well-known member
Yes, a Son of the Most High.

The two of them comprise the holy Spirit manifest through humans.

We are the personification of the Spirit. Where we are, he is.

When you say "a Son of the Most High" you are saying that Jesus is a lesser God, when, in fact, He is God. John 1:1-3KJV John 1:14KJV


Well-known member
Oh and Lon, didn't them demons ask Jesus what he was doin?

Matthew 8:29
And, behold, they cried out, saying, What have we to do with thee, Jesus, thou Son of God? art thou come hither to torment us before the time?

Just wonderin', if Jesus is God, how was they able to do that?:think:

I think that meant that none had a right to ask Him....not that some idiot wouldn't ever do so or be kept from doing so. :)


Well-known member
Daniel 4:35
And all the inhabitants of the earth are reputed as nothing: and he doeth according to his will in the army of heaven, and among the inhabitants of the earth: and none can stay his hand, or say unto him, What doest thou?

Oh and Lon, didn't them demons ask Jesus what he was doin?

Matthew 8:29
And, behold, they cried out, saying, What have we to do with thee, Jesus, thou Son of God? art thou come hither to torment us before the time?

Just wonderin', if Jesus is God, how was they able to do that?:think:
Lest any think poorly of 1M1S, I believe he is yet working on his theology and seeking reverence. You are correct he is not triune, but he is not the other either in my estimation. He is a man seeking God, and I believe He will be found by Him. Jeremiah 29:13.

To address this a little further, the questions aren't identical, but as I said, when I thought about it some time ago, Job came to mind. They are subject to Him, rather than vise versa.

I know you handle heat in the kitchen just fine, but I've seen a lot of neat growth in you and wanted to encourage that. -Lon


Literal lunatic
Lest any think poorly of 1M1S, I believe he is yet working on his theology and seeking reverence. You are correct he is not triune, but he is not the other either in my estimation. He is a man seeking God, and I believe He will be found by Him. Jeremiah 29:13.

To address this a little further, the questions aren't identical, but as I said, when I thought about it some time ago, Job came to mind. They are subject to Him, rather than vise versa.

I know you handle heat in the kitchen just fine, but I've seen a lot of neat growth in you and wanted to encourage that. -Lon

I'm not real comfortable praying to Jesus.

I talk to Jesus and pray to God.

Right Divider

Body part
Only God knows if I was being arrogant or not. Maybe I was being spiritually discerning?
No, you clearly displayed your arrogance for all to see.

According to you, you cannot know one way the other, can you?
I cannot read EE's mind and neither can you.

But I can see YOU claiming to know what he was lying, without ANY such evidence.

So stop blindly interrupting the thread . . .
Sir, yes, sir.

Right Divider

Body part
Whichever version of Calvinism we are talking about, I see your point. On the other side, is anyone that has called upon the Name of the Lord and wondered why the world at large doesn't come to Him. Are they insane? Even some with an empathetic heart, who I would think would be first in line after hearing of Our Lord Jesus Christ's sacrifice. For me, I do believe Grace is Amazing, so stubborn, it struck Saul blind that he should see. -Lon
Lon, the problem seems to be the Calvinist view of God's sovereignty. God does not always enforce His sovereignty to the extent that human action is completely irrelevant. God did not make us puppets, He made us in His image. God calls us to make choices and I believe that they are real choices and not an illusion.

God, on His own accord, limits His own sovereignty. That is His prerogative.


New member
Jamie denies that Jesus is God with us....Emanuel. She doesn't believe that He created all things. Do you, Jamie?

Not true. My position is that humans are not God persons until they are born of the Father as God persons.

Jesus was the first of many.


New member
When you say "a Son of the Most High" you are saying that Jesus is a lesser God, when, in fact, He is God. John 1:1-3KJV John 1:14KJV

Jesus has been born of the Spirit as God, but there is only one Most High God.

There is only one American president, but he is not the only one in government.

The family of God is a government and the buck stops with the Father.

Nothing happens without his approval. Nothing.