No, that's not really what he said.
Of course not. Otherwise I would have quoted him.
And it wasn't a complaint.
It was close enough. It was a complaint, if made by a morally advanced man, but it was made by a moral juvenile instead. They're talking about the same thing though, which is that some people lose their moral minds, when they're around "stars."
Here's what he actually said, word for word, about how HE reacts to others he feels attracted to.
Trump: Yeah, that’s her. With the gold. I better use some Tic Tacs just in case I start kissing her. You know, I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything.
Bush: Whatever you want.
Trump: Grab ’em by the [redacted]. You can do anything.
Right. You see how there's nothing there about assault or rape, thank you for reminding us of what he never said or implied. He said that these people lose their moral minds when they're around "stars," that's it right there. "You can do anything," and, "They let you do it."
That's a lot of things, but it isn't a complaint.
Well it's not pleasant, that's for sure. Neither the phenomenon he's talking about, nor his response to it, which is clearly coming from someone with weak morals on the mark. He reminds me of an immature horny teenager, how he brags about what people let him do to them, just because they're around a "star."
It's about how he takes advantage of power.
Oh. So do you think there's any moral fault with the people he's talking about, who behave differently when they're around "stars?" Is all the responsibility on him, and him alone? Isn't he saying, that if he weren't a "star," that none of this would be happening to him?
Note that I agree, that just because the opportunities are presented to "stars," doesn't nullify their responsibility to choose the right and moral and good thing, instead of the alternative; I'm only clarifying that what he's talking about is a tango. He's given opportunities for immoral behavior, and he's taking them, and he should be leaving them, but they also shouldn't be given to him in the first place.
And it's consistent with some of the other accounts by women who were in subordinate roles about his inappropriate and sometimes aggressively sexual advances.
Produce three (in keeping with your word "some"), because I'm unfamiliar with any such cases.
And President Trump is far from sexist or chauvinist or misogynist. He's dedicated to excellence, and he does not care what sex, gender ID, sexual orientation, race, religion, political affiliation or philosophy, or anything else that form peoples' identities, so long as these things at worst do not hinder excellence on the part of their performance and results. He's hired top performing women for decades, decades before he ever thought of running for POTUS, so it wasn't for PR or his public image, but belied a value of bona fide equality that he holds.