California lawmakers seek to end 'personal belief' vaccine exemptions


New member
Hall of Fame
Again, those pesky facts.


At this rate I can only say he's totally disinterested with the facts.

"Keep your hands off my body!" seems to come to mind.

The Barbarian

As usual, ignorance is the enemy. A cynical plan to fleece insurance companies, buy purchasing faked "research" from a dishonest doctor has led to thousands of deaths of children the world over.

This is truly evil.


New member
While certainly vaccination isn't the only factor involved in the decline of measles, it is pretty evident that it is a big factor. As I see it, vaccinations are a method to effectively eradicate or reduce the prevalence of measles on a large scale in a large number of people, in a very short amount of time. They have been proven effective in fighting outbreaks and lowering incidence rates by a large margin, in more ways than one. Vaccines are a cheap method to effectively control the spread of the disease. Given the low-risk, low cost of the MMR vaccines and their general effectiveness in preventing a deadly disease it is idiotic not to get them. If only all preventative medicine were so easy.

I think there is something about the method of injection that people are inherently suspicious about, though it is ostensibly no different than oral medication except the method of entry.


New member
If the world gives me polio, then I get polio.

Unreasoned objection to simple and effective precautions. A luxury to have in an age where polio has been eradicated. Unfortunately this stupidity is quite literally contagious, and one person's irrationality leads to harm to others around them.

Case in point: Disneyland outbreak.


New member
Unreasoned objection to simple and effective precautions. A luxury to have in an age where polio has been eradicated. Unfortunately this stupidity is quite literally contagious, and one person's irrationality leads to harm to others around them.

Case in point: Disneyland outbreak.

It is not my job to keep you safe. If you want to be safe, stay home. The world is a dangerous place, son.


If the world gives me polio, then I get polio.

Unreasoned objection to simple and effective precautions. A luxury to have in an age where polio has been eradicated. Unfortunately this stupidity is quite literally contagious, and one person's irrationality leads to harm to others around them.

Case in point: Disneyland outbreak.

if life gives you polio, go to disneyland! :banana:


New member
Hall of Fame
No. That is like asking if I purposely contract polio and go into public. There is a difference between letting nature take its course, and purposely seeking out danger.

So what other high-risk behavior do you think is acceptable? Just trying to get a gauge on how reckless/crazy/foolhardy you actually are. If you're willing to risk getting polio I'd say all bets are off at that point.


I am. It nearly killed me. I'm allergic it the rubella vaccine and nearly died.

and so, you probably never developed the immunities to the disease and are vulnerable to it

just like sick kids on chemo

and nimrods like elo are willing to gamble with your life by not vaccinating their kids