CIA's METC Explosives
NOTICE: TO ALL CONCERNED Certain text files and messages contained on this site deal with activities and devices which would be in violation of various Federal, State, and local laws if actually carried out or constructed. The webmasters of this site do not advocate the breaking of any law. Our text files and message bases are for informational purposes only. We recommend that you contact your local law enforcement officials before undertaking any project based upon any information obtained from this or any other web site. We do not guarantee that any of the information contained on this system is correct, workable, or factual. We are not responsible for, nor do we assume any liability for, damages resulting from the use of any information on this site. The following material is used by permission. It comes from Fatal Rebirth Fatal Rebirth , a book on crimes of the intelligence community by H. Michael Sweeney. More about Fatal Rebirth and METC technology can be found at his Web site, The author flatly states that METC is real technology, and he personally believes they may have been used in both the 1993 WTC bombing and the Murrah building blasts. METC, according to Mr. Sweeney, is also likely the technolgoy used in 'The Mother of All Bombs' as used in Iraq during 'Shock and Awe' operations. Critical information has been withheld to prevent bomb duplication. Mention to Mr. Sweeney and he will send you a free sample of his Newsletter on Political Control Technology.
Two documents on lies of FBI regarding flight 800 and the truth of freindly fire (Open Letter and Sheep/Terrorist articles), and one document on CIA METC bomb technology and other CIA ties to the Oklahoma City bombing have apparantly drawn intense interest from the intelligence community. These were originally posted a matter of days ago. Within 72 hours of posting, a "retired" CIA agent/operative known to me from prior surveillance of myself which was undoubtedly related to my (then) post of 400 CIA fronts/200 CIA mind control fronts, began dogging me at my place of work. He did not know that I had earlier made him.
However, he must have gotten a clue when he lost me, only to discover me getting the license number of his (rented -- believed to have flown in from the Salt Lake City area) vehicle. The next day, a person believed to be "higher in the food chain" was there at work, and he spent some time and even egaged me in conversation (a retail environment). After an extended period, he left, just before my regular lunch time. I found him at my regular lunch spot, where he again spoke to me. Very nice fellow. Now, today, on my way to work I noticed a mini-van with illegal dark glass on all four sides escorting me part way to work. Impossible to see inside. As I go to lunch, my store's security team pulls me aside and warns me that the same vehicle stopped near my vehicle at the outer perimeter of the parking lot and four men dressed in identical dark suites spent some time inspecting my (wife's) car. This had taken place about an hour earlier. I walked to lunch and returned only to find the same vehicle tagging along an access road somewhat parallel to my path.
Undoubtedly, someone has taken exception to my Web site. It is either for this page, or my flight 800 page, which demonstrates FBI deleiberatly lied in a way that can ONLY mean a cover up is in place with respect to friendly fire shootdown of flight 800. Please copy these pages and mirror/distribute widely to prevent censorship of the truth -- just in case. As an aside, this is yet another chapter in intelligence communities attempts to silence the truth -- see When the FBI came. This time, the poor slobs didn't realize they did this under the watchfull eye of a security camera with a 24 hr. tape -- which was how I was tipped off in the first place. Incidentally, I am not depressed...
From Fatal Rebirth, Chapter Four. Copyright c 1996 All righs reserved. It starts with a copy of a technical report given by an investigative writer named Thorpe to former FBI agent Jim Meresco, who quit the agency over problems over FBI handling of the Oklahoma and World Trade Center cases -- himself believing them to be a cover up of what really happened. The story line is fiction, based on fact, with factual footnotes (provided by me and placed relatively close to the text-- not part of the METC documentation) to attest the point. All characters represented in the story line are based on real persons, many of whom contributed material or information to the work. The book frequently relies on insertion of entire reproductions or quoted portions of real factual documentation or other contributions, both in the main text and in the appendix section, which is as large as many novels, alone.
