British PM: Pedophiles Could Be Allowed To Adopt


[British Prime Minister: Pedophiles Could Be Allowed To Adopt World Truth.TV] "Newly appointed British Prime Minister Theresa May ordered a review on whether pedophiles should be allowed to adopt children in order to “not breach their human rights”.

Helen Reece, a reader in law at the London School of Economics, spurred the then Home Secretary to relax the rules which bans sex offenders from caring for children.

In an article in the respected Child and Family Law Quarterly, Miss Reece suggested that reoffending rates were not high among sex criminals, adding: “despite growing public concern over pedophilia, the numbers of child sex murders are very low.”

A review is currently ongoing into the Vetting and Barring Scheme, introduced following the 2002 Soham murders, amid concerns by ministers that it is too heavy handed.

As well as banning certain offenders, the law currently requires adults coming into regular contact with children other than their own to be screened.

Mrs May ordered the review amid concerns about the vetting of ordinary volunteers such as parents who drive children to football practice and church flower arrangers.

In her article, Miss Reece suggested that the review should also introduce an assumption that sex offenders including child abusers posed no threat once they had served their sentence..." Full text: British Prime Minister: Pedophiles Could Be Allowed To Adopt Ex 21:16, Is 5:20


Well-known member
[British Prime Minister: Pedophiles Could Be Allowed To Adopt World Truth.TV] "Newly appointed British Prime Minister Theresa May ordered a review on whether pedophiles should be allowed to adopt children in order to “not breach their human rights”.

Helen Reece, a reader in law at the London School of Economics, spurred the then Home Secretary to relax the rules which bans sex offenders from caring for children.

In an article in the respected Child and Family Law Quarterly, Miss Reece suggested that reoffending rates were not high among sex criminals, adding: “despite growing public concern over pedophilia, the numbers of child sex murders are very low.”

A review is currently ongoing into the Vetting and Barring Scheme, introduced following the 2002 Soham murders, amid concerns by ministers that it is too heavy handed.

As well as banning certain offenders, the law currently requires adults coming into regular contact with children other than their own to be screened.

Mrs May ordered the review amid concerns about the vetting of ordinary volunteers such as parents who drive children to football practice and church flower arrangers.

In her article, Miss Reece suggested that the review should also introduce an assumption that sex offenders including child abusers posed no threat once they had served their sentence..." Full text: British Prime Minister: Pedophiles Could Be Allowed To Adopt Ex 21:16, Is 5:20

Absolute bunkum.
You must search far and wide, then tacking our new PM to Helen Reece's ideas, to produce such bulldust.
It seems to be your role in life, digging up bulldust! :)
What a waste of time!

You could be extending your love to the world, that which you possess, but you attract towards this stuff!



Aleister Crowley’s Pedophiliac Revolution



ah, another person frightened by gay marriage and gay in general. How do you have the courage to walk down the street?

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
ah, another person frightened by gay marriage and gay in general............

LOL! Your post is pathetic and childish.

Just because I know that homosexuals engage in acts of perversion, dimwits think that means I am "afraid" of them. Hah!

And from a religious viewpoint, just because I know that homosexual acts are mortal sins, idiots think that means I am "afraid" of of homosexuals.

Go find the brain that you obviously left on some crackhouse floor, re-install it, then come back and say something intelligent.
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Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
When society accepts one sexual perversion, others will follow. Fifty years ago it would have been "insane" to think the perversion of gay marriage would be accepted. Now people have sunk low enough into the gutter that it is. Wait another 50 or 75 years, and this sick filth will also be the norm, along with other perverions.
If it takes that long.


New member

Read the source article. The telegraph article is about someone else requesting Theresa May change the rules back when she (May) was Home Secretary. May just ordered a review, which is a pretty standard thing to do, and doesn't suggest that she supports the change ultimately.