boycott the NFL


New member

A fire chief in Pennsylvania has apologized for calling Pittsburgh Steelers Coach Mike Tomlin a “no-good n—–” because Tomlin and the team chose not to take the field for the national anthem before their game Sunday in Chicago.

It's not about race they say. It's about the flag they say. :plain:
Why do you say it's about race?
What proof do you have?
How absolutely dense are you?


Well-known member
You can attempt to defend the flag and anthem without doing it like Trump. The divisiveness is the way in which he did it. Defense of it doesn't require profane names and calls to have people fired.

I agree he was unnecessarily profane. But at some point division is necessary to see who is actually on what side. The frustrating thing is the league's own hypocrisy. They will fine those who wear unsanctioned tributes to fallen policemen but are okay with masses of its own players violating stated rules as to protocol when the anthems are playing? And when they responded to Trump's incendiary tweet(s), the first bit was about recognizing the American rights and freedoms, but the rest was about the NFL itself. I would say that not everyone is protesting the same thing, either. Nor has the league made it clear what is being said when its players protest (on league time). Remember what was on Kaepernick's socks when this all started (wasn't that divisive?).


Well-known member
Flag worship, national pride, professional sport and I'm just scratching the surface.

Everything Daniel spoke was purposed in the eternal will. Daniel was intended to prosper in captivity and as a regenerate man he was as wise as a serpent and as timid as a dove. Chapter 9 onwards gives the reason for this prosperity.

I won't categorically say I am clear of those sins. I certainly don't think I am. I am Canadian by birth and Canadians do not have a lot of patriotism when it comes to emblems like that. But seeing the rich history AND the natural (as well as spiritual) blessings that have attended the United States' formation and history cannot be gainsaid. One can certainly honor and respect a nation and its leaders without idolizing it. But part of my hope for the country is apart from the people. At this point I see very little redeeming about the nation. But I don't see evidence that it is totally abandoned by the One who superintended its formation. That is my only hope for it. As for sports, I think you possibly have a slanted view. I know soccer ("football") has Europe in its grip as many sports do the US. But I don't see enjoying watching as idolatry. I don't follow the players (know very few) and am lucky if I know the standings. But I have always enjoyed sports. If it has been an idol for me, it is no more. Of that I am convinced. I could take it or leave it. But it is now being used as a vehicle for furthering something that I believe is insidious beyond what is seen on the surface. I can take a fatalistic view and say it is all predestined in order to wash my hands of any involvement, or I can address the issues in what forum I have - where it seems appropriate. There are cracks appearing in every arena of life here now and this is just one of them.

The Barbarian



New member
My comment has to do with the general direction of things as evidenced by what is happening in the NFL. What was supposed to be a protest over killings that were considered unjustified (cops killing black men) became a larger issue by dragging the whole country into something that should have gone away a long time ago. But it is kept alive by political opportunists who know they can maintain influence as long as there is a crisis. So a generation is being taught that America is evil at the same time the individual is replacing the country as an object of sovereign esteem. In days gone by, patriotic symbols provoked love of country because it was also recognized (as indicated in founding documents) that our very rights derive from our Creator. It wasn't an idolatrous love. For years, Presidents declared days of fasting and prayer and seeking repentance for the country - there was an honest recognition that liberty and safety came (ultimately) from God. The country was far from perfect, but her blessings were seen to derive from above. Once the Almighty is removed from the equation, the individual fills in the hole. The nation that forgets God (not merely the nation that sins) is turned into hell. Now the sins of her past are being used as an excuse to deny all the blessings of liberty because many do not want to acknowledge Who provided them. So the individual has to replace the sovereign nation. That is the spirit at work now.

Remember, even Daniel gave honor to the king that held him captive :

Then was king Belshazzar greatly troubled, and his countenance was changed in him, and his lords were astonied.
Now the queen by reason of the words of the king and his lords came into the banquet house: and the queen spake and said, O king, live for ever: let not thy thoughts trouble thee, nor let thy countenance be changed:

Daniel 5:9-10

Then said these men, We shall not find any occasion against this Daniel, except we find it against him concerning the law of his God.
Then these presidents and princes assembled together to the king, and said thus unto him, King Darius, live for ever.

Daniel 6:5-6

Then said Daniel unto the king, O king, live for ever.
Daniel 6:21

Daniel did exactly what others did in honoring the king. And there is nowhere where I see him being rebuked for idolatry. And he could have been if scripture is read a certain way :

See now that I, even I, am he, and there is no god with me: I kill, and I make alive; I wound, and I heal: neither is there any that can deliver out of my hand.
For I lift up my hand to heaven, and say, I live for ever.

Deuteronomy 32:39-40

Idolatry is in the heart. Those that bless God for all that He has bestowed on them are not being idolatrous when they honor the flag, the country, the President.

Type American flag idolatry into Google.


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
It's not about race they say. It's about the flag they say. :plain:
The National Anthem and the Flag are connected, and always have been at sporting events (both pros and schools).
It was that time of the event when we were reminded that we were all united as a single unit - America, and that the division of the opposing teams on the field were just for a game of entertainment, and not to divide America.
And then some jerk has to come along and screw up that wonderful moment of unity and misuse it to divide America.

I thought it was distasteful the first time it was done, and the person that did it was a real jerk to do so to showboat his political views.
Does he have a right to be a rude showboater?
And I have the right to stand up and boo him as loud as possible.