METC is absolutely real, manufactured at CIA facilities within a few hours drive of my home. Had, in fact, intelligence community locals not targeted me four years ago for having come into posession of a document I understood little about and originally presumed to be a fabrication, I would not have dug into matters to the extent required to gain final understanding of the terrible truths which lay behind it -- and resulting in Fatal Rebirth. Excerpt begins:
Project METC Summary Report
The chief difference in METC unit (Multiple Explosives Transitional Container) design over traditional explosive devices moves away from a densely packed explosive core towards a large volume of highly explosive but low-density mass in the form of a gaseous cloud. In the normal bomb all explosive energy comes from a tightly packed core and must drive outward against air pressure and objects it encounters. It rapidly bleeds off energy at the square of the distance as it accumulates a wall of pressure resistance and a mass of heavy debris, which it must continually regather and push along.
The new design starts as a small device but transforms itself through simple means from a dense-core technology to a much larger gaseous-cloud state. Igniting the explosive cloud at any peripheral or central point creates a chain-reaction-like and progressively growing explosive force. As the force of the explosion moves outward, it continues to ignite fresh explosive materials as encountered and gains momentum rather than loosing it. Further, because the gaseous cloud is efficiently mixed explosive materials combined with abundant free-air oxygen, ignition is far more complete and productive - leaving little or no chemical residue or traditional flash evidence (other than a burn signature, which any investigator would presume to be from ordinary fire)on immediately encountered objects. The net result is as if a significantly larger central core device had been detonated, with the complete and even combustion making difficult any aftermath analysis as to the true nature of the explosives used. Finally, the shape of the cloud and the ignition point within the cloud, if properly controlled, provides an extremely easy means to create shaped charge effects despite a relatively free-form original cloud shape.
Termed an electro-hydrodynamic gaseous fuel device (fn1), it produces a three-stage explosion through a process described as a highly focused, A-neutronic (fn2) energy transfer. The first detonation would be a small, low-volume explosion provided by just a few ounces of PETN explosive (fn3). This is placed within a relatively small central core shaft suspended from the top of the bomb container such that it is surrounded by a liquid compound of aqueous amonium nitrate. The core shaft containing the explosive is itself made up of a compressed and hardened compound of aluminum silicate and N2O4, which starts as a slurry prior to application of a high-pressure baking process. Except for the explosive charge protected from external forces within, these items are all safe from accidental detonation as relatively safe-to-handle materials.
The first explosion's sole function is something akin to shaking a warm soda bottle violently with only a thumb to cover the opening. The relatively small explosion providing three key effects: reduction of the inner core shaft to a microfine powder; mixture of the resulting powder and aqueous solution under violently induced pressure in order to cause complete chemical absorption; and force- opening the container to support erruption of contents into a gaseous state. The cylindrical bomb casing, which has precut scores or weak points to insure it ruptures in a sawtooth pattern about its middle, splits into two flowered halves which blossom outward from the pressure. The upper half shoots upward as if shot from a cannon, while the lower portion remains cannon-like and in place on its base.
Milliseconds later, a second explosion of a larger quantity of more powerful PDTN (fn4) material is set off at the bottom of the container. Timing is critical in milliseconds as too-long a delay would allow the flash of the explosion to prematurely ignite the gaseous cloud. This detonation must take place before the cloud has been adequately oxygenated and so expanded as to be reactant to the flash, but delayed to the optimum point for final blast effects.
The ideal detonator would likely be some form of barometric sensing device looking for the changes in pressure as the explosion's forced evacuation begins to drop back towards normal levels. Simple electronic timming devices could work adequately but would not allow optimum performance in field application, as the variables of bomb placement relative to large objects/structures and open/confined spaces can impact on timing needs in incalcuable ways.
This secondary explosive is housed within its own shaped charge container formed into the bottom of the lower bomb casing. The shape and higher force of the second blast forces the bottom of the casing to separate from its base and fly upward. In this action, it will burst open even wider into its own flower petal shape, providing additional turbulent mixing of the forming cloud with free air. The violent turbulence, in turn, causes portions of the cloud to become highly charged electrostatically as it continues to form a huge and turbulent mushroom immediately over ground zero. Explosive potential has now been reached, though optimal performance is dictated by cloud size, shape, and density -- which are again variables effected by the bomb's placement and surroundings.
