Bruce Jenner is a pervert

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
His name is Bruce. He has Y chromosomes. He is a man. Start acting like one you disgusting sexual pervert.


New member
That acceptance speech he gave was so creepy, because his voice is still so clearly a man's voice. Had nature meant him to be a woman, he would not have succeeded so well as a man, and looked so much like one:


And look how big and manly his hands are, not fooling anyone::nono:



New member
Its Halloween every day for him now.

He can play dress up all he wants and get as many surgeries he wants... but he will always be a man.

Dan Emanuel

Active member
He is confused, clearly. In and of itself, its not a sin to be confused. And when you start from a place of confusion, its naturally going to lead to confusing choice's.

He need's Jesus, like we all do. Thats all. And we can't tell by his confusing choice's alone whether he already believe's in Jesus or not. We'd have to examine his word's in order to even guess at that.



Well-known member
I've seen it opined that he's not homosexual, and that he has denied it. Not buying it. A man tries to mimic what makes a woman sexually attractive to men (hair, dress, makeup) and insists he doesn't want sexual attention from homosexuals? Then what's the point? When Milton Berle did it, it was a gag. So what's Bruce's purpose if not sexual, since he's taking it very seriously and wants to be taken very seriously?

Dan Emanuel

Active member
What examples do we have of men being/endorsing sexual perversion in his ministry? That might help.
We don't see that at all. I don't and neither does our Lord, endorse any kind of sexual perversion. But the impetus to act in this particular way is not a normal trial for people. Most of us aren't tempted to cross-dress or to surgically change our sex, or to commit S.S.B. (same-sex sexual behavior), this trial only befall's some people. The spiritual/psychological source of these particular trials is unknown, so I call it confusion, since thats what it is on its face. They're is evidence that such confusion can be caused by S.S.B. in our youth though; perhap's Mr. Jenner had an unfortunately childhood?

But in no way is acting upon such temptation's objectively permissible or acceptable, morally. And its a test I wouldn't wish upon my worst enemy, and I am thankful that I don't suffer with it myself.


Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
We don't see that at all. I don't and neither does our Lord, endorse any kind of sexual perversion.

I seem to remember certain people asking why did Moses command them to divorce? Moses didn't, and he corrected their statements. Divorce, except for adultery, is sexual perversion. So there are in fact examples. And he rebuked them for it.

Dan Emanuel

Active member
I seem to remember certain people asking why did Moses command them to divorce? Moses didn't, and he corrected their statements. Divorce, except for adultery, is sexual perversion. So there are in fact examples. And he rebuked them for it.
I remember that too. When you asked:
What examples do we have of men being/endorsing sexual perversion in his ministry?
I thought you meant, "When did we see our Lord endorsing men for being sexual pervert's," or something like that.

My bad.



New member
I've always thought Bruce was vain and all of this has to do with calling attention to himself and getting paid.

After all, its what his kids and step-kids are making a living off of.


That acceptance speech he gave was so creepy, because his voice is still so clearly a man's voice. Had nature meant him to be a woman, he would not have succeeded so well as a man, and looked so much like one:


And look how big and manly his hands are, not fooling anyone::nono:


He was a good looking man, and now so ugly woman.

The Horn

The real prverts are bigots who hate gay and transgendered people . They are MORALLY perverted . Not to mention narrow-minded, intolerant and self-righteous jerks and busybodies .


New member
The real prverts are bigots who hate gay and transgendered people . They are MORALLY perverted . Not to mention narrow-minded, intolerant and self-righteous jerks and busybodies .
Maybe if this wasn't pushed in a media blitz all over magazines and news, etc., people wouldn't notice or feel repulsed? :think:?


New member
The real prverts are bigots who hate gay and transgendered people . They are MORALLY perverted . Not to mention narrow-minded, intolerant and self-righteous jerks and busybodies .

Gays aren't self mutilating themselves and are not hurting anyone but themselves... just like most of the rest of us.

Transgendered on the other hand is a bit of a gray area... where does the mental illness and physical meet? I would prefer that they receive mental help to be happy with the skin they are in before they are allowed to go the self mutilation route. But every case is unique.

Anyhow, we should treat each other as humans, regardless of preference.