Award shows for entertainment have already been ruined by actors showboating their political views.

Leave football alone.

There is a time and place for everything.
At a football game during the National Anthem was neither the time nor the place.

If ya really do care about America, then stop ruining everything most Americans like.

The Barbarian

NEW YORK (Reuters) - A majority of Americans disagree with President Donald Trump’s assertion that football players should be fired for kneeling during the national anthem, even though most say they would personally stand during the song, according to an exclusive Reuters/Ipsos opinion poll released on Tuesday.

The Sept. 25-26 poll found that 57 percent of adults do not think the National Football League should fire players who kneel. This included 61 percent of NFL fans who watch at least a few games per season.

A majority of republicans agreed with Trump, though, emphasizing the continuing split between republicans and America.


New member
Was Daniel a sinner?

In even asking the question it made me wonder if you have ever read the Bible, because the question was one of ignorance and set to put contradictions where there are none.
In the covenant with Noah it was stated that "whoso sheddeth man's blood, by man shall his blood be shed: for in the image of Elohim made He man".

Yet in the taking of Jericho, " And they utterly destroyed all that was in the city, both man and woman, young and old, and ox and sheep and *** with the edge of the sword". Joshua 6:21 KJV

The Eternal Almighty does not answer to man and neither did His prophets, because He was in them. You really need to understand Sovereignty in its fulness, but that comes via the experience of regeneration and not denominational religion.


I suppose only in America would I be considered an uncaring racist because I want to watch the NFL. You could just watch for the bright lights shining in the darkness, like Pittsburgh's Villaneuva, that good Catholic, who knew what the rest of his team was going to do, and in his actions said, "Censored, I'm going out there." My hat's off to him.


New member
Hall of Fame
I suppose only in America would I be considered an uncaring racist because I want to watch the NFL. You could just watch for the bright lights shining in the darkness, like Pittsburgh's Villaneuva, that good Catholic, who knew what the rest of his team was going to do, and in his actions said, "Censored, I'm going out there." My hat's off to him.

Except that's not really what happened, based on what I heard.


New member
Hall of Fame
I agree he was unnecessarily profane. But at some point division is necessary to see who is actually on what side.
You don't need what Trump did to see who is on what side. And the sides don't have to be riled up like Trump did. Trump loves conflict and he is pushing it here.

The frustrating thing is the league's own hypocrisy. They will fine those who wear unsanctioned tributes to fallen policemen but are okay with masses of its own players violating stated rules as to protocol when the anthems are playing?
The NFL doesn't have a rule about the anthems. I assume that's why Trump tweeted that the only thing the league can do is make one.

And when they responded to Trump's incendiary tweet(s), the first bit was about recognizing the American rights and freedoms, but the rest was about the NFL itself. I would say that not everyone is protesting the same thing, either.
This past weekend they were protesting Trump, if you want to call it a protest of anything. It was in response to Trump's message during the Alabama rally. Prior to that I think the protesters were pretty unified in what they were doing.

Nor has the league made it clear what is being said when its players protest (on league time).
Why would they speak about it? The players talk about it themselves.

Remember what was on Kaepernick's socks when this all started (wasn't that divisive?).
Yes it was. He should never have done that and I hope he's sorry for it.


New member
Hall of Fame
The National Anthem and the Flag are connected, and always have been at sporting events (both pros and schools).
It was that time of the event when we were reminded that we were all united as a single unit - America, and that the division of the opposing teams on the field were just for a game of entertainment, and not to divide America.
And then some jerk has to come along and screw up that wonderful moment of unity and misuse it to divide America.

I thought it was distasteful the first time it was done, and the person that did it was a real jerk to do so to showboat his political views.
Does he have a right to be a rude showboater?
And I have the right to stand up and boo him as loud as possible.
Someone kneeling during an anthem is a showboater? :freak: What do you call people who march and make signs?

Award shows for entertainment have already been ruined by actors showboating their political views.

Leave football alone.

There is a time and place for everything.
At a football game during the National Anthem was neither the time nor the place.
I partially agree about the awards shows but I also believe that most of the opposition to that is rooted in a disagreement about the message. If there were actors speaking about ending abortion and that climate change being a hoax then you may not enjoy it but I imagine you wouldn't consider the show to be ruined. And the people who like that actors make statements do so because they like the message.

It's really the same way in sports. Those who say athletes should stick to sports are doing so when they don't like the message.

If ya really do care about America, then stop ruining everything most Americans like.
NFL games are not being ruined. It's a tiny part of the game and sometimes it isn't even televised so the only people seeing it would be attendees. It's so easy to ignore. At least with the awards shows it's more intrusive.


New member
Hall of Fame
"That" what?

He didn't say 'screw it' and go out without his team. He talked about it after the fact and said that he had talked to Ben about what he was going to do and then apologized because he didn't intend for it to be seen as him separating himself from the team. I guess you could say that he was pressured/guilted into an apology but I'm going off what he said.


The NFL doesn't have a rule about the anthems. I assume that's why Trump tweeted that the only thing the league can do is make one.
The team does have to be out on the field, not back in the locker room, or so I hear.
It was in response to Trump's message during the Alabama rally.
It certainly was.
Prior to that I think the protesters were pretty unified in what they were doing.
There were 14 protesters before this weekend. Then there were 300.