The cloud is made up of a mixture of the Aqueous Ammonium Nitrate with the pulverized aluminum Silicate and N2O4 compound. Once mixed with each other and free-air oxygen under force of the first two detonations, the resulting cloud is extremely explosive in nature, electrostatically charged, decidedly cold, and awaiting only an opportunity to detonate. The shape of the cloud itself, due to the nature of the cannonade-like upward flight of the upper casing, and the blunter and delayed action of the lower casing, is somewhat tear shaped - though designs can be made to produce other shapes by nature of the original container's design. This can be a key factor in fixing the shape and focus of the blast effect.
In airburst explosions provided by conventional weapons, the blast effect is minimal due to a rapid bleed of energy in all directions as blast radius increases, with only those items beneath ground zero being subjected to blast exposure. Ground explosions, however, provide a means of deflecting otherwise wasted engergy into a more desired radial blast effect. In nuclear technology, the reverse is true. A ground blast wastes energy in vaporizing and throwing up of tremendous quantities of ground materials where an air blast expands to maximum heat and blast effect forces before comming into contact with ground objects -- forming a broader circle of maximum impact. An airburst shockwave travels in air, a light medium, whereas the ground burst starts with solid matter thrown up by the blast - a heavier medium. An angular shockwave in a light medium tends to reflect when striking a solid, immovable plane such as the earth. This reradiates the energy outward and back upward (fn5), further enhancing the shockwave effects against any encountered ground structures.
If the resulting METC unit cloud can be triggered from the top down, energy transfer drives the explosion downward and takes advantage of the tear-shape cloud. To repeat, as the force of the explosion moves outward from the ignition point, it continues to ignite fresh explosive materials as encountered and the blast gains momentum rather than loosing. By controlling the original ignition point, the blast effect can become highly focused and magnified. Yet, as an airblast, the outermost zone of actual blast damage is somewhat lessened, limiting collateral damage to a given, focused blast perimeter. This is because the focused energy deflects upward instead of radiating away from ground zero parallel to the ground. Only the secondary shock wave effects would have impact on surrounding or secondary structures or objects -- such as blowing out windows, a peculiar trademark of the device (fn5) which may dictate or limit applications should the nature of the device become public and covert application be required without revealing the type of explosives used. In the case of nuclear technology, the secondary shock wave damage is much more significant due to the massive scale of the original explosive force, and so, the effective radius of the bomb is increased dramatically. METC, unless constructed on a much larger scale, need not be so described.
Where traditional military explosives provide detonation velocities of 7,000-8,100 feet per second at the blast point. These bleed off at the square of the distance from the center of ground zero. The METC unit device, in ideal applications, is capable of much higher performance in the [REDACTED] range over a larger ground zero area equal to cloud diameter -- though destructive forces immediately beneath ground zero are noticably less than at the edge of the cloud and beyond (fn6). Final velocities can be concievably higher with optimal environmental placements, bomb design, and timming. These higher velocities provide several magnitudes greater damage potential as destructive capacity can be said to increase at the square of the force applied.
This weapon would be best applied to specific hard targets (fn7) where maximum localized damage was considered more important than broad-based damaged to broader concentrations of soft targets (fn8). Its unique nature defeats normal aftermath analysis and can therefore be applied in covert actions freely, though some effort to misdirect investigations may be required in order to insure that no undue attention is placed on the unique blast characteristics or the absence of traditional flash evidence and chemical residues.
The third and final explosion, which to an observer would be seen as a second explosion due to the mere milliseconds of delay between the first two, is timed to coincide with maximum effectiveness of the expanding cloud. The cloud's expansion rate falls off at the square of the distance from the explosion (fn9). For a devices relatively small in size, a proper cloud of suitable destructive capability could be achieved in a relatively few seconds initial expansion.
Anything within the targeted blast area, is pulverized by the highly focused nature of what would otherwise be viewed as a relatively small blast. The damage effect is not dissimilar to the visual of an explosion under water, where a violent and rapid expansion takes place and then collapses inward on itself. In this case, however, as are no great hydraulic pressures to contend with, the greatest destruction takes place within a focused perimeter, as a normalized shock wave continues on. The collapse and shock waves, relative to the size of the large-volume gaseous bomb - is a remarkably lesser pressure more in keeping with the size of the original compact device